尼尔·史密斯 (地理学家)
尼尔·罗伯特·史密斯(英语:Neil Robert Smith,1954年6月18日—2012年9月29日)是一位苏格兰地理学家。他曾任纽约市立大学研究生中心人类学和地理学特聘教授,并多次获奖,包括美国地理学家协会环球图书奖。[1]
史密斯于1954年出生于苏格兰利斯。他是一名教师的四个孩子之一,童年的大部分时间都在爱丁堡东南部的达尔基斯度过。[2]他曾就读King's Park小学和Dalkeith高中。
史密斯曾在纽约居住,后来在纽约和加拿大多伦多两地往返,在加拿大和他的妻子黛布·考恩(Deb Cowen)拥有一套房子。2008-2012年,他在家乡苏格兰的阿伯丁大学担任六世纪地理和社会理论的20%教授(即20%时间为其工作)。
史密斯在他的开创性文章《迈向绅士化理论:资本而非人民的回归城市运动》(Toward a Theory of Gentrification: A Back to the City Movement by Capital, not People, 1979)中提出了内城绅士化理论,认为绅士化是城市土地价格和土地投机推动的经济过程,而非源于人们在文化上喜欢住在城市。
史密斯好奇,为何对空间和地点的批判性研究迟迟才进入地理学,这促使他研究了20世纪早期的地理学家艾赛亚·鲍曼,并撰写了著作《美帝国:罗斯福的地理学家和全球化的序幕》(2003),追溯美国在对地理的无知中崛起为全球大国的历史。该书获得了联邦政府历史学会的亨利·亚当斯奖等多个奖项。[1]史密斯对美国主导的资本主义新自由主义的批判在《全球化的终结》(The Endgame of Globalization,2005)中得到进一步发展。[7][8]
- 洛杉矶时报图书奖,传记,2004
- 亨利·亚当斯图书奖,联邦政府历史学家协会,2004
- 全球地理公众理解奖,美国地理学家协会,2004
- 美国地理学家协会杰出奖荣誉,2000
- 约翰·西蒙·古根海姆奖,1995–1996
- 罗格斯大学董事会研究奖学金奖,1988–89
- 苏格兰地理奖章,苏格兰皇家地理学会,1977
- 宾夕法尼亚大学罗伯特·林肯·麦克尼尔学者,1974-75
史密斯于2012年9月29日死于肝肾衰竭。他在去世前几年被诊断出患有肝病,但2011年再次开始饮酒。[8]他去世时,他的三个兄弟姐妹,他的妻子兼地理学家黛博拉·考恩(Deborah Cowen)、他的前妻兼地理学家辛迪·卡茨(Cindi Katz)[9][7]和他的女儿伊莎贝拉·德里索(Isabella DeRiso)都还在世。
位于爱丁堡的乐队New Urban Frontier的名字取自史密斯的著作《新城市前沿:士绅化与恢复土地运动者之城》(The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City)的书名。其2015年的专辑Game of Capital也是为了纪念史密斯。[10]
- 2009. Democracy, States, and the Struggle for Global Justice. Routledge (edited with Heather Gautney, Omar Dahbour and Ashley Dawson).
- 2006 The Politics of Public Space (with Setha Low). Routledge.
- 2006 La Produccion de la Naturaleza; La Produccion del Espacio. Mexico City: Sistema Universidad Abierta, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2006
- 2005 The Endgame of Globalization. Routledge.
- 2005 Capital Financiero, Propiedad Inmobiliaria y Cultura. MACBA & Publicacions de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona (with David Harvey)
- 2003 American Empire: Roosevelt's Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization. University of California Press (winner, Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Biography).
- 2000 Globalización: Transformaciones urbanas, precarización social y discriminación de género (with Cindi Katz). Nueva Grafica, S.A.L. La Cuesta, La Laguna.
- 1996 The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City. Routledge.
- 2018 《新城市前沿:士绅化与恢复土地运动者之城》,译林出版社
- 1994 Geography and Empire: Critical Studies in the History of Geography (edited with Anne Godlewska). Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
- 1986 Gentrification of the City (edited with Peter Williams). George Allen and Unwin, London.
- 1984 Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space,存档于互联网档案馆(存档日期 3 February 2013). Basil Blackwell. 2nd ed. 1990, 3rd Ed. University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA, 2008; London: Verso, 2010. (Translated and published as Desenvolvimento Desigual, Editora Bertrand Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 1988)
- 2021《不平衡发展:自然、资本和空间的生产》,商务印书馆
- 1977. Geography, Social Welfare and Underdevelopment. University of St. Andrews (edited with Malcolm Forbes and Michael Kershaw).
- 2011 “Ten Years After,” Geographical Journal 177,
- 2011 “Uneven Development Redux,” New Political Economy 16: 261–265.
- 2010 “’Martial Law in the Streets of Toronto’: G20, Security and State Violence,” Human Geography 3.3:29–46,
- 2010 “The Revolutionary Imperative,” Antipode 41: 50–65.
- 2009 “After Geopolitics? From the Geopolitical Social to Geoeconomics,” Antipode 40: 2–48 (with Deborah Cowen)
- 2008 “The Shock Doctrine: a discussion,” Society and Space 26:582–595 (with Naomi Klein)
- 2008 "Review Essay: David Harvey: A Critical Reader,” Progress in Human Geography, 32,1:147–155.
- 2007 “Gentrification, Displacement, and Tourism in Santa Cruz de Tenerife,” Urban Geography, 28, 2007, 276–298 (with Luz Marina García Herrera and Miguel Angel Mejías Vera)
- 2007 “Another Revolution is Possible: Foucault, ethics and politics,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 25:191–193
- 2006 “Nature as Accumulation Strategy”, Socialist Register, 16–36
- 2006 “The Endgame of Globalization”, Political Geography, 25,1:1–14.
- 2003 “Global Executioner”, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 105,1: 55–69.
- 2003 “Neo-Critical Geography, Or, The Flat Pluralist World of Business Class”, Antipode, 37, 5: 887–899.
- 2003 “After Iraq: Vulnerable imperial stasis”, Radical Philosophy, 127, September/October: 2–7.
- 2003 “After the American Lebensraum: ‘Empire’, Empire, and Globalization”, Interventions, 5:2:249-270.
- 2003 "Geographies of Substance" in Envisioning Human Geography, Paul Cloke, Philip Crang, and Mark Goodwin, eds.
- 2003 "Gentrification Generalized: From Local Anomaly to Urban 'Regeneration' as Global Urban Strategy" in Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy, M. Fisher and G. Downey, eds.
- 2003 "Generalizing Gentrification" in Retours en ville, Catherine Bidou, Daniel Hiernaux, and Helene Riviere D'Arc, eds. Paris: Descartes & Cie. January.
- 2002 "Scale Bending" in Rethinking Scale, E. Sheppard and R. McMaster, eds.
- 2002 "Remaking Scale: Competition and Cooperation in Prenational and Postnational Europe" in State/Spaces.
- 2002 "Scales of Terror: The Manufacturing of Nationalism and the War for U.S. Globalism", pp. 97–108 in After the World Trade Center, Sharon Zukin and Michael Sorkin, eds. New York: Routledge.
- 2002 "New Globalism, New Urbanism: Gentrification as Global Urban Strategy", Antipode 34 (3): 434–57. Reprinted in "Neo-Liberal Urbanism", Neil Brenner and Nik Theodore, eds., Malden, MA: Basil Blackwell.
- 2002 "Ashes and Aftermath", Studies in Political Economy 67. Spring, pp. 7–12.
- 2002 "Ashes and Aftermath", Philosophy & Geography 5 (1): 9–12.
- 2002 "Kontinuum New York", pp. 72–86 in Die Stadt Als Event, Regina Bittner, ed. Dessau, Bauhaus.
- 1979 "Toward a Theory of Gentrification A Back to the City Movement by Capital, not People". Journal of the American Planning Association 45 (4): 538–48. doi:10.1080/01944367908977002
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