印度尼西亞國獸、省獸列表,是由獲得國家動物象徵的動物群英語Fauna of Indonesia代表印度尼西亞各地。





Komodo is an Indonesian endemic英語endemic animal found only in 科莫多島, Padar英語Padar (island) and 林卡島 island within 科莫多國家公園. The surviving largest lizard on earth is easily recognised as Indonesian national animal. Komodo also become the emblem of 東努沙登加拉省 province.

Elang Jawa or 爪哇鷹鵰 (Nisaetus bartelsi) an endangered 猛禽 endemic to the mountainous forest regions of 爪哇島. The Javan hawk-eagle was chosen because its resemblance to the 印度尼西亞國徽, the most obvious physical traits is the prominent crest英語Crest (feathers) crowning its head and the plumage coloured dark-brownish to chestnut-gold. By Presidential decree, the Javan hawk-eagle was legally registered as considered as the national bird of Indonesia, and thus attributing the endangered species very high protection.[1]

Both arwana merah (super red 亞洲龍魚) and arwana emas (golden Asian arowana) are designated as Indonesian national animal of charm and also national fish. These fish are endemic to rivers of Sumatra and Indonesian Borneo. Both species of Scleropages aureus (red-tailed golden arowana) is native to northern Sumatra, while the Scleropages legendrei (super red arowana) is native to 卡普阿斯河 river and nearby lakes in 西加里曼丹省.

More information 地位, 動物 ...
地位 動物 圖像
國獸[2] 科摩多巨蜥 Thumb
國家珍稀動物兼國鳥[1] 爪哇鷹鵰 Thumb
國家魅力動物兼國魚 亞洲龍魚 Thumb





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