維基媒體列表條目 来自维基百科,自由的百科全书
維基媒體列表條目 来自维基百科,自由的百科全书
中華人民共和國閱兵 | |
類型 | 閱兵式、慶祝遊行 |
日期 | 10月1日(國慶節) 其他主要閱兵日: 9月3日(抗日戰爭勝利紀念日) 8月1日(建軍紀念日) 7月1日(建黨日暨香港回歸紀念日) |
地點 | 中華人民共和國北京市長安街天安門廣場(主要舉辦場所) |
坐標 | 39°54′26.4″N 116°23′27.9″E |
出席者 |
參與者 | 包括中國人民解放軍、中國人民武裝警察部隊及中國民兵在內的全國武裝力量代表方陣、國旗護衛隊、軍樂團、合唱團以及群眾遊行參與者(國慶閱兵)等,有時也會有老兵及家屬受邀受閱。 |
舉辦時間 | 1949年10月1日 |
舉辦頻率 | 國慶閱兵: 1年1屆(1949年-1959年) 不定(1960年-1998年) 10年1屆(1999年-) |
活動 | 國慶閱兵:升旗儀式、國家主席演講、閱兵式(檢閱式與分列式)、群眾遊行 |
網站 | www |
Since the parade of 1950, parades have been held on the city's Tiananmen Square to mark the anniversary of the official foundation of the PRC and today these have been held every 10th year (a format which began in 1999 to mark the golden jubilee anniversary of nationhood), formerly there were yearly parades held until 1959 when the CCP decided that the holiday would be celebrated "with frugality".[5] Parades were also held in 1964, 1966, 1969, 1970 and 1984.[6]
The parade is presided by the paramount leader in his political duty as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and constitutional mandate as the supreme commander of the PLA and chairman of the Central Military Commission, since 1984. He has also inspected the parade in person. The parade commander is a general officer of the PLA with the rank of Lieutenant General or Major General, with the position of commander of the Central Theater Command or as a high-ranking member of the CMC's present 15 departments. Until 1959, during the years that the parade was held in a nationalized form of the Soviet tradition, the parade was inspected by the Minister of National Defense, a high-ranking billet occupied by either a General or (before 1984) a Marshal (before 1954 the Commander in Chief of the PLA). The event's master of ceremonies has either been the Party Committee Secretary of Beijing or a high-ranking member of the Central Committee, CCP.
At 10 a.m. the massed military bands of the People's Liberation Army sound the Welcome March, signifying the official commencement of the ceremony. As the paramount leader arrives, he is joined by the following on the rostrum on the Tiananmen Gate:
In past parades a card stunt display was assembled at the square grounds made up of thousands of young men and women from the capital and from various parts of the country (abolished 2015), while student battalions of the Young Pioneers of China are assembled in the sides of the Massed Bands, led by the Senior Director of Music of the PLA Military Bands Service, made up of around 1,900 male and female bandsmen from the service branches from military bands stationed nationwide. The Pioneer Battalions carry the red battalion colours which can be seen in front of their respective contingents.
The flag raising ceremony follows the arrivals, but unlike the normal ceremony the color guard company, as a 21-gun salute is fired by the gunners of the State Honors Artillery Battery of the Beijing Garrison Command, marches off from the sides of the Monument to the People's Heroes, forms up, and takes its place at the center of the grounds nearest the Massed Bands, with the Flag of China now being placed into the flagpole by the color officer, who has just been given the color from the color guard. The segment was introduced in 1999 as a reenactment of sorts of the raising of the national flag in the square in 1949.
With that concluded and the card stunt now in position, the master of ceremonies gives the announcement on the microphone: Ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the raising of the national flag and the singing of the National Anthem! By then, the color officer now orders the salute and the massed bands play the National Anthem March of the Volunteers as the color company presents arms, after the anthem is played the color company orders arms and stands at ease.
As the armed linemen of the Beijing Capital Garrison take their places, the paramount leader then descends to the grounds of the Tiananmen Gate via the elevator and rides on an open top Hongqi L5 for the inspection segment, with around 4,000 to 16,000 military personnel of the PLA, PAP and militia formations assembled by battalions, as well as the 9,000 strong personnel of the mobile column with around 400-900 vehicles. As he arrives at the front of the gate at the Chang'an Avenue, the parade commander (since 1954 the Commander of the Beijing Military Region and later the Central Theater Command) arrives in a similar limousine to inform the paramount leader of the commencement of the inspection of the parade.
The report done, the paramount leader, as the Massed bands play, then inspects the formations, each of its leaders ordering a salute as he passes by and the battalions each present arms (eyes right for unarmed formations and the port arms when using modern rifles), after which they stand at attention. Since 1984 the regular honor guard companies of the Beijing Garrison Honor Guard Battalion (since 2015 the final company is a women's company) together with its national colour guard unit are the first in line for the inspection segment of the parade.
Following the inspection, the paramount leader returns to the Tiananmen Gate to give the national keynote holiday address, at the same time the commander takes his place in the gate as well and the parade formations are now formed in review order as the mobile column now forms up in addition to the flypast.
In the 2019 parade, the order was reversed, this time the paramount leader gives the opening keynote address before departing from the gate for the parade inspection.
The order Commence the parade! from the parade commander atop Tiananmen Gate is the signal for the parade formation to march past the gate, wherein the dignitaries are gathered, while the crowds are assembled on the stands around the gate which include veterans of the PLA, Young Pioneers, representatives of state and private businesses and distinguished citizens as well as the civil service and the diplomatic corps and foreign press representatives. As the Massed Bands play the Parade March of the PLA, a special parade version of the Military Anthem of the People's Liberation Army, following the fly past of the national and party flags and the flag of the PLA, alongside, in special years, a helicopter formation honoring the number of years of nationhood, the ground column marches first as the General Secretary and other party, state and military leaders take the salute of each of the contingents marching past the saluting stand. Since 1984 the regular honor guard companies of the Beijing Garrison Honor Guard Battalion, including the aforementioned female company, are the first to march past the dignitaries, led by the colour guard carrying the flag of the PLA, which serves as the de facto national colour, alongside the national and party flags that both precede it. Each of the battalions that march past are made up of the following:
Until the parade of 1959, the PLA, PAP and militia marched separately during the parade proper (the militia marched as part of the civil column). Each of the battalions consists of 350 soldiers (14 rows of 25 soldiers) and are led by the battalion commander and the battalion political commissar, who march at the lead of their unit.[來源請求]
A mobile column then follows which is also formed into battalions, but with the command personnel mounted on their vehicles as they render honors. These are made up of the mostly nationally produced military vehicles and equipment in service and being introduced to serve the needs of the modern PLA. A notable unit to serve in the mobile column is the female contingent from the Bethune Medical College, which was introduced to the parade in 1984.[7] Following this column, the flypast of aircraft from the Ground Forces, Navy and Air Force follows suit.
日期 | 地點 | 受閱部隊人數 | 閱兵名稱、首次受閱的部隊以及裝備 | 首長 / 總指揮 | 備註 |
1949年10月1日 | 北京市 | 16400餘 | 中華人民共和國中央人民政府成立典禮 | 首長:中國人民解放軍總司令朱德 總指揮:華北軍區司令員聶榮臻 |
空中梯隊因同時擔負警戒任務,有兩架飛機攜彈飛行 |
1950年10月1日 | 24209 | 迄今為止中華人民共和國受閱人數最多的一次閱兵 | |||
1951年10月1日 | 13348 | 噴氣式飛機、民兵方隊 | |||
1952年10月1日 | 11300 | 公安部隊 | |||
1953年10月1日 | 10038 | 火箭炮兵 | 首長:中國人民解放軍總司令朱德 總指揮:副總參謀長張宗遜 |
1954年10月1日 | 10384 | 傘兵部隊 | 首長:中華人民共和國國防部部長彭德懷 總指揮:北京軍區司令員楊成武 |
騎兵最後一次受閱 | |
1955年10月1日 | 10344 | 首長:中華人民共和國國防部部長彭德懷元帥 總指揮:北京軍區司令員楊成武上將 |
中國人民解放軍首次實行軍銜制後的閱兵 | ||
1956年10月1日 | 11929 | 迄今為止中華人民共和國唯一一次在雨中進行的大閱兵 | |||
1957年10月1日 | 7064 | 國產的伊爾-28噴氣式轟炸機、殲擊機首次受閱 | |||
1958年10月1日 | 不詳 | 中華人民共和國建國後開創的軍事院校及其將校學員首次受閱 | |||
1959年10月1日 | 11018 | 首長:中華人民共和國國防部部長林彪元帥 總指揮:北京軍區司令員楊勇上將 |
受閱武器裝備基本實現國產化,當時的蘇共中央第一書記、部長會議主席赫魯曉夫應邀出席閱兵式 | ||
1984年10月1日 | 10370 | 首都各界人民慶祝中華人民共和國成立35周年大會 戰略導彈部隊、武警部隊和女兵首次受閱 |
首長:中央軍事委員會主席鄧小平 總指揮:北京軍區司令員秦基偉[a] |
1999年10月1日 | 11000餘 | 首都各界慶祝中華人民共和國成立50周年大會 陸軍航空兵、海軍航空兵、海軍陸戰隊、武警特警和預備役部隊 |
首長:中央軍事委員會主席江澤民 總指揮:北京軍區司令員李新良上將 |
又稱「世紀大閱兵」,中華人民共和國在20世紀舉辦的最後一場大型閱兵式。 | |
2009年10月1日 | 8000 | 首都各界慶祝中華人民共和國成立60周年大會 特種兵、第二炮兵學員、雷達、無人駕駛戰機、巡航導彈、預警機 |
首長:中央軍事委員會主席胡錦濤 總指揮:北京軍區司令員房峰輝中將[11] |
2015年9月3日 | 北京市 | 12000 | 紀念中國人民抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利70周年大會 首次紀念抗日戰爭勝利紀念日(9月3日)閱兵[12],外國軍隊方陣首次出現在閱兵式上。 |
主席:中央軍事委員會主席習近平 總指揮:北京軍區司令員宋普選上將 |
首次邀請外國方陣 |
2019年10月1日 | 北京市 | 15000 | 慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年大會 領導指揮方隊、戰略支援部隊方隊、聯勤保障部隊方隊、院校科研方隊、文職人員方隊、維和部隊方隊,也是歷年來規模第二大的。 |
主席:中央軍事委員會主席習近平 總指揮:中部戰區司令員乙曉光空軍上將 |
2021年7月1日 | 北京市 | 僅進行飛越式 | 慶祝中國共產黨成立100周年大會 | 首長:中國共產黨中央委員會總書記習近平 | 約7萬人出席[13],此次大會出場部隊僅中國人民解放軍三軍儀仗隊、中國人民解放軍軍樂團以及空中梯隊,其中僅空中梯隊屬於受閱部隊。 |
日期 | 地點 | 受閱部隊人數 | 閱兵名稱、首次受閱的部隊以及裝備 | 首長 / 總指揮 | 備註 |
1957年8月4日 | 青島市膠州灣 | 首長:中華人民共和國國務院總理周恩來 總指揮:海軍司令員蕭勁光海軍大將 |
在海上閱兵中擔當主角的是第一驅逐艦大隊的「 四大金剛」——「鞍山」號、「撫順」號、「長春」號和「太原」號。 | ||
1981年9月19日 | 張家口市 | 114000+ | 華北大演習 | 首長:中國共產黨中央軍事委員會主席鄧小平 總指揮:北京軍區司令員秦基偉 |
於華北張家口機場舉行的非國慶日閱兵,中華人民共和國成立以來規模最大的一次軍事演習。 |
1995年10月19日 | 青島市附近黃海某海域 | 首長:中央軍事委員會主席江澤民 總指揮:海軍司令員張連忠海軍上將 |
黃海大演習後進行海上閱兵式。 | ||
1998年7月2日 | 香港昂船洲海軍基地 | 首長:中央軍事委員會主席江澤民 | 中華人民共和國首次紀念香港回歸閱兵。 | ||
2004年8月1日 | 香港石崗軍營 | 3000 | 中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊司令員王繼堂中將 | 1949年以來首次在建軍節進行的公開閱兵 | |
2004年12月20日 | 澳門氹仔軍營 | 紀念澳門回歸5周年閱兵 首次檢閱駐澳部隊。 |
首長:中央軍事委員會主席胡錦濤 總指揮:中國人民解放軍駐澳門部隊司令員劉聯華少將[14] |
2007年6月30日 | 香港昂船洲軍營 | 1900 | 紀念香港回歸10周年閱兵 | 首長:中央軍事委員會主席胡錦濤 總指揮:駐香港部隊司令員王繼堂中將[15] |
2009年4月23日 | 青島市浮山灣 | 核潛艇首次受閱 | 首長:中央軍事委員會主席胡錦濤 總指揮:海軍司令員吳勝利海軍上將 |
14國共21艘外國艦船參與 | |
2009年12月20日 | 澳門氹仔軍營 | 530 | 紀念澳門回歸10周年閱兵 | 首長:中央軍事委員會主席胡錦濤 總指揮:駐澳部隊司令員王玉仁少將[16] |
2012年6月29日 | 香港石崗軍營 | 3000 | 紀念香港回歸15周年閱兵 | 首長:中央軍事委員會主席胡錦濤 總指揮:駐香港部隊司令員張仕波中將[17] |
2017年6月30日 | 香港石崗軍營 | 3100 | 紀念香港回歸20周年閱兵 | 主席:中央軍事委員會主席習近平 總指揮:駐香港部隊司令員譚本宏中將 |
受閱部隊首度以「主席好」回應 |
2017年7月30日 | 錫林郭勒盟朱日和訓練基地 | 12000 | 殲-20、運-20等先進裝備首次參加檢閱。 | 主席:中央軍事委員會主席習近平 總指揮:中部戰區司令員韓衛國上將 |
解放軍改革為戰區制度後,首次實戰化閱兵式 |
2018年4月12日 | 南海某海域[18] | 10000 | 「神威-2018」海上閱兵 首次有航母編隊受閱 |
主席:中央軍事委員會主席習近平 總指揮:海軍司令員沈金龍中將、政治委員秦生祥中將 |
2019年4月23日 | 青島市浮山灣 | 主席:中央軍事委員會主席習近平 總指揮:海軍司令員沈金龍海軍中將 |
2019年12月20日 | 澳門新口岸軍營 | 澳門回歸20周年,室內閱兵 | 首長:中央軍事委員會主席習近平 總指揮:駐澳部隊司令員徐良才大校 |
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