狄奧多·愛德華·康托爾(丹麥語:Theodore Edward Cantor,1809年—1860年)是一名丹麥醫生、動物學家和植物學家[1]。他出生於一個丹麥猶太家庭[2],母親是納塔尼爾·瓦利希的妹妹。康托爾曾為英國東印度公司工作,並在檳榔嶼和馬六甲收集自然史資料[3]。
Natural history publications arising from Theodore Cantor’s visit to Chusan, China, in 1840, Archives of Natural History 43.1 (2016): 30–40 Edinburgh University Press, I. M. TURNER, page 36
Balfour, E. The Cyclopædia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia: Commercial, Industrial and Scientific, Products of the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms, Useful Arts and Manufactures. B. Quartitch. 1885: 758 [10 June 2019]. The real fighting fish appears to be a variety produced by artificial means, like the varieties of the golden carp of China, and Dr. Cantor named it Macropodus pugnax. When the fish is in estate of quiet, with the fins at rest, its dull colours ...
San Francisco Aquarium Society. Aquarium Journal. San Francisco Aquarium Society. 1954: 30 [10 June 2019] (拉丁語). In his book, Malayan Fishes, Cantor describes and illustrates the imported Siamese fighting fishes he had seen in ... Anyway, he named a new species, called Macropodus pugnax Cantor, based on his Penang specimens, and said the ...
Raffles Museum and Library; National Museum (Singapore). Bulletin of the Raffles Museum. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum. 1956: 183 [10 June 2019]. His descriptions constitute not only the first published records of Malayan fresh-water fishes but also include a new species, Macropodus pugnax Cantor. Cantor's collections, which consist partly of skins and partly of spirit specimens, were ...
Freshwater and Marine Aquarium. R/C Modeler Corporation. 2003: 50 [10 June 2019]. The fighting Betta appeared as early as Cantor's 1 849 Catalog of Malayan Fishes where it was recognized (with illustrations) as different but a variant from the Macropodus pugnax with which it was grouped.