棘冠螺 (學名:Angaria delphinus ),又名海豚強齒螺 [ 2] 或海豚螺 [ 3] ,是一個海螺 的物種 ,屬於棘冠螺科 棘冠螺屬 的海洋 腹足綱 軟體動物 [ 1] 。
Quick Facts 棘冠螺, 科學分類 ...
Five views of a shell of Angaria delphinus
動物界 Animalia
軟體動物門 Mollusca
腹足綱 Gastropoda
鐘螺目 Trochida
鐘螺總科 Trochoidea
棘冠螺科 Angariidae
棘冠螺屬 Angaria
棘冠螺 A. delphinus
Angaria delphinus
異名 [ 1]
Angaria delphinus f. martinii (A. Adams, 1854)
Angaria laciniata (Lamarck, 1816)
Angarina delphinus
Angarina delphinus f. incisa (Reeve, 1843)
Delphinula atrata Reeve, 1843
Delphinula coronata A. Adams, 1850
Delphinula delphinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Delphinula euracantha A. Adams, 1850
Delphinula incisa Reeve, 1842
Delphinula laciniata Lamarck, 1816
Delphinula martinii A. Adams, 1854
Turbo delphinus Linnaeus, 1758 (basionym )
Turbo distortus Linnaeus, 1758
Shell of Angaria delphinus form atrata with operculum taken by gill net in 5 to 10 fathoms off Minabe , in Japan .
Apical view of another color form of Angaria delphinus showing variability of the species.
本物種螺殼的外型隨其棲息地環境而有所不同,這在生物學有一個特別的名詞去形容:生態型 (ecomorph)[ 4] 。
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McKay, B. D.; Zink, R. M. Sisyphean evolution in Darwin's finches. Biological Reviews . 2014. doi:10.1111/brv.12127 (英語) .
Template:Shelldoc 320110119003
国际贝库:棘冠螺 . 台灣貝類資料庫. [2009-08-11 ] . (原始內容存檔 於2018-09-28).
Poppe G.T. & Goto Y. (1993) Recent Angariidae . Ancona: Informatore Piceno. 32 pls, 10 pls
Dautzenberg, P. (1923). Liste preliminaire des mollusques marins de Madagascar et description de deux especes nouvelles. Journal de Conchyliologie 68: 21-74.
Dautzenberg, Ph. (1929). Mollusques testaces marins de Madagascar. Faune des Colonies Francaises, Tome III.
Monsecour, K.; Monsecour, D. The genus Angaria Röding, 1798 (Gastropoda: Turbinidae) in New Caledonia, with description of a new species. Visaya . 2006, 1 (6): 9–16 (英語) .