愛爾蘭島跨國界旗幟 幾個代表全愛爾蘭的體育組織使用愛爾蘭四省旗,包括愛爾蘭曲棍球隊(英语:Ireland men's national field hockey team )、愛爾蘭橄欖球聯盟(英语:Ireland rugby league team )、愛爾蘭國家橄欖球隊和愛爾蘭業餘拳擊協會(英语:Irish Amateur
爱尔兰四省旗Ireland men's national field hockey team )及愛爾蘭業餘拳擊協會(英语:Irish Amateur Boxing Association)。 愛爾蘭橄欖球隊隊旗 愛爾蘭曲棍球隊隊旗 Heraldry in Ireland , The National Library
阿爾斯特旗Ireland )的運動隊旗幟使用,如愛爾蘭男子草地曲棍球代表隊(英语:Ireland men's national field hockey team )的旗幟。 愛爾蘭四省旗 愛爾蘭橄欖球隊旗 愛爾蘭曲棍球隊旗 Does Northern Ireland need Red Hand
2012年夏季奥林匹克运动会开幕式入场旗手 Staff. Luciana Aymar, known as the 'Maradona' of female field hockey , will be Argentina's flag bearer at the London 2012 Olympic Games, to begin on
体育运动历史compared to 28 men’s sports in 175 events. Several national women's professional sports leagues have been founded and are in competition, and women’s international