AFI百年百大愛情電影(英語:AFI's 100 Years...100 Passions),是2002年美國電影學會從400片提名美國電影中,評選出100部百年來最偉大的愛情片名單,作為美國電影學院的「百年百大」系列的一個重要部分。

Quick Facts 1998年, 1999年 ...
2007年AFI百年百大電影 (10周年版)



  1. Casablanca(1942)北非諜影
  2. Gone With The Wind(1939)亂世佳人
  3. West Side Story(1961)西城故事
  4. Roman Holiday(1953)金枝玉葉
  5. An Affair To Remember(1957)金玉盟
  6. The Way We Were(1973)俏郎君
  7. Doctor Zhivago(1965)齊瓦哥醫生
  8. It's A Wonderful Life(1946)風雲人物
  9. Love Story(1970)愛的故事
  10. City Lights(1931)城市之光
  11. Annie Hall(1977)安妮荷爾
  12. My Fair Lady(1964)窈窕淑女
  13. Out Of Africa(1985)非洲之旅
  14. The African Queen(1951)非洲皇后
  15. Wuthering Heights(1939)咆哮山莊
  16. Singin' In The Rain(1952)萬花嬉春
  17. Moonstruck(1987)月滿抱佳人月滿抱佳人
  18. Vertigo(1958)迷魂記
  19. Ghost(1990)人鬼情未了
  20. From Here To Eternity(1953)紅粉忠魂未了情
  21. Pretty Woman(1990)風月俏佳人
  22. On Golden Pond(1981)金池塘
  23. Now, Voyager(1942)揚帆
  24. King Kong(1933)金剛
  25. When Harry Met Sally....(1989)90男歡女愛
  26. The Lady Eve(1941)淑女伊芙、淑女夏娃
  27. The Sound Of Music(1965)仙樂飄飄處處聞
  28. The Shop Around The Corner(1940)街角的商店
  29. An Officer And A Gentleman(1982)軍官與紳士
  30. Swing Time(1936)歡樂時光
  31. The King And I(1956)國王與我
  32. Dark Victory(1939)黑色勝利
  33. Camille(1937)茶花女
  34. Beauty And The Beast(1991)美女與野獸
  35. Gigi(1958)金粉世界
  36. Random Harvest(1942)鴛夢重溫
  37. Titanic(1997)鐵達尼號
  38. It Happened One Night(1934)一夜風流
  39. An American In Paris(1951)花都艷舞
  40. Ninotchka(1939)俄宮豔使
  41. Funny Girl(1968)妙女郎
  42. Anna Karenina(1935)安娜卡列妮娜
  43. A Star Is Born(1954)星海浮沈錄
  44. The Philadelphia Story(1940)費城故事
  45. Sleepless In Seattle(1993)緣份的天空
  46. To Catch A Thief(1955)捉賊記
  47. Splendor In The Grass(1961)青春夢裡人
  48. Last Tango In Paris(1972)巴黎最後探戈
  49. The Postman Always Rings Twice(1946)蕩婦怨
  50. Shakespeare In Love(1998)寫我深情
  51. Bringing Up Baby(1938)小豹媒人
  52. The Graduate(1967)畢業生
  53. A Place In The Sun(1951)郎心如鐵
  54. Sabrina(1954)龍鳳配
  55. Reds(1981)亂世情天
  56. The English Patient(1996)別問我是誰
  57. Two For The Road(1967)儷人行
  58. Guess Who's Coming To Dinner(1967)金龟婿
  59. Picnic(1955)野宴
  60. To Have And Have Not(1944)逃亡
  61. Breakfast At Tiffany's(1961)珠光寶氣
  62. The Apartment(1960)桃色公寓
  63. Sunrise(1927)日出
  64. Marty(1955)馬蒂
  65. Bonnie And Clyde(1967)雌雄大盜
  66. Manhattan(1979)曼克頓
  67. A Streetcar Named Desire(1951)慾海奇女子
  68. What's Up, Doc?(1972)愛的大追蹤
  69. Harold And Maude(1971)哈洛與茂德
  70. Sense And Sensibility(1995)理智與感情
  71. Way Down East(1920)江水東流
  72. Roxanne(1987)愛上羅姍
  73. The Gost And Mrs. Muir(1947)幽靈與未亡人
  74. Woman Of The Year(1942)小姑獨處
  75. The American President(1995)白宮夜未眠
  76. The Quiet Man(1952)蓬門今始為君開
  77. The Awful Truth(1937)驚人事蹟
  78. Coming Home(1978)返鄉
  79. Jezebel(1939)紅衫淚痕
  80. The Sheik(1921)酋長
  81. The Goodbye Girl(1977)再見女郎
  82. Witness(1985)證人
  83. Morocco(1930)摩洛哥
  84. Double Indemnity(1944)雙重保險
  85. Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing(1955)生死戀
  86. Notorious(1946)諜網情鴛
  87. The Unbearable Lightness Of Being(1988)布拉格之戀
  88. The Princess Bride(1987)公主新娘
  89. Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?(1966)靈慾春宵
  90. The Bridges Of Madison County(1995)麥迪遜之橋
  91. Working Girl(1988)打工女郎
  92. Porgy And Bess(1959)乞丐與蕩婦
  93. Dirty Dancing(1987)熱舞17、辣身舞
  94. Body Heat(1981)體熱
  95. Lady And The Tramp(1955)小姐與流氓
  96. Barefoot In The Park(1967)鬥氣夫妻
  97. Grease(1978)油脂
  98. The Hunchback Of Notre Dame(1939)鐘樓怪人
  99. Pillow Talk(1959)枕邊細語
  100. Jerry Maguire(1996)甜心先生


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