夏思義博士(英語:Patrick Hugh Hase;1947年—),前香港公務員、歷史學家,政務官出身,官至社會福利署副處長。他曾於1980年代任沙田理民官,在1996年退休後成為以研究香港圍村、歷史和文化為主的歷史學家[2]。
夏思義出生於英國,並在英國劍橋大學取得博士學位,在那研究英國盎格魯薩克遜時代的歷史[3]。1972年,夏思義到達香港並於政府架構下工作。在初到香港的六個月裏,夏思義被港英政府安排先學習粵語以助在本地工作,因而令他後來能以流利廣東話溝通[2],開始對香港歷史產生興趣,特別是以香港居民為重點的歷史[3]。1980年代起夏思義任職政務官,包括政務專員[註 1]及1980至1982年間出任沙田理民官[4]。夏思義於1996年提前退休,官至社會福利署副處長。[5]離開政府後他創立了文化歷史顧問公司,並曾為政府考察建築物的歷史[6]。他最遲在1999年於香港大學任職歷史系研究助理[7],其後亦在嶺南大學兼職歷史系講師。
夏思義在1973至1974年左右開始研究香港歷史,例如香港村落及其村民的歷史和本地民間習俗等[2],同時撰寫了多份著作,例如:1984年與前政務官許舒及漁農處前助理處長饒玖才共同發表,研究新界種茶業歷史的《在新界的傳統茶葉種植》(Traditional Tea Growing in the New Territories)[8][9];2008年出版,記述英國接管新界時爆發「新界六日戰」的《被遺忘的六日戰爭:1899年新界鄉民與英軍之戰》[10];2017年出版,對清初編成的《新安縣志》作出當時新安縣[註 2]縣官情況作研究的《被遺忘的英雄:明末至清初的新安縣及其縣官》(Forgotten Heroes: San On County and its Magistrates in the Late Ming and Early Qing)[11];以及2020年出版,收錄新界村民口述歷史的《新界裏的村落、生活和政治:認識傳統中的新界》(Settlement, Life and Politics in the New Territories: Understanding the Traditional New Territories)[2]等。
- Hase, P. H. (編). In the Heart of the Metropolis: Yaumatei and its People. Joint Publishing. 1999. ISBN 9789620417474.
- Hase, Patrick H. The Six-Day War of 1899: Hong Kong in the Age of Imperialism《被遺忘的六日戰爭:1899年新界鄉民與英軍之戰》. 由林立偉翻譯. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. 2008. ISBN 9789622098992 (英語).
- Hase, Patrick H. Custom, Land and Livelihood in Rural South China: The Traditional Land Law of Hong Kong's New Territories, 1750-1950. Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Studies Series. Hong Kong University Press. 2013. ISBN 978-988-8139-08-8.
- Hase, Patrick H. Forgotten Heroes: San On County and its Magistrates in the Late Ming and Early Qing. City University of Hong Kong Press. 2017. ISBN 9789629373061.
- Hase, P. H. Settlement, Life, and Politics - Understanding the Traditional New Territories. Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong studies series. City University of Hong Kong Press. 2020. ISBN 9789629374419.
- Hase, Patrick H.; Lee, Man-Yip. Chapter 5: Sheung Wo Hang Village, Hong Kong: A Village Shaped by Fengshui. Knapp, Ronald G. (編). Chinese Landscapes: The Village As Place. University of Hawaii Press. 1992: 79-94. ISBN 9780824814137.
- Hase, Patrick. Alliance of Ten. Faure, David; Siu, Helen (編). Down to Earth : The Territorial Bond in South China. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 1995: 123–160. ISBN 978-0-8047-2434-0. OCLC 31815055.
- Hase, Patrick. Notes on Rice Farming in Shatin (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1981, 21: 196–206. ISSN 1991-7295.
- Hase, Patrick H. Old Hau Wong Temple, Tai Wai, Sha Tin (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1983, 23: 233–240 [2024-04-12]. ISSN 1991-7295. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2021-11-05).
- Hase, Patrick H.; Hayes, James; Iu, K.C. Traditional Tea Growing in the New Territories (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1984, 24: 264–281. ISSN 1991-7295. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-09-05).
- Hase, Patrick. A Traditional New Territories Latrine (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1988, 28: 222–226. ISSN 0085-5774. eISSN 1991-7287.
- Hase, P.H. Cheung Shan Kwu Tsz, An Old Buddhist Nunnery in the New Territories and its Place in Local Society (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1989, 29: 121–157. ISSN 1991-7295. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-08-12).
- Hase, P.H. Ta Kwu Ling, Wong Pui Ling and the Kim Hau Bridges (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1990, 30: 257–265. ISSN 1991-7295.
- Hase, P.H. A Village War in Sham Chun (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1990, 30: 265–281. ISSN 1991-7295.
- Hase, P.H. Sha Tau Kok in 1853 (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1990, 30: 281–297. ISSN 1991-7295.
- Hase, Patrick H. Bandits in the Siu Lek Yuen Yeuk (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1992, 32: 214–215. ISSN 1991-7295.
- Hase, P.H. Eastern Peace: Sha Tau Kok Market in 1925 (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1993, 33: 147–202. ISSN 1991-7295.
- Hase, Patrick. Traditional Life in the New Territories: The Evidence of the 1911 and 1921 Censuses (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1996, 36 [2024-04-12]. ISSN 1991-7295. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2022-10-13).
- Hase, P.H. Beside the Yamen: Nga Tsin Wai Village (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 1999, 39: 1–82 [2024-04-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-12-27).
- Hase, Patrick. The Historical Heritage of Ho Chung, Pak Kong, and Sha Kok Mei, Sai Kung (PDF) (學位論文). S.Y. Consultancy Services Co. Ltd. June 2003.
- 許舒,已故香港前政務官、主要研究新界歷史的史學家。
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