大衛·鮑森(英語:John David Pawson,1930年2月25日—2020年5月21日),當代著名的英國牧師,擅長於聖經釋經與基督教護教,他企盼基督信仰的靈恩派和福音派的合一。他出版30多本講解聖經書籍,並將一系列演講以影音製品廣泛傳播,造就了全球的影響力。
大衛·鮑森生於1930年,他的先祖約翰·鮑森(John Pawson)的信仰屬於英國衛理宗,是衛理宗始創人約翰·衛斯理的朋友及追隨者。祖父是牧師,父親西塞爾·鮑森(Henry Cecil Pawson)曾任職達拉謨大學的農學系系主任,以及當地衛理公會的副會長[1],家族世代以務農與傳道為本。
[2]大衛·鮑森的童年在英格蘭北部度過,幼年想成為一位農夫。但當他在達拉謨大學取得農學學士學位後,受到上帝呼召成為全職的傳道人,在攻讀劍橋大學衛斯理學院神學碩士學位,成為衛理宗傳道人,服事於謝得蘭島(Shetland Islands)到泰晤士河谷(Thames Valley)區域。
離開皇家空軍以後,大衛·鮑森成為一位衛理宗牧師。他反對給嬰兒施洗,在洗禮的問題上與所屬宗派看法不同而自願離開,成為白金漢郡(Buckinghamshire)的金山浸信會(Gold Hill Baptist Church (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館))牧師,並參與米爾米德中心(Millmead Centre)[3]的設計。
1968年,大衛·鮑森受邀至位於英國倫敦西南方薩里郡(Surrey)吉爾福德(Guildford)在1824年建立的吉爾福德浸信會(Guildford Baptist Church)擔任牧師[4],他的講道帶來該教會的奮興,逐漸成長為英國最大的浸信會。
2003年,大衛·鮑森對聖經新舊約書卷的廣泛而且容易瞭解的蹤覽口述錄帶,已經轉錄成書出版《解鎖聖經》(原書名:Unlocking the Bible - A unique overview of the whole Bible,中文繙譯成《舊約蹤覽》和《新約蹤覽》兩本書),還有CD及DVD光碟,並且可以在YouTube上看到[6]。
在《第四波》(Fourth Wave: Charismatics and Evangelicals - Are We Ready to Come Together?)一書中,大衛·鮑森對於福音派與靈恩派的觀點有批判,也有調和。他鼓勵靈恩派與福音派的合一,呼籲兩派停止紛爭,主張雙方爭議的靈命恩賜是賜給教會,但恩賜的運用必須建立在聖經原義的根基之上,因此雙方應該互相學習,這樣才能同得益處。
- Christianity Explained, 2006, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, ISBN 1-901949-46-X
- Explaining Water Baptism, 2000, David Pawson, Sovereign World Ltd, ISBN 1-85240-083-8
- Explaining the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, 2004, David Pawson, Joyce Huggett, Sovereign World, ISBN 1-85240-383-7
- Explaining the Second Coming, 2000, David Pawson, Renew, ISBN 1-85240-118-4
- Hope for the Millennium, 1999, David Pawson, Hodder & Stoughton, ISBN 0-340-73559-7
- Head in the Clouds, 1999, David Pawson, Hodder & Stoughton Religious, ISBN 0-340-60812-9
- Is John 3:16 the Gospel?, 2007, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications International Ltd, ISBN 1-901949-55-9
- Infant Baptism Under Cross-examination, 1976, David Pawson, Colin Buchanan, Grove Books Ltd, ISBN 0-901710-89-X
- Is the Blessing Biblical?, 1996, David Pawson, Hodder & Stoughton, ISBN 0-340-66147-X
- Jesus Baptises in One Holy Spirit: When?, How?, Why?, Who?, 1997, David Pawson, Hodder&Stoughton Religious, ISBN 0-340-69398-3
- Jesus Baptises In One Holy Spirit, 2006, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, ISBN 1-901949-44-3
- Leadership Is Male, 1990, David Pawson, Thomas Nelson Inc, ISBN 0-8407-9023-6
- Loose Leaves From My Bible, 1994, David Pawson, North Bank Graphics, ISBN 0-9522985-0-3
- Not as Bad as the Truth: Memoirs of an Unorthodox Evangelical, 2006, David Pawson, Hodder Headline, ISBN 0-340-86427-3
- Once Saved, Always Saved?: A Study in Perseverance and Inheritance, David Pawson, Roger Forster, Hodder Headline, 1996, ISBN 0-340-61066-2
- Tell me the truth!, 1977, David Pawson, Harold Shaw, ISBN 0-87788-837-X
- The Road to Hell: Everlasting Torment or Annihilation? 1996, David Pawson, Hodder Headline 1996 and Terra Nova Publications International Ltd 2007, ISBN 0-340-53964-X
- The Seven Wonders of His Story, 2012, David Pawson, Anchor Recordings, ISBN 0956937659 ISBN-13:978-0956937650
- The Normal Christian Birth: How to Give New Believers a Proper Start in Life, David Pawson, Hodder & Stoughton 1989 and Hodder Headline 1991, ISBN 0-340-48972-3
- The Challenge of Islam to Christians, 2003, David Pawson, Hodder Headline, ISBN 0-340-86189-4
- Unlocking the Bible Omnibus: A Unique Overview of the Whole Bible, 2003, David Pawson, HarperCollins UK, ISBN 0-00-716666-4
- When Jesus Returns, 1995, David Pawson, Hodder & Stoughton Religious, ISBN 0-340-61211-8
- Word And Spirit Together, 2007, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, ISBN 1-901949-53-2
- Where is Jesus now?, 2001, David Pawson, Kingsway Publications, ISBN 0-85476-930-7
- Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters?, 2007, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, 2007, ISBN 1-901949-56-7
- Defending Christian Zionism, 2008, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, 2008, ISBN 978-1-901949-62-9
- Practising the Principles of Prayer, 2008, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, ISBN 978-1-901949-58-2
- Living in Hope, 2008, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, ISBN 978-1-901949-60-5
- The God and the Gospel of Righteousness, 2008, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, ISBN 978-1-901949-59-9
- Come with me through Revelation, 2008, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, ISBN 978-1-901949-61-2
- ISRAEL in the New Testament, 2009, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, ISBN 978-1-901949-64-3
- Come with me through Mark, 2009, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications, ISBN 978-1-901949-66-7
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