of Citrus''. Walter Reuther, Herbert J. Webber, Leon D. Batchelor (Hrsg.): ''History, world distribution, botany and varieties'' (TheCitrusIndustry; Bd
Horticultural Varieties of Citrus. Webber, Herbert John; rev Walter Reuther and Harry W. Lawton (编). TheCitrusIndustry. Riverside, California: University
embryos". In: Reuther, W. Webber, H. J., Batchelor, L. D. (eds) TheCitrusIndustry, vol. II: 290-324 University of California Press, Berkeley,California
他的大部分研究發表在全套五冊的《柑橘產業(英语:TheCitrusIndustry)》之中,這套書泰半內容有他撰寫。 The grain smuts: how they are caused and how to prevent them. 1898. Diœcism of the fig in its bearing