擬阿勇蛞蝓科(學名:Ariophantidae[2],又名絲鼈甲蝸牛科[3],在生物分類學是會呼吸空氣的陸地蝸牛英語land snail蛞蝓的一個陸生英語terrestrial molluscs肺螺類腹足綱軟體動物支序的成員,屬於柄眼目鱉甲蝸牛總科英語Helicarionoidea(Helicarionoidea)[4][5]

Quick Facts 擬阿勇蛞蝓科, 科學分類 ...
兩個活體的印度巨楯蛞蝓英語Macrochlamys indica
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 軟體動物門 Mollusca
綱: 腹足綱 Gastropoda
目: 柄眼目 Stylommatophora
亞目: 旋蝸牛亞目 Helicina
下目: 蛞蝓下目 Limacoidei
總科: 勇蝸總科 Helicarionoidea
科: 擬阿勇蛞蝓科 Ariophantidae
Godwin-Austen英語Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen, 1888[1]




根據Hausdorf (2000),本科物種只分佈於印度英語List of non-marine molluscs of India和東南亞[6];但其實本科物種大多是原產於非洲、東南亞和新幾內亞。




  • Ariophantinae Godwin-Austen, 1888 - synonyms: Naninidae Pfeffer, 1878 (inv.); Hemiplectinae Gude & B. B. Woodward, 1921[7]
  • Macrochlamydinae Godwin-Austen, 1888[1] - synonyms: Tanychlamydinae H. B. Baker, 1928;[8] Vitrinulini Schileyko, 2003[9]
  • Ostracolethinae Simroth英語Heinrich Simroth, 1901[10] - synonyms: Myotestidae Collinge, 1902;[11] Parmarioninae Godwin-Austen, 1908;[12] Laocaiini Schileyko, 2002;[13] Microparmarionini Schileyko, 2003[14]

截至2020年2月29日 (2020-02-29)MolluscaBase紀錄本科包括下列各亞科與屬:

擬阿勇蛞蝓亞科 Ariophantinae Godwin-Austen, 1883

  • 擬阿勇蛞蝓屬 Ariophanta Des Moulins, 1829:也是本科的模式屬[4]
  • Bapuia Godwin-Austen, 1918
  • 本氏蛞蝓屬 Bensonies H. B. Baker, 1938
  • Cryptogirasia Cockerell, 1891
  • 隱帶螺屬 Cryptozona Mörch, 1872
  • Dalingia Godwin-Austen, 1907
  • Dekhania Godwin-Austen, 1887
  • Dihangia Godwin-Austen, 1916
  • 真卷螺屬 Euplecta C. Semper, 1870
  • Galongia Godwin-Austen, 1916
  • 半卷螺屬 Hemiplecta Albers, 1850
  • 因陀羅蝸牛屬 Indrella Godwin-Austen, 1901: 其學名來自於印度教之神因陀羅[15]:190
  • 卡西山螺屬 Khasiella Godwin-Austen, 1899
  • Koratia Godwin-Austen, 1919
  • 瑪蛞蝓屬 Mariaella Gray, 1855,見於台灣
  • 巨奧氏蛞蝓屬 Megaustenia Cockerell, 1912
  • Ratnadvipia Godwin-Austen, 1899[16]斯里蘭卡英語List of non-marine molluscs of Sri Lanka原生種[17]
  • Ravana Godwin-Austen, 1901
  • Schwammeria Schileyko, 2010
  • Sitalinopsis Thiele, 1931
  • Taphrospira W.T. Blanford, 1905
  • Xesta Albers, 1850
  • 光螺屬 Xestina Pfeffer, 1878,為隱帶螺屬Cryptozona Mörch, 1872 )的異名

巨楯蛞蝓亞科 Macrochlamydinae

  • 真奧氏蛞蝓屬 Euaustenia T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891
  • 巨楯蛞蝓屬 Macrochlamys Gray, 1847[18]:本亞科的模式屬[4],又名巨絲鼈甲蝸牛屬[3]
    • Macrochlamys (Bensonies) aborensis (Godwin-Austen, 1918)
    • Macrochlamys albulus Godwin-Austen, 1918
    • Macrochlamys alluaudi Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1900
    • Macrochlamys amboinensis (E.von Martens, 1864)
    • Macrochlamys amdoana Möllendorff, 1899
    • Macrochlamys anceyi Degner, 1928
    • Macrochlamys andersoniana (G.Nevill, 1877)
    • Macrochlamys angigyra Yen, 1939
    • Macrochlamys angigyrata Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys angulatus Möllendorff, 1887
    • Macrochlamys anonae Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys apex Möllendorff, 1888
    • Macrochlamys aspides (W.H.Benson, 1863)
    • Macrochlamys atoma W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys atricolor (Godwin-Austen, 1875)
    • Macrochlamys aufschnaiteri Blume, 1957
    • Macrochlamys aulopis (W.H.Benson, 1863)
    • Macrochlamys aurantia Pholyotha & Panha, 2018
    • Macrochlamys bapuensis Godwin-Austen, 1918
    • Macrochlamys bartoni de Morgan, 1885
    • Macrochlamys battlimalvensis Godwin-Austen, 1888
    • Macrochlamys beata Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys bilineata (Godwin-Austen, 1876)
    • Macrochlamys boettgeri (Hilber, 1883)
    • Macrochlamys brachystia Pholyotha, Sutcharit, Tongkerd, Lin & Panha, 2020
    • Macrochlamys brunnea Möllendorff, 1902
    • Macrochlamys burkilii Godwin-Austen, 1918
    • Macrochlamys buruana Möllendorff, 1902
    • Macrochlamys cacharica Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys cagayanica Quadras & Möllendorff, 1893
    • Macrochlamys callojuncta Ancey, 1898
    • Macrochlamys castaneolabiata Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys cathaiana Möllendorff, 1899
    • Macrochlamys causia (W.H.Benson, 1859)
    • Macrochlamys caverna Pholyotha & Panha, 2018
    • Macrochlamys ceromatica (Morelet, 1881)
    • Macrochlamys chaos W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys choinix (W.H.Benson, 1861)
    • Macrochlamys cincta Möllendorff, 1882
    • Macrochlamys cinctula Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys clessini Westerlund, 1902
    • Macrochlamys coeligana Collinge, 1902
    • Macrochlamys coleus Pholyotha & Panha, 2018
    • Macrochlamys corusca (Morelet, 1877)
    • Macrochlamys (Macrochlamys) crebristriata C.Semper, 1870
    • Macrochlamys curvilabris W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys dalingensis Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys dammeriana Möllendorff, 1899
    • Macrochlamys damsangensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys darjilingensis Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys davidi (Deshayes, 1874)
    • Macrochlamys declivis Möllendorff, 1901
    • Macrochlamys decursus Godwin-Austen, 1914
    • Macrochlamys decussata (W.H.Benson, 1836)
    • Macrochlamys dikrangensis Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys discus Möllendorff, 1884
    • Macrochlamys dohertyi E.A.Smith, 1897
    • Macrochlamys dolani Pilsbry, 1934
    • Macrochlamys dorani Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys douvillei Dautzenberg & H.Fischer, 1906
    • Macrochlamys enata Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys euryomphala (Möllendorff, 1898)
    • Macrochlamys euspira Möllendorff, 1901
    • Macrochlamys euterpe (L.Pfeiffer, 1861)
    • Macrochlamys evidens Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys excepta (Mabille, 1887)
    • Macrochlamys extraria Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys exul (Theobald, 1864)
    • Macrochlamys faceta Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys fargesiana (Heude, 1885)
    • Macrochlamys (Parvatella) flemingi (L.Pfeiffer, 1857)
    • Macrochlamys fordiana Godwin-Austen, 1888
    • Macrochlamys fragilis (T.Hutton, 1838)
    • Macrochlamys fragosus Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys fulvus H.Rolle, 1908
    • Macrochlamys ganjamensis Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys garoensis Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys geoffreyi (H.Adams, 1868)
    • Macrochlamys glauca (L.Pfeiffer, 1846)
    • Macrochlamys glyptorhaphe Möllendorff, 1901
    • Macrochlamys godwini Tryon, 1886
    • Macrochlamys gurhwalensis (Godwin-Austen, 1899)
    • Macrochlamys hardwickei Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys hatchongi de Morgan, 1885
    • Macrochlamys hebescens (W.T.Blanford, 1866)
    • Macrochlamys hendersoni Ancey, 1905
    • Macrochlamys hengdanensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys henrici C.Semper, 1870
    • Macrochlamys hepatizon Godwin-Austen, 1888
    • Macrochlamys herbia Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys hippocastaneum Godwin-Austen, 1918
    • Macrochlamys hodgsoni (W.H.Benson, 1859)
    • Macrochlamys hookeri Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys hunancola (Möllendorff, 1887)
    • Macrochlamys igorrotica (Möllendorff, 1896)
    • Macrochlamys imperforata Schepman, 1918
    • Macrochlamys indica Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys indifferens E.A.Smith, 1896
    • Macrochlamys infans (Reeve, 1854)
    • Macrochlamys infausta (W.T.Blanford, 1866)
    • Macrochlamys jainiana Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys japvoensis Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys kandiensis Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys kashmirensis (G.Nevill, 1878)
    • Macrochlamys kasnakowi (Westerlund, 1898)
    • Macrochlamys kelantanensis Möllendorff, 1902
    • Macrochlamys kempi Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys koliaensis Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys kuluensis W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys kurtzi Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys lahupaensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys latus Godwin-Austen, 1888
    • Macrochlamys lecythis (W.H.Benson, 1852)
    • Macrochlamys leggeae Sajan, Tripathy, Chandra & Sivakumar, 2019
    • Macrochlamys lemma Pholyotha & Panha, 2018
    • Macrochlamys lemna Pholyotha & Panha, 2018
    • Macrochlamys lhotaensis Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys lixa (W.T.Blanford, 1866)
    • Macrochlamys loana (Gredler, 1882)
    • Macrochlamys longicauda Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys lubrica (W.H.Benson, 1852)
    • Macrochlamys lubricata Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys lumsdeni (Godwin-Austen, 1910)
    • Macrochlamys luyorensis Godwin-Austen, 1918
    • Macrochlamys luzonica (Möllendorff, 1894)
    • Macrochlamys mahadeoensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys malaccana (L.Pfeiffer, 1855)
    • Macrochlamys martini Schepman, 1893
    • Macrochlamys masoni Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys mentaweiense Degner, 1928
    • Macrochlamys minuta E.von Martens, 1891
    • Macrochlamys molecula (W.H.Benson, 1859)
    • Macrochlamys moupiniana (Deshayes, 1870)
    • Macrochlamys munipurensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys murdochi Godwin-Austen, 1918
    • Macrochlamys neherensis (W.H.Benson, 1864)
    • Macrochlamys nemothaensis Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys nengloensis Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys nepos (L.Pfeiffer, 1855)
    • Macrochlamys nitidissima Möllendorff, 1883
    • Macrochlamys notha W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys novoguineensis Schepman, 1919
    • Macrochlamys noxia W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys nuda (Reeve, 1852)
    • Macrochlamys obiana Möllendorff, 1902
    • Macrochlamys opiparus Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys originaria Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys pacata Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys papuana E.A.Smith, 1896
    • Macrochlamys papuensis Preston, 1902
    • Macrochlamys par Schmacker & Boettger, 1891
    • Macrochlamys patane (W.H.Benson, 1859)
    • Macrochlamys patens W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys paurhiensis (Godwin-Austen, 1899)
    • Macrochlamys pedina (W.H.Benson, 1865)
    • Macrochlamys pedisequae Heude, 1886
    • Macrochlamys perfragilis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys perfucata (W.H.Benson, 1853)
    • Macrochlamys perincospicua Godwin-Austen, 1888
    • Macrochlamys peringundensis R.H.Beddome, 1891
    • Macrochlamys perplana Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys perrotteti (L.Pfeiffer, 1851)
    • Macrochlamys petasus (W.H.Benson, 1859)
    • Macrochlamys petrosa (T.Hutton, 1834)
    • Macrochlamys planata (Heude, 1882)
    • Macrochlamys planiuscula (W.H.Benson, 1838)
    • Macrochlamys planorbiformis Bollinger, 1918
    • Macrochlamys planula (Heude, 1882)
    • Macrochlamys plicifera (W.T.Blanford, 1881)
    • Macrochlamys politula Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys prava W.T.Blanford, 1905
    • Macrochlamys proba Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys propinqua Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys pseudaulopis Godwin-Austen, 1888
    • Macrochlamys pseudochoinix W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys pseudosuccinea E.A.Smith, 1894
    • Macrochlamys pseustes E.A.Smith, 1893
    • Macrochlamys psittacinus Godwin-Austen, 1918
    • Macrochlamys psyche Vermeulen, Luu, Theary & Anker, 2019
    • Macrochlamys quadrasi (Möllendorff, 1896)
    • Macrochlamys quesita Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys rabani Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys radia Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys rakaensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys ramburianus (Mabille & Le Mesle, 1866)
    • Macrochlamys razamiensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys rejecta (L.Pfeiffer, 1859)
    • Macrochlamys rejectella (Mabille, 1889)
    • Macrochlamys renitens (Morelet, 1861)
    • Macrochlamys resinacea (Heude, 1885)
    • Macrochlamys richilaensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys roberti Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys robsoni Rensch, 1932
    • Macrochlamys rorida (W.H.Benson, 1859)
    • Macrochlamys rotungensis Godwin-Austen, 1918
    • Macrochlamys rubellocincta (W.T.Blanford, 1870)
    • Macrochlamys russeola (Morelet, 1851)
    • Macrochlamys rusticula Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys rutila W.T.Blanford, 1905
    • Macrochlamys sacrata Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys salmonea (Ancey, 1882)
    • Macrochlamys saltus Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys salwinensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys sanchezi Quadras & Möllendorff, 1894
    • Macrochlamys sanctijohni (Godwin-Austen, 1891)
    • Macrochlamys sata Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys sathilaensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys scyphus Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys segnis Pilsbry, 1934
    • Macrochlamys sequax (W.H.Benson, 1859)
    • Macrochlamys sequius Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys shengorensis Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys shimangensis Godwin-Austen, 1916
    • Macrochlamys shisha (Godwin-Austen, 1875)
    • Macrochlamys silcuriensis Godwin-Austen, 1914
    • Macrochlamys silvatica Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys simplex Heude, 1890
    • Macrochlamys sinensis (Heude, 1882)
    • Macrochlamys sinica E.von Martens, 1875
    • Macrochlamys sphaerica Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys spiralifer Vermeulen, 1996
    • Macrochlamys spiriplana (Gredler, 1882)
    • Macrochlamys spreta W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys stenogyra Möllendorff, 1901
    • Macrochlamys stephoides Stoliczka, 1873
    • Macrochlamys stephus (W.H.Benson, 1861)
    • Macrochlamys strephoides Stoliczka, 1873
    • Macrochlamys striata Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys striaticostata Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys stumpfii O.Boettger, 1889
    • Macrochlamys subangulata Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys subcornea (L.Pfeiffer, 1861)
    • Macrochlamys subcorpulenta Vermeulen & Liew, 2022
    • Macrochlamys subjecta (W.H.Benson, 1852)
    • Macrochlamys subpetasus Godwin-Austen, 1888
    • Macrochlamys sufflava Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys superflua W.T.Blanford, 1904
    • Macrochlamys superlita (Morelet, 1862)
    • Macrochlamys sylhetensis Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys tanirensis Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys tanymentula Pholyotha & Panha, 2018
    • Macrochlamys tecta (Souleyet, 1852)
    • Macrochlamys tenuiarata Vermeulen & Liew, 2022
    • Macrochlamys tenuicula H.Adams, 1868
    • Macrochlamys tenuigranosa Dautzenberg, 1894
    • Macrochlamys terminalis Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys terminus Godwin-Austen, 1899
    • Macrochlamys tersa (Issel, 1874)
    • Macrochlamys thaitieni Thach, 2021
    • Macrochlamys theobaldi (Godwin-Austen, 1888)
    • Macrochlamys tratanensis (Jousseaume, 1894)
    • Macrochlamys trilobata Vermeulen & Liew, 2022
    • Macrochlamys trusmadiensis Vermeulen & Liew, 2022
    • Macrochlamys tugurium (W.H.Benson, 1852)
    • Macrochlamys turanica E.von Martens, 1874
    • Macrochlamys udus Godwin-Austen, 1899
    • Macrochlamys umbraticola Godwin-Austen, 1883
    • Macrochlamys umbrina (Reeve, 1854)
    • Macrochlamys vallicola (Reeve, 1854)
    • Macrochlamys vertex Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys vesica Godwin-Austen, 1910
    • Macrochlamys vesicula (W.H.Benson, 1838)
    • Macrochlamys vitrinoides (Deshayes, 1831)
    • Macrochlamys woodiana (Reeve, 1852)
    • Macrochlamys woodmasoni Godwin-Austen, 1888
    • Macrochlamys zemoensis Godwin-Austen, 1907
    • Macrochlamys zero (Mabille, 1887)
  • 擬小囊螺屬 Microcystina Mörch, 1872
  • Oxytesta Zilch, 1956
  • 羅氏螺屬 Rahula Godwin-Austen, 1907
  • 薩氏螺屬 Sarika Godwin-Austen, 1907
  • 賽氏螺屬 Sesara Albers, 1860
  • Syama W. T. Blanford & Godwin-Austen, 1908[19]
  • 巨楯蛞蝓屬 Tanychlamys Benson, 1834[4]
  • Vitrinula Gray, 1857[4][20]
Microparmarion simrothi

小黃殼蛞蝓亞科 Ostracolethinae Simroth, 1901

  • Cryptosemelus Collinge, 1902
    • Cryptosemelus betarmon Pholyotha, 2021[21]
    • Cryptosemelus gracilis Collinge, 1902
    • Cryptosemelus niger S.Tumpeesuwan & C.Tumpeesuwan, 2023
    • Cryptosemelus tigrinus Pholyotha, 2021[21]
  • Laocaia Kuzminykh, 1999[4]
  • Microparmarion Simroth, 1893[4]
    • Microparmarion andamanica Collinge, 1901
    • Microparmarion austeni Simroth, 1893
    • Microparmarion basifixus Vermeulen & Liew, 2022
    • Microparmarion boettgeri Simroth, 1898
    • Microparmarion bruneopallescens Collinge, 1901
    • Microparmarion convolutus Vermeulen & Liew, 2022
    • Microparmarion exquadratus Schilthuizen, Clavera, Khoo, Bondar, Elder, Bouma, Eddington, Reisinger, Cosentino, Rossato & Delledonne, 2019
    • Microparmarion fruhstorferi Simroth, 1898
    • Microparmarion litteratus Schepman, 1896
    • Microparmarion malayanus (Collinge, 1903)
    • Microparmarion moellendorffi Collinge, 1901
    • Microparmarion pollonerai Collinge & Godwin-Austen, 1895
    • Microparmarion sallehi H.Wu, Ezzwan & Hamdani, 2023[22]
    • Microparmarion simrothi Collinge & Godwin-Austen, 1895
    • Microparmarion strubelli Simroth, 1893
  • 米農螺屬 Minyongia Godwin-Austen, 1916
    • Minyongia kempi Godwin-Austen, 1916
  • Myotesta Collinge, 1901[4]
  • Ostracolethe Simroth, 1901 - 為Ostracolethinae亞科的模式屬 [4]
  • 鼈甲蛞蝓屬 Parmarion P. Fischer, 1855,盾勇螺屬[3][4]
  • 菲律賓蛞蝓屬 Philippinella Möllendorff, 1899
    • Philippinella carinata (Möllendorff, 1894)
    • Philippinella moellendorffi Collinge, 1899
    • Philippinella quadrasi (Möllendorff, 1894)


以下的系統發生學分支圖顯示了根據Hausdorf (2000)所描述蛞蝓下目各科之間的親緣關係[6]

 蛞蝓下目 Limacoidei 






克氏螺科 Chronidae

真蛞蝓科 Euconulidae


腹齒螺科 Gastrodontidae






 帶螺總科 Zonitoidea 

帶螺科 Zonitidae

 鱉甲蝸牛總科英語Helicarionoidea Helicarionoidea英語Helicarionoidea 

鱉甲蝸牛科 Helicarionidae

擬阿勇蛞蝓科 Ariophantidae





蛞蝓科 Limacidae

野蛞蝓科 Agriolimacidae




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