1899年,他擔任一家生產滾筒和滾珠軸承的公司Hyatt Roller Bearing的總裁,這家公司在20世紀初是福特汽車的軸承供應商。1916年他的公司和聯合汽車公司合併,後來成為通用汽車公司的一部分。他先是擔任副總裁,然後是總裁(1923),最後於1937年成了通用的董事長。1934年,在擔任董事長期間成立了非營利性質的艾爾弗·斯隆基金。通用汽車的名聲也因為斯隆對於經營及財務管理的操作理論像是投資報酬率計算等會計方法,而大為提升。這些管理辦法一路由擁有通用汽車43%的股份杜邦公司總裁Pierre S. du Pont傳承到通用汽車副總裁John J. Raskob的手上最後由Donaldson Brown引進通用公司。
整個基金會的資產大約在180億美元左右。史隆基金會在1956年曾資助華納兄弟的暢銷卡通《Yankee Dood It(英語:Yankee Dood It)》。
經營是企業的天職。(The business of business is business.)
以各類車型滿足各階層,各種用途的需要 (A car for every purse and purpose.)(Sloan 1963, p. 438)
"I am sure we all realize that this struggle that is going on though the World is really nothing more or less than a conflict between two opposing technocracies manifesting itself to the capitalization of economic resources and products and all that sort of thing." - 1941年5月
"It seems clear that the Allies are outclassed on mechanical equipment, and it is foolish to talk about modernizing their Armies in times like these, they ought to have thought of that five years ago. There is no excuse for them not thinking of that except for the unintelligent, in fact, stupid, narrow-minded and selfish leadership which the democracies of the world are cursed with… But when some other system develops stronger leadership, works hard and long, and intelligently and aggressively - which are good traits - and, superimposed upon that, develops the instinct of a racketeer, there is nothing for the democracies to do but fold up. And that is about what it looks as if they are going to do." -1940年6月
McKenna, Christopher D. Writing the ghost-writer back in: Alfred Sloan, Alfred Chandler, John McDonald and the intellectual origins of corporate strategy. Management and Organizational History. 2006, 1 (2): pp. 107–126. 引文格式1維護:冗餘文本 (link)
Pelfrey, William. Billy, Alfred and General Motors. Amacom Publishing. 2006.
Alfred P. Sloan Jr. Dead at 90; G.M. Leader and Philanthropist; Alfred P. Sloan Jr., Leader of General Motors, Is Dead at 90. New York Times. February 18, 1966. Alfred P. Sloan Jr., who shaped the General Motors Corporation into one of the world's largest manufacturing enterprises, died of a heart attack yesterday afternoon at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center here. He was 90 years old.使用|accessdate=需要含有|url= (幫助)