信息理論性死亡在主流的生物倫理學、生物學哲學和宗教界探討死亡時都有提到。[3][4][5][6][7][8][9] ,並在2007年的《新聞周刊》文章中探討心搏停止議題時有提及。[10]
Doyle DJ. Life, Death and Brain Death: A Critical Examination. Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine. 2011, 2 (1): 11–31. doi:10.1615/EthicsBiologyEngMed.2011003293. In the later case, sometimes called 「absolutely irreversible death」 or 「information theoretic death」 destruction of the brain has occurred to such an extreme that any information it may have ever held is irrevocably lost for all eternity.
Ali Afzali M. Brain death from the perspective of shia and modern medicine (PDF). Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. December 2013, 24 (113): 221–233 [2019-01-16]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2018-10-17). The theory of information-theoretical death was introduced, stating that the human brain cell arrangement at one point in time loses its stored information and experiences brain death (
Wowk B. Special Section. "Death by Neurologic Criteria 1968-2014: Changing Interpretations": The future of death. Journal of Critical Care. December 2014, 29 (6): 1111–1113. PMID 25194588. doi:10.1016/j.jcrc.2014.08.006. One possible answer is a definition of death that is independent of technology, no matter how advanced. Such a definition is the Information Theoretic Criterion for Death.
David Crippen. The problem of death in critical care medicine. Singh, Mamta B; Bhatia, Rohit B (編). Emergencies in Neurology. Byword Books. 2011: 396–404 [2019-01-16]. ISBN 978-8181930675. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-19). Any meaningful definition of death is then suggested by an information-theoretic criterion. In other words, does that patient contain enough undamaged structure (information) to infer his healthy working state from his current non-functional one?
Newsweek Staff. Back to Life: The Science of Reviving the Dead. Newsweek. 22 July 2007 [2019-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-08). (Ralph Merkle) has used this idea to popularize a fourth definition of death: "information-theoretic" death, the point at which the brain has succumbed to the pull of entropy and the mind can no longer be reconstituted. Only then, he says, are you really and truly dead.