集體歇斯底里(英語:mass hysteria),或稱集體發瘋、群體性心因性疾病[1](英語:mass psychogenic illness),是一個社會學及心理學術語,用來指因集體性的恐慌、錯覺和無病因的疾病症狀通過謠言等方式迅速傳播的現象。[2]醫學上也用來指一人以上無意識的有類似實際症狀的現象。[3][4]
常見的集體歇斯底里表現為一群人都相信他們患上了同樣的疾病。[5] 即群體性心因性疾病或流行性歇斯底里。[6]
儘管集體歇斯底里會在人群中的傳播,但是其並沒有傳染源[10] ,而且與其他集體性妄想不同,集體歇斯底里會表現出具體的軀體症狀[6]。巴拉厄特納辛格姆(Balaratnasingam)和漢卡兩位教授稱:「目前人類對於集體歇斯底里的了解並不深,關於其病因則幾乎沒有確定的說法」[11]。 用來識別集體歇斯底里的因素通常包括:[6]
- 無合理軀體原因的症狀。
- 症狀持續時間短、通常為良性症狀。
- 症狀迅速發作並迅速恢復。
- 在隔絕的群體中發生。
- 發病群體中至少某部分人過度焦慮。
- 症狀通過視覺、聲音或口頭交流傳播。
- 從老年人或地位較高的人發作,順着年齡尺度向下傳播。
- 女性居多。
- 集體焦慮型歇斯底里(Mass anxiety hysteria)「由急性焦慮症發作而成,主要發生在學齡兒童身上。事先沒有緊張感,通過視覺接觸迅速擴散」[13]。
- 集體運動型歇斯底里(Mass motor hysteria) 「由運動行為的異常發作而成,任何年齡段均會發生。發作者事先存在緊張感,最初的病例可被確認,且擴散逐步進行……爆發時間可能較長」[13]。
Little Green Men, Meowing Nuns and Head-Hunting Panics: A Study of Mass Psychogenic Illness and Social Delusion, Robert E. Bartholomew, 2001, McFarland Publishing
Bartholomew, Robert E.; Wessely, Simon. Protean nature of mass sociogenic illness: From possessed nuns to chemical and biological terrorism fears. British Journal of Psychiatry (Royal College of Psychiatrists). 2002, 180 (4): 300–306 [2013-10-21]. PMID 11925351. doi:10.1192/bjp.180.4.300. (原始內容存檔於2003-08-25). Mass sociogenic illness mirrors prominent social concerns, changing in relation to context and circumstance. Prior to 1900, reports are dominated by episodes of motor symptoms typified by dissociation, histrionics and psychomotor agitation incubated in an environment of preexisting tension. Twentieth-century reports feature anxiety symptoms that are triggered by sudden exposure to an anxiety-generating agent, most commonly an innocuous odour or food poisoning rumours.
Waller, John. Falling down. The Guardian (London). 18 September 2008 [2013-10-21]. (原始內容存檔於2010-04-14). The recent outbreak of fainting in a school in Tanzania bears all the hallmarks of mass hysteria, says John Waller. But what causes it and why is it still happening around the world today?
[1] 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2014-10-26. Waller, John. "Looking Back: Dancing plagues and mass hysteria." The Psychologist 22(7) (2009): 644–47. Web. 17 Dec. 2009.
Ali-Gombe, A. et al. "Mass hysteria: one syndrome or two?" British Journal of Psychiatry 1997; 170 387–88. Web. 17 Dec. 2009.