王國國璽(英語:Great Seal of the Realm,又稱英國國璽,Great Seal of the United Kingdom;在《1707年聯合法令》之前被稱為英格蘭國璽,Great Seal of England;在《1800年聯合法令》之前則稱為大不列顛國璽,Great Seal of Great Britain)為一枚標明經英國君主同意之重要國書的印章。
Bedos-Rezak, Brigitte. The king enthroned, a new theme in Anglo-Saxon royal iconography: the seal of Edward the Confessor and its political implications. Rosenthal, J.T. (編). Kings and Kingship. Binghamton, NY: State University of New York: Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies. 1986: 53–88.