Medical Association,請參考中國醫療行業(英语:Medicine in China))工作,並擔任麻風病醫療傳道會(英语:TheLeprosyMission)遠東區秘書。小马雅各最終於1949年初重中國,在杭州擔任麻風病專科醫生,並在浙江醫科大學擔任醫學教授。他於1951年去世,小马雅
2008,第111頁. Barrachina Lapiedra 1990,第59頁. Leprosy Institutions in China (PDF). International Journal of Leprosy. 1949, 17: p. 469 [2023-10-08]. (原始内容存档
war against Falun Gong is one of the main tasks of the Chinese mission overseas.” Chen listed several examples of how the Sydney consulate attempted to interfere
Direkt36 - Direkt36 is a non-profit investigative journalism center with themission to hold powerful people and institutions accountable. 2018-11-23 [2023-12-13]