语言 来自维基百科,自由的百科全书
加利西亞語(加利西亞語:galego)屬印歐語系羅曼語族,是西班牙官方語言之一。母語人口主要分佈於西班牙西北部的加利西亞自治區和葡萄牙,共約三至四百萬。ISO 639語言編碼為gl和glg,SIL碼為GLN。和葡萄牙語差異不大,有語言學家認為它們是一種語言下的兩個很近似的方言。

- Fernández Rei, Francisco, Dialectoloxía da lingua galega 3, Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia, 2003, ISBN 84-7507-472-3 (加利西亞文)
- Ferreiro, Manuel, Gramática histórica galega. I. Fonética e Morfosintaxe, Santiago de Compostela: Edicións Laiovento, 1999, ISBN 84-89896-43-7 (加利西亞文)
- Freixeiro Mato, Xosé Ramón, Gramática da lingua galega (I). Fonética e fonoloxía, Vigo: A Nosa Terra, 2006, ISBN 978-84-8341-060-8 (加利西亞文)
- Gómez Sánchez, Anxo; Queixas Zas, Mercedes, Historia xeral da literatura galega, Vigo: Edicións A Nosa Terra, 2001, ISBN 84-95350-79-3 (加利西亞文)
- Mariño Paz, Ramón, Historia da lingua galega 2, Santiago de Compostela: Sotelo Blanco, 1998, ISBN 84-9995-031-0 (加利西亞文)
- Regueira, Xose, Galician, Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 1996, 26 (2): 119–122
- Castro, Olga. Talking at cross-purposes? The missing link between feminist linguistics and translation studies. Gender and Language (Equinox). February 2013, 7 (1): 35–58. doi:10.1558/genl.v7i1.35. Examines the arguments for and against the use of inclusive language in (literary) translation through an analysis of the "ideological struggle" that emerged from two ideologically disparate rewritings of gender markers into Galician of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon (2003), focusing on the ideological, poetic and economic pressures that (still) define the professional practice of translation.

Galician guides:
- LOIA: Open guide to Galician Language(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) .
- Basic information on Galician language(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) (加利西亞文), (西班牙文), (英文)
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