富爾克森獎(英語:Fulkerson Prize)是國際數學優化學會和美國數學學會聯合設立的獎項,專門獎勵離散數學領域的傑出論文。在國際數學優化學會每三年召開一次的大會上獎勵至多三篇論文,獎金各1500美元。最初獎金來自於一個紀念基金。此紀念基金是由數學家戴爾伯特·雷·富爾克森的朋友們建立的、美國數學學會管理,用於激勵富爾克森自己研究領域的傑出數學成果。目前獎金來自於國際數學優化學會管理的一筆捐贈資產。
Quick Facts 富爾克森獎, 授予對象 ...
- 1979年:
- 1982:
- 1985:
- 1988:
- 1991:
- Martin E. Dyer, Alan M. Frieze 和 Ravindran Kannan - 基於隨機漫步的計算凸體體積的近似算法。[17]
- Alfred Lehman - 關於邏輯矩陣的完美圖理論。[18]
- Nikolai E. Mnev - Mnev通用定理:每個半代數集都等價於一個定向擬陣的所有實現構成的空間。[19]
- 1994:
- Louis Billera - 求出空間三角剖分上的分段多項式函數空間的基。[20]
- Gil Kalai - 在Hirsch猜想上的進展。[21]
- Neil Robertson, Paul Seymour和羅賓·托馬斯 - 哈德維格猜想的6色情形。[22]
- 1997:
- 2000:
- Michel X. Goemans和David P. Williamson - 基於半正定規劃的近似算法。[24]
- Michele Conforti, Gérard Cornuéjols和Mendu Rammohan Rao - 在多項式時間內識別平衡邏輯矩陣的算法。[25][26]
- 2003:
- Jim Geelen, A. M. H. Gerards 和 A. Kapoor - 關於擬陣子式的Rota猜想在GF(4)的情形。[27][28]
- Bertrand Guenin - 弱二部圖的一個禁止子圖刻畫。[29][28]
- Satoru Iwata, Lisa Fleischer, Satoru Fujishige和Alexander Schrijver - 證明次模函數最小化問題是強多項式時間的。[30][31][28]
- 2006:
- 2009:
- 2012:
- Sanjeev Arora, Satish Rao 和 烏梅什·瓦茲拉尼 - 把圖的頂點割和相關問題的近似比例從改進到。[42]
- Anders Johansson, Jeff Kahn 和 Van H. Vu - 確定了隨機圖具有下述性質的邊密度的閾值:能被同構於一個給定的更小圖的圖的不交並覆蓋。[43]
- 洛瓦茲·拉茲洛和Balázs Szegedy - 刻畫稠密圖序列的子圖的重數。[44]
- 2015 :
- Francisco Santos Leal - 舉出Hirsch猜想的一個反例。[45][46]
- 2018 :
- Robert Morris, 小早川美晴, Simon Griffiths, Peter Allen 和 Julia Böttcher - The chromatic thresholds of graphs
- Thomas Rothvoss - The Matching Polytope has Exponential Extension Complexity
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Michele Conforti, Gérard Cornuéjols, and M. R. Rao, "Decomposition of balanced matrices", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 77 (2): 292–406, 1999.
J. F. Geelen, A. M. H. Gerards and A. Kapoor, "The Excluded Minors for GF(4)-Representable Matroids," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 79 (2): 247–2999, 2000.
Bertrand Guenin, "A characterization of weakly bipartite graphs," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 83 (1): 112–168, 2001.
Satoru Iwata, Lisa Fleischer, Satoru Fujishige, "A combinatorial strongly polynomial algorithm for minimizing submodular functions," Journal of the ACM, 48 (4): 761–777, 2001.
Alexander Schrijver, "A combinatorial algorithm minimizing submodular functions in strongly polynomial time," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 80 (2): 346–355, 2000.
Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena, "PRIMES is in P," Annals of Mathematics, 160 (2): 781–793, 2004.
Mark Jerrum, Alistair Sinclair and Eric Vigoda, "A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with nonnegative entries," Journal of the ACM, 51 (4): 671–697, 2004.
Neil Robertson and Paul Seymour, "Graph Minors. XX. Wagner's conjecture," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 92 (2): 325–357, 2004.
Ferguson, Samuel P. Sphere Packings, V. Pentahedral Prisms. Discrete and Computational Geometry. 2006, 36: 167–204. doi:10.1007/s00454-005-1214-y.
Johansson, Anders; Kahn, Jeff; Vu, Van H. Factors in random graphs. Random Structures and Algorithms. 2008, 33: 1–28. doi:10.1002/rsa.20224.