龍介蟲科(學名: Serpulidae)是多毛綱下的一管狀環節動物。它們與纓鰓蟲科不同的是它們擁有像的特別輻棘,可以用來保護管口。它們是分泌碳酸鈣的管腔。現時已知約有300個物種,除了一種外,其餘都是生活在海水環境[2]。本科物種最早出現於中三疊世[1]

Quick Facts 科學分類, 屬 ...
Spirobranchus giganteus is a species of tubeworm belonging to the Serpulidae family. Note the yellowish cartilaginous operculum extending from the branchial stalk.
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 環節動物門 Annelida
綱: 多毛綱 Polychaeta
目: 纓鰓蟲目 Sabellida
科: 龍介蟲科 Serpulidae
Johnston, 1865



龍介類和Sabellid的大多數物種的血液含有一種能與氧氣結合的色素血綠素(chlorocruorin)。這種血綠素負責為身體組織攜帶氧氣。 這種血綠素與一氧化碳結合的親和力,是人血內的血紅素的570倍[3]



Pecten sp. with serpulid worm encrusters; Duck Harbor Beach on Cape Cod Bay, Wellfleet, Massachusetts.


  • Amplaria Knight-Jones, 1973
  • Anomalorbis Vine, 1972
  • Apomatus Philippi, 1844
  • Bushiella Knight-Jones, 1973
  • Capeospira Pillai, 1970
  • Chitinopoma Levinsen, 1884
  • Circeis Saint-Joseph, 1894
  • Crucigera Benedict, 1887
  • 右旋蟲屬Dexiospira Caullery and Mesnil, 1897
  • Dextralia Knight-Jones, 1973
  • Ditrupa Berkeley, 1835
  • Eulaeospira Pillai, 1970
  • Ficopomatus Sauthern, 1921
  • Filograna Berkeley, 1835[6]
  • Filogranella Ben-Eliahu and Dafni, 1979
  • Filogranula Langerhans, 1884
  • Galeolaria Lamarck, J.B. de (1818)
  • Hyalopotamus Marenzeller, 1878
  • Janua Saint-Joseph, 1894
  • Josephella Caullery and Mesnil, 1896
  • Leodora Saint-Joseph, 1894
  • Metavermilia Bush, 1904
  • Neodexiospira Pillai, 1970
  • Neovermila Day, 1961
  • Nidificaria
  • Paradexiospira Caullery and Mesnil, 1897
  • Paralaeospira Caullery and Mesnil, 1897
  • Pileolaria Claparede, 1870
  • Placostegus Philippi, 1844
  • Pomatoceros Philippi, 1844
  • Pomatoleios Pixell, 1912
  • Pomatostegus Schmarda, 1861
  • Protolaeospira Pixell, 1912
  • Protula Risso, 1826
  • Pseudochitinopoma Zibrowius, 1969
  • Pseudovermilia Bush, 1907
  • Salmacina Claparede, 1870
  • Semivermila Imajima, 1978
  • 龍介蟲屬Serpula Linnaeus, 1767模式屬
  • Simplicaria Knight-Jones, 1973
  • 旋鰓蟲屬Spirobranchus Blainville, 1818
  • 螺旋蟲屬Spirorbis Daudin, 1800
  • Turbocavus Prentiss et al., 2014[7]
  • Vermiliopsis Saint-Joseph, 1894
  • Vinearia


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