扁雕蜗牛亚科(学名:Helminthoglyptinae[3]是一个会呼吸空气的陆栖英语land snail肺螺类腹足纲软体动物,在2005年《布歇特和洛克罗伊的腹足类分类》原为弯尿道类非正式群组之下的扁雕蜗牛科(学名:Helminthoglyptidae[4],在2017年的《布歇特等人的腹足类分类》被降格成为柄眼目旋蜗牛亚目旋蜗牛下目古巴蜗牛科的一个亚科[2][3]

Quick Facts 扁雕蜗牛亚科, 科学分类 ...
Sonorella allynsmithi英语Sonorella allynsmithi
Three views of a 螺壳 of Helminthoglypta tudiculata英语Helminthoglypta tudiculata taken from W. G. Binney英语William G. Binney, 1878[1]
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 软体动物门 Mollusca
纲: 腹足纲 Gastropoda
目: 柄眼目 Stylommatophora
下目: 旋蜗牛下目 Helicoidei
总科: 旋蜗牛总科 Helicoidea
科: 古巴蜗牛科 Xanthonychidae
亚科: 扁雕蜗牛亚科 Helminthoglyptinae
Pilsbry英语Henry Augustus Pilsbry, 1939

Helminthoglyptidae Pilsbry, 1939



这些物种的螺壳体型一般属中型至大型,壳口无壳齿,但usually with a reflected apertural lip.


In the species in this family, the diverticulum英语diverticulum may be present or absent. 作为柄眼目成员,本亚科物在交配时亦有使用恋矢:这些物种只有一个发射器(dart apparatus),连接往一个矢囊(dart sac)及两个黏液腺体(mucus glands)。

本亚科物种的染色体倍性为26至30 (according to the values in this table).[5]



The basic nomenclature and taxonomy of this large and complex subfamily of land snails has been the subject of many modifications, and the list of genera given here is applicable only when the subfamily is broadly interpreted. Many of these snail genera have been placed by various authors in more restrictively defined families, such as: Cepolidae英语Cepolidae (gastropods), Epiphragmophoridae英语Epiphragmophoridae, Humboldtianidae英语Humboldtianidae, Monadeniidae英语Monadeniidae, and Xanthonychidae.[6][7][8][9]

Tribes in the subfamily Helminthoglyptinae include (according to the 布歇特和洛克罗伊的腹足类分类 (2005年)):

  • tribe Helminthoglyptini Pilsbry, 1939
    • subtribe Helminthoglyptina Pilsbry, 1939: the mucus glands lie adjacent to the vagina or to the sheath of the dart apparatus; the ducts of the glands are provided with bulbous reservoirs.[来源请求]
    • subtribe Micrariontina Schileyko, 1991: the mucus glands lie adjacent to the dart sac; in part the dart apparatus is missing.
  • tribe Sonorelicini Roth, 1996

Subfamily Sonorellinae Pilsbry, 1939: the diverticulum and the dart apparatus are absent.

根据ITIS,原扁雕蜗牛科包括下列16个属[10][11][12]WoRMS再加上GreggelixMicrarionta这两个属,然后再把整个亚科分为两个族[13]。这两个族对应原来在Bouchet (2005)的两个亚科。综合上述各文献如下:

  • Helminthoglyptini Pilsbry, 1939
    • Cahuillus B. Roth, 1996
    • Chamaearionta S.S. Berry, 1930
    • Eremarionta Pilsbry, 1913
    • Eremariontoides W.B. Miller, 1981
    • Greggelix W.B. Miller, 1972[13]
    • 扁雕蜗牛属英语Helminthoglypta Helminthoglypta英语Helminthoglypta Ancey, 1887 - type genus of the family Helminthoglyptidae and subtribe Helminthoglyptina[4]
    • Herpeteros Berry, 1947
    • Micrarionta英语Micrarionta Ancey, 1880 - type genus of the subtribe Micrariontina[4]
    • Martirelix W.B. Miller, 1982[13]
    • Noyo Roth, 1996
    • Plesarionta Pilsbry, 1939
    • Rothelix Miller, 1985
    • Sonorelix Berry, 1943 - was listed as type genus of the tribe Sonorelicini[4]
    • Xerarionta英语Xerarionta Pilsbry, 1913
  • Sonorellini Pilsbry, 1939
    • Maricopella Roth, 1996
    • Mohavelix Berry, 1943
    • Myotophallus Pilsbry, 1939
    • Sonorella Pilsbry, 1900 - was listed as type genus of the subfamily Sonorellinae[4] (now Sonorellini)




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