克利福德·埃德蒙德·博斯沃思(英語:Clifford Edmund Bosworth;1928年12月29日-2015年2月18日)FBA英語Fellow of the British Academy,是一位英國歷史學家、東方學學者,專攻阿拉伯學英語Arab studies伊朗學

Quick Facts 克利福德·埃德蒙德·博斯沃思Clifford Edmund Bosworth, 出生 ...
Clifford Edmund Bosworth
學術導師弗拉基米爾·米諾爾斯基英語Vladimir Minorsky
主要領域伊朗學伊斯蘭學阿拉伯學英語Arab studies突厥學


博斯沃思1928年12月29日生於英格蘭謝菲爾德。他的父親克利福德·博斯沃思曾在監護委員會英語Board of Guardians養老金與國家保險部英語Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance工作;母親名叫格拉迪斯·康斯坦斯·格雷戈里(Gladys Constance Gregory)。他在牛津大學聖約翰學院獲現代史文學學士學位,在愛丁堡大學獲中東學英語Middle Eastern studies文學碩士研究博士學位[1][2]

進入愛丁堡大學前,他先在蘇格蘭農業部(Department of Agriculture for Scotland)工作,在那裡認識了安妮特·艾倫·托德(Annettee Ellen Todd),兩人於1957年9月19日結婚,後生有三女[1]

他在聖安德魯大學曼徹斯特大學普林斯頓大學人文學中心(Center for the Humanities)有長期教職,2004年後並任埃克塞特大學客座教授。2015年2月26日,他在薩默賽特郡約維爾去世[1]




  • The Ghaznavids, their empire in Afghanistan and Eastern Iran 994–1040, Edinburgh University Press 1963, 2nd ed. Beirut 1973, repr. New Delhi 1992 (有波斯語譯本)
  • The Islamic dynasties, a chronological and genealogical handbook, Edinburgh University Press 1967, revised ed. 1980 (有俄語、波斯語、土耳其語、阿拉伯語、法語、漢語譯本)
  • Sistan under the Arabs, from the Islamic conquest to the rise of the Saffarids (30-250/651-864), IsMEO, Rome 1968 (有波斯語譯本)
  • The Book of curious and entertaining information, the Lata'if al-ma'arif of Tha'ālibī translated into English, Edinburgh University Press 1968.
  • (Editor) Iran and Islam, in memory of the late Vladimir Minorsky, Edinburgh University Press 1971.
  • (Editor, with Joseph Schacht) The legacy of Islam, new edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1974 (有阿拉伯語譯本,1998)
  • The mediaeval Islamic underworld, the Banu Sasan in Arabic society and literature, 2 vols., Brill, Leiden 1976.
  • The medieval history of Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia, Variorum, Collected Studies Series, London 1977.
  • The later Ghaznavids, splendour and decay: the dynasty in Afghanistan and northern India 1040–1186, Edinburgh University Press 1977, repr. New Delhi 1992 (Persian tr.)
  • Al-Maqrizi's "Book of contention and strife concerning the relations between the Banu Umayya and the Banu Hashim" translated into English, Journal of Semitic Studies Monographs, 3, Manchester 1981.
  • Medieval Arabic culture and administration, Variorum, Collected Studies Series, London 1982.
  • (Editor, with Carole Hillenbrand) Qajar Iran, political, social and cultural change 1800–1925 [= Festschrift for L.P. Elwell-Sutton], Edinburgh University Press 1984.
  • The History of al-Tabari. Vol. XXXII. The reunification of the Abbasid Caliphate. The caliphate of al-Ma'mun A.D. 812-833/A.H. 198–213, translated and annotated by C.E. Bosworth, SUNY Press, Albany 1987.
  • The History of al-Tabari. Vol. XXX. The Abbasid Caliphate in equilibrium. The caliphates of Musa al-Hadi and Harun al-Rashid A.D. 785-809/A.H. 169–193, translated and annotated by C.E.Bosworth, SUNY Press, Albany 1989.
  • Baha' al-Din al-Amili and his literary anthologies, Journal of Semitic Studies Monographs 10, Manchester 1989.
  • The History of al-Tabari. Vol. XXXIII. Storm and stress along the northern frontiers of the Abbasid Caliphate. The caliphate of al-Mu'tas'im A.D. 833-842/A.H. 218–227, translated and annotated by C.E. Bosworth, SUNY Press, Albany 1991.(Editor, with M.E.J. Richardson) Richard Bell, A commentary on the Qur'an, University of Manchester (Journal of Semitic Studies) 1991, 2 vols.
  • The History of the Saffarids of Sistan and the Maliks of Nimruz (247/861 to 949/1452-3), Columbia Lectures on Iranian Studies no. 7, Costa Mesa, Calif. and New York 1994.
  • The Arabs, Byzantium and Iran. Studies in early Islamic history and culture, Variorum, Collected Studies Series, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot 1996.
  • The New Islamic dynasties. A chronological and genealogical manual, Edinburgh University Press 1996.
  • (Editor, with Muhammad Asim, and contributor) The UNESCO history of civilizations of Central Asia, Vol. IV, The age of achievement. A.D. 750 to the end of the fifteenth century. Part 1, The historical, social and economic setting, Paris 1998. Part 2, The literary, cultural, artistic and scientific achievements, Paris 2000.
  • The History of al-Tabari. Vol. V. The Sasanids, the Byzantines, the Lakhmids and Yemen, translated and annotated by C.E. Bosworth, SUNY Press, Albany 1999.(Editor, and contributor of four chapters)
  • A century of British orientalists 1902–2001 [= Centennial Volume of the Oriental and African Studies Section of the British Academy], Oxford University Press for the British Academy 2001.
  • Abu 'l-Fadl Bayhaqi's Tarkh-i Mas'udi translated into English with a historical, geographical and linguistic commentary, to appear in the Persian Heritage Series, Columbia University, 3 volumes, New York, 2006; An intrepid Scot: William Lithgow of Lanark's travels in the Ottoman Empire and Mediterranean lands 1609–21, Aldershot 2006.




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