子囊菌門學名Ascomycota)是真菌界中種類最多的一個。顧名思義,本門成員的共同特徵是在有性生殖相產生的後代孢子有一個保護囊,即子囊,這很像哺乳類胎兒都有一個羊膜囊保護一樣。無論是酵母亞門單細胞有性生殖,還是其餘的多細胞有性生殖,無有例外。但保護孢子的子囊可以是永久的(persistant asci),也可以是稍縱即逝的(evanescent asci),以致在標本準備過程中往往消失而很難看見。子囊菌門成員通常被稱為囊菌或子囊菌,是真菌界最大的門,超過64,000種 [2],與擔子菌門(Basidiomycota)一起構成了雙核亞界(Dikarya)。

Quick Facts 子囊菌門, 科學分類 ...
科學分類 編輯
界: 真菌界 Fungi
亞界: 雙核亞界 Dikarya
門: 子囊菌門 Ascomycota
(Berk.) Caval.-Sm. (1998)[1]








  • Lahmiales
  • Lauriomycetales
  • Thelocarpales
  • Triblidiales
  • Vezdaeales
  • Wiesneriomycetales
  • Coelomycetous
  • Gylactaceae
  • Hyphomycetous
  • Pneumocystidaceae
  • Porpidiaceaea
  • Pyrenolaceae
  • Sphaeriaceae
  • Abropelta B.C.Sutton, 1986
  • Acanthoderma H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1917
  • Acaroconium Kocourková & D.Hawksworth, 2008
  • Acarocybe Syd.
  • Acarocybella M.B.Ellis, 1960
  • Acarocybellina C.V.Subramanian, 1992
  • Acarocybiopsis J.Mena, A.Hernández-Gutiérrez & Mercado, 1999
  • Acaropeltis Petrak, 1937
  • Achoropeltis H.Sydow, 1929
  • Aciculariella G.Arnaud, 1954
  • Acinula E.M.Fries, 1822
  • Acontium A.P.Morgan, 1902
  • Acremoniula G.Arnaud ex Cif., 1962
  • Acrocylindrium Bonorden, 1851
  • Acrodictiella R.K.Verma, N.Sharma & K.K.Soni, 2008
  • Acrodictyella W.A.Baker & E.C.Partridge, 2001
  • Acrodictyopsis P.M.Kirk
  • Acrodontiella U.Braun & C.Scheuer, 1995
  • 頂隔孢屬 Acrophragmis Kiffer & Reisinger
  • Acrospira Mont., 1857
  • Acrosporium Bonord.
  • Acrostaurus F.C.Deighton & K.A.Pirozynski, 1972
  • Acrotheciella Koorders, 1907
  • Actinochaete Ferro, 1907
  • 射棒孢屬 Actinocladium Ehrenb.
  • Actinodochium H.Sydow, 1927
  • 放線孢屬 Actinonema Pers.
  • Actinothyrella Edward, Kr.P.Singh, S.C.Tripathi, M.K.Sinha & Ranade, 1974
  • Actinotrichum Wallroth
  • Acumispora Matsush.
  • Adendorfia G. Worobiec, F.H. Neumann & E. Worobiec 2017
    • Adendorfia miocenica G.Worobiec, F.H.Neumann & E.Worobiec, 2017
  • Adhogamina Subram. & Lodha 1964
  • Aegerita Pers. 1794
  • Aegeritella Baazy & J.Win., 1974
  • Aegeritoidea Anon.
  • Aenigmatospora R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, Saikawa, Guarro & Calduch, 1999
  • Aerophyton Eschweiler, 1824
  • Agaricodochium X.Liu, 1981
  • Agarwalia D.P.Tiwari & P.D.Agrawal, 1974
  • Agarwalomyces R.K.Verma & Kamal, 1987
  • Agrabeeja C.V.Subramanian, 1995
  • Agyriellopsis F.von Höhnel, 1903
  • Ahmadia H.Sydow, 1939
  • Ajrekarella M.N.Kamat & I.K.Kalani, 1964
  • Alciphila H.Harmaja, 2002
  • Alcornia J.S. Monteiro, S.M. Leão, Gusmão, P.M. Kirk & R.F. Castañeda 2017
    • Alcornia sessilispora (Alcorn & P.M.Kirk) J.S.Monteiro, S.M.Leão, Gusmão, P.M.Kirk & R.F.Castañeda, 2017
  • Aleurodomyces P.Buchner, 1912
  • Algonquinia R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1991
  • Allantophoma H.Klebahn, 1933
  • Allomyces
  • Allonema Syd.
  • Alloneottiosporina Nag Raj, 1993
  • Allothyriella Batista, Ciferri & Nascimento, 1959
  • Allothyriopsis Batista, Ciferri & H.Maia, 1959
  • Alpakesa Subram. & K.Ramakr., 1954
  • Alpakesiopsis B.A.Abbas, B.C.Sutton, A.Ghaffar & A.Abbas, 2003
  • Alveariospora M.da Silva, R.F.Castañeda-Ruíz, O.L.Pereira & R.W.Barreto, 2012
  • Alveophoma Alcalde
  • Alysidiopsis B.Sutton
  • Amallospora Penz.
  • Amblyosporium Fresen.
  • Ambrosiaemyces Trotter, 1934
  • Ameroconium U.Braun & M.O.Zhurbenko, 2013
  • Amerodiscosiella M.L.Farr, 1961
  • Amerodiscosiellina Bat. & Cavalc.
  • Amerosporiella F.von Höhnel, 1916
  • Amerosporiopsis Petrak, 1941
  • Amerosympodula T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Amoenodochium F.Peláez & R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, 1996
  • Amoenomyces R.F.Castañeda, M.Saikawa & G.L.Hennebert, 1996
  • Amphichaetella F.von Höhnel, 1916
  • Amphiciliella F.von Höhnel, 1919
  • Amphisphaerina F.von Höhnel, 1919
  • Amphitrichum T.F.L.Nees, 1818
  • Amphophialis R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, W.B.Kendrick & J.Guarro, 1998
  • Ampullicephala R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, D.W.Minter & M.Stadler, 2009
  • Ampullifera Deighton
  • Ampulliferina B.Sutton
  • Ampulliferinites R.M.Kalgutkar & L.Sigler, 1995
  • Amylogalla
  • Anacoronospora J.S.Monteiro, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Anaphysmene Bubák, 1906
  • Anarhyma M.-H.Pei & Z.-W.Yuan, 1986
  • Anaselenosporella G.P.Heredia, R.F.Castañeda & R.M.Arias, 2010
  • Anaseptoidium R.F.Castañeda-Ruiz, G.A.Heredia & R.M.Arias-Mota, 2012
  • Anasporidesmiella
  • Anaverticicladus P.O.Costa, Malosso & R.F.Castañeda
  • Ancoraspora Mig.Rodríguez, 1982
  • Ancorasporella J.Mena Portales, A.Mercado Sierra & G.Heredia, 2017
  • Andomyces
  • Angiopomopsis F.von Höhnel, 1912
  • Angulospora Sv.Nilsson
  • Anisogenispora
  • Anisospadicoides
  • Annellodentimyces Matsushima, 1985
  • Annellodochium F.C.Deighton, 1969
  • Annellolacinia B.C.Sutton, 1964
  • Annellophorella Subram., 1962
  • Annellophragmia C.V.Subramanian, 1963
  • Annellospermosporella P.R.Johnston, 1999
  • Annellosympodia A.R.McTaggart, R.G.Shivas & U.Braun, 2007
  • Anomomyces Höhn.
  • Antennopsis R.Heim, 1952
  • Anthina Fr.
  • Anthoblastomyces Verona & Zardetta, 1954
  • Anthracoderma Spegazzini, 1888
  • Antimanoa H.Sydow, 1930
  • Antromyces Fresen., 1850
  • Anulohypha Ciferri, 1962
  • Aoria Ciferri, 1962
  • Aphanofalx B.C.Sutton, 1986
  • Apiocarpella H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1919
  • Apiotypa Petrak, 1925
  • Apocoryneum
  • Apogloeum Petrak, 1954
  • Aporellula B.C.Sutton, 1986
  • Aposporella Thaxter, 1920
  • 蛛絲孢屬 Arachnophora Hennebert
  • Arachnospora R.F.Castañeda, D.W.Minter & M.Camino-Vilaró, 2003
  • Arborillus M.Muntañola-Cvetkovic & A.Gómez-Bolea, 1998
  • Arborispora K.Ando
  • Arcuadendron Sigler & J.W.Carmich., 1976
  • Aristadiplodia M.Shirai, 1919
  • Arnaudina A.Trotter, 1931
  • Arthopyreniomyces
  • Arthrobotryella Sibilia, 1928
  • Arthrobotryomyces Bat. & J.L.Bezerra
  • Arthrobotryum Ces.
  • Arthrobotryum O.Rostr.
  • Arthrocristula L.Sigler, M.T.Dunn & J.W.Carmichael, 1982
  • Arthromoniliphora S.S.Silva, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Arthrosporium Sacc.
  • Arthrotaeniolella L.B.Conc., M.F.O.Marques, J.S.Monteiro, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Arthrowallemia R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, D.García & J.Guarro, 1998
  • Articularia F.von Höhnel, 1909
  • Articulophora C.J.K.Wang & B.Sutton
  • Artocreas M.J.Berkeley & Broome, 1875
  • Asbolisia Spegazzini, 1918
  • Asbolisiomyces Bat. & H.Maia
  • Ascochytopsis Hennings, 1905
  • Ascochytulina Petrak, 1922
  • Ascohyalinospora
  • Ascomauritiana V.M.Ranghoo & K.D.Hyde, 1999
  • Ascomurispora
  • Ashtaangam C.V.Subramanian, 1995
  • Aspilaima Bat. & H.Maia
  • Astelechia R.Ciferri, 1962
  • Asterinothyriella Batista & Ciferri, 1959
  • Asterinothyrium A.C.Batista, R.Ciferri & H.S.Maia, 1951
  • Asteroconium H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1903
  • Asteroglobolus W.von Brackel, 2011
  • Asteromidium Spegazzini, 1888
  • Asteromyces Moreau, 1941
  • Asteronectrioidea Cantournet, 1949
  • Asteropsis Gonz.Fragoso, 1917
  • Asteroscutula Petrak, 1948
  • Asterostomopora A.C.Batista & H.Maia, 1960
  • Asterostomopsis A.C.Batista, R.Ciferri & H.S.Maia, 1951
  • Asterostomula Theiss.
  • Asterostomulina A.C.Batista, J.L.Bezerra & H.S.Maia, 1964
  • Astomella Thirumalachar, 1947
  • Astrabomyces Bat.
  • Astrodochium J.B.Ellis & Everhart, 1897
  • Astronatelia A.C.Batista & H.Maia, 1962
  • Ateleothylax M.Ota & M.Langeron, 1923
  • Atractilina Dearness & Bartholomew, 1924
  • Atractina Höhn.
  • Atractobolus Tode
  • Atractobolus Tode ex Palisot de Beauvois, 1805
  • Atrosetaphiale Matsush.
  • Aulographopsis Petrak, 1938
  • Aurosphaeria S.J.Lee, S.A.Strobel, K.Eisenman, B.Geary, P.N.Vargas & S.A.Strobel, 2009
  • Avesicladiella W.P.Wu, B.Sutton & Gange
  • Avettaea F.Petrak & H.Sydow, 1927
  • Azbukinia Lar.N.Vassiljeva, 1989
  • Bacillopeltis Bat.
  • Bacillospora
  • Bactridium Kunze
  • Bactrodesmiella M.B.Ellis
  • Baculospora H.Zukal, 1887
  • Badarisama Kunwar, J.B.Manandhar & J.B.Sinclair, 1986
  • Baeotithis
  • Bagyoaatgra
  • Bahuchashaka C.V.Subramanian, 1978
  • Bahukalasa C.V.Subramanian & K.V.Chandrashekara, 1979
  • Bahusaganda C.V.Subramanian, 1994
  • Bainieria G.Arnaud, 1952
  • Bakerophoma Diedicke, 1916
  • Balaniopsis P.M.Kirk, 1985
  • Balanium Wallr.
  • Barbarosporina A.Kirulis, 1942
  • Barnettella D.Rao & P.R.Rao, 1964
  • Bartheletia Arnaud, 1954
  • Basauxia C.V.Subramanian, 1995
  • Basididyma R.Ciferri, 1962
  • Basramyces Abdullah, Abdulk. & Goos, 1989
  • Batistina Peres
  • Batistospora J.L.Bezerra & M.M.P.Herrera, 1964
  • Beauveriphora Matsush., 1975
  • Beccopycnidium F.L.Stevens, 1930
  • Beejadwaya C.V.Subramanian, 1978
  • Belainopsis Bat. & H.Maia
  • Belemnospora P.M.Kirk
  • Bellulicauda B.C.Sutton, 1967
  • Beltramono R.Dubey, A.K.Pandey & C.Manoharachary, 2011
  • Beltraniomyces Manohar., Agarwal & Rao
  • Benekea Bat. & J.L.Bezerra
  • Beniowskia Raciborski, 1900
  • Benjaminia S.Ahmad, 1967
  • Benjpalia C.V.Subramanian & D.J.Bhat, 1989
  • Beverwijkella
  • Bhadradriella D.Nagaraju, I.K.Kunwar & C.Manoharachary, 2011
  • Bhadradriomyces S.Kumar, C.Manoharachary & I.K.Kunwar, 2009
  • Bharatheeya D'Souza & Bhat
  • Bhargavaella S.Singh & K.S.Srivastava, 1980?
  • Bhatia W.A.Baker & G.A.Morgan-Jones, 2009
  • Bibanasiella R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1991
  • Bicoloromyces
  • Biflagellospora T.Matsushima, 1975
  • Biflagellosporella Matsush.
  • Biflua Jørg.Koch & E.B.G.Jones, 1989
  • Bilboque A.P.Viégas, 1960
  • Bilgramia K.S.Panwar, D.K.Purohit & J.S.Chouhan, 1974
  • Biligiriella
  • Bimeris Petrak, 1949
  • Bioconiosporium Bat. & J.L.Bezerra
  • Birsiomyces F.Schaarschmidt, 1966
  • Bisseomyces R.F.Castañeda, 1985
  • Bitunicostilbe M.Morelet, 1971
  • Bizzozeriella Spegazzini, 1888
  • Blarneya D.L.Hawksworth, B.J.Coppins & P.W.James, 1980
  • Blastocatena C.V.Subramanian & D.J.Bhat, 1989
  • Blastoconium Ciferri, 1931
  • Blastoderma B.Fischer & Brebeck, 1894
  • Blastodictys M.B.Ellis, 1976
  • Blastofusarioides T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Blastoheterospora J.S.Monteiro, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Blastophorella Boedijn, 1937
  • Blastophragma C.V.Subramanian, 1995
  • Blastophragmia
  • Blastotrichum Corda, 1838
  • Blennoria Moug. & Fr.
  • Blennoriopsis Petrak, 1920
  • Blitrydium
  • Blodgettia
  • Blodgettiomyces
  • Bomplandiella Spegazzini, 1886
  • Botrydiella
  • Botryodeorsum T.P.Devi, N.Mathur, Chowdhry, Jasvir Singh & O.Prakash, 2006
  • Botryodiplodina Dias & Sousa da Câmara, 1954
  • Botryogene Syd. & P.Syd., 1917
  • Botryomonilia Goos & Pirozynski, 1975
  • Botryomyces Greco, 1916
  • Botryonipha Preuss, 1852
  • Brachycarphium Berkeley, 1849
  • Brachycephala J.S.Monteiro, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Brachydesmiella G.Arnaud ex S.Hughes
  • Brachyhelicoon G.Arnaud, 1952
  • Brachysporiellina Subram.
  • Brachysporiopsis Yanna, W.H.Ho & K.D.Hyde, 2004
  • Brefeldiopycnis Petrak & Ciferri, 1932
  • Bresadolina J.Rick, 1928
  • Briosia Cavara, 1888
  • Broomeola Kuntze
  • Brycekendrickia T.R.Nag Raj, 1973
  • Brykendrickia
  • Bryotrema
  • Bulbilopycnis T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Bulbocatenospora R.F.Castañeda & Iturr., 2000
  • Bullaserpens A.C.Batista, J.L.Bezerra & W.A.Cavalcanti, 1965
  • Bullimyces A.Ferrer, A.N.Miller, C.Sarmiento & C.A.Shearer, 2012
  • Byssocladium Link, 1815
  • Byssophytum Montagne, 1848
  • Caducirostrum Punith. & Spooner
  • Caenomyces E.W.Berry, 1916
  • Caeruleoconidia Zhurb. & Pino-Bodas, 2017
  • Calcarispora Marvanová & Marvan, 1963
  • Calcarisporiella de Hoog
  • Calceispora T.Matsushima, 1975
  • Callistospora Petrak, 1955
  • Callorites M.Fiore, 1932
  • Callosisperma Preuss, 1855
  • Calocline H.Sydow, 1939
  • Calongeomyces D.Hawksw. & Etayo, 2011
  • Calongia D.Hawksw. & Etayo
  • Camaropycnis E.K.Cash, 1945
  • Camarosporellum Tassi, 1902
  • Camarosporiopsis Abbas, B.Sutton & Ghaffar, 2000
  • Camarosporulum Tassi, 1902
  • Camposporidium Nawawi & Kuthub.
  • Camptomeris Syd., 1927
  • Camptosporium Link
  • Candelosynnema K.D.Hyde & K.A.Seifert, 1992
  • Capillaria Pers.
  • Capitorostrum Batista, 1957
  • Capnogoniella Batista & Ciferri, 1963
  • Caproniella Berlese, 1896
  • Capsicumyces Gamundí, Aramb. & Giaiotti
  • Carmichaelia N.D.Sharma, 1980
  • Carnegieispora J.Etayo & F.Berger, 2009
  • Carnia Bat.
  • Carrismyces R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & G.Heredia, 2000
  • Cashhickia T.N.Taylor, M.Krings, J.Galtier & N.Dotzler, 2012
  • Casparyotorula
  • Castanedaea W.A.Baker & Partridge, 2001
  • Catenella A.C.Batista & E.P.Peres, 1963
  • Catenocuneiphora Matsushima, 2003
  • Catenophora Luttrell, 1940
  • Catenophoropsis T.R.Nag Raj & W.B.Kendrick, 1988
  • Catenospegazzinia Subramanian, 1991
  • Catenosubulispora Matsushima, 1971
  • Catenosynnema Kodsueb, E.H.C.McKenzie, W.H.Ho, K.D.Hyde, P.Lumyong & S.Lumyong, 2007
  • Catenulaster Bat. & C.A.A.Costa
  • Catenuloxyphium Bat., Nascim. & Cif.
  • Catinopeltis Batista & C.A.A.Costa, 1957
  • Cecidiomyces U.Braun & M.P.Zhurbenko, 2012
  • Ceeveesubramaniomyces Pratibha, K.D.Hyde & Bhat, 2005
  • Cellulosporium C.H.Peck, 1879
  • Cephalodochium Bonorden, 1851
  • Cephalophorum Nees
  • Cephalothecoidomyces
  • Ceracea Cragin
  • Ceratohirudispora R.Kar, B.D.Mandaokar & R.K.Kar, 2010
  • Ceratophorum Sacc.
  • Ceratopycnis Höhn., 1915
  • Ceratospermum P.Micheli, 1729
  • Cercosperma G.Arnaud ex B.C.Sutton & C.H.Hodges Jr., 1983
  • Cerotocystis
  • Cervichlamydospora
  • Ceuthosira Petrak, 1924
  • Ceuthosporella Petrak & H.Sydow, 1923
  • Chaetantromycopsis H.P.Upadhyay, Cavalc. & A.A.Silva
  • 毛內隔孢屬 Chaetendophragmia Matsush.
  • Chaetendophragmiopsis B.C.Sutton & C.S.Hodges, 1978
  • Chaethomites L.Pampaloni, 1902
  • Chaetobasidiella F.von Höhnel, 1918
  • Chaetoblastophorum G.Morgan-Jones, 1977
  • Chaetocomis
  • Chaetoconidium H.Zukal, 1887
  • Chaetocytostroma Petrak, 1920
  • Chaetodiplis F.E.Clements, 1931
  • Chaetodiplodina Spegazzini, 1910
  • Chaetopeltaster K.Katumoto, 1975
  • Chaetopeltiopsis K.Hara, 1913
  • Chaetophiophoma Spegazzini, 1910
  • Chaetophomella Speg.
  • Chaetopsis Grev.
  • Chaetosclerophoma Petrak, 1924
  • Chaetoseptoria Tehon, 1937
  • Chaetospermopsis K.Katumoto & Y.Harada, 1979
  • Chaetospermum Sacc.
  • Chaetostroma Corda
  • Chaetostromella P.A.Karsten, 1895
  • Chaetothyriolum Spegazzini, 1919
  • Chaetotrichum
  • Chaetozythia P.A.Karsten, 1888
  • Chalarodendron C.J.K.Wang & B.C.Sutton, 1984
  • Chalarodes McKenzie, 1991
  • Characonidia Bat. & Cavalc.
  • Chardonia Ciferri, 1930
  • Charomyces K.A.Seifert, 1987
  • Charrinia Viala & Ravaz, 1894
  • Chasakopama C.Manoharachary, G.Bagyanarayana, N.K.Rao & I.K.Kunwar, 2009
  • Cheilaria Lib.
  • Cheiroidea W.A.Baker & G.A.Morgan-Jones, 2009
  • Cheiromyceopsis Á.Mercado Sierra & J.Mena Portales, 1988
  • Cheiropolyschema T.Matsushima, 1980
  • Chiastospora Riess, 1852
  • Chikaneea B.C.Sutton, 1973
  • Chionomyces F.C.Deighton & K.A.Pirozynski, 1972
  • Chithramia T.R.Nag Raj, 1988
  • Chlamydomyces Bainier
  • Chlamydopsis V.Holubová-Jechová & R.F.Castañeda, 1986
  • Chlamydorubra K.B.Deshpande & K.S.Deshpande, 1966
  • Chlamydospora R.Kar, B.D.Mandaokar & R.K.Kar, 2009
  • Chlorolichenomycites
  • Choanatiara F.DiCosmo, 1984
  • Chondropodiola Petrak & Ciferri, 1932
  • Choreospora O.Constantinescu & R.Santesson, 1987
  • Chromosporium Corda
  • Chrysachne Ciferri, 1938
  • Chrysalidopsis R.L.Steyaert, 1961
  • Chryseidea S.Onofri, 1981
  • Chuppia F.C.Deighton, 1965
  • Cicadocola Brain, 1923
  • Ciferria Fragoso, 1925
  • Ciferriella Petrak, 1930
  • Ciferrina Petrak, 1932
  • Ciferriopeltis A.C.Batista & H.Maia, 1965
  • Ciliochora F.von Höhnel, 1919
  • Ciliophora Petr., 1929
  • Ciliophorella Petr.
  • Ciliospora
  • Ciliosporella Petr., 1927
  • Circinoconiopsis A.Hernández Gutiérrez, 2013
  • Circinoconis Boedijn, 1942
  • Circinoconites
  • Cissococcomyces Brain, 1923
  • Civisubramaniania B.P.R.Vittal & M.Dorai, 1986
  • Cladoconidium R.J.Bandoni & K.Tubaki, 1985
  • Cladographium Peyronel, 1918
  • Cladoniicola Diederich, Van den Boom & Aptroot
  • Cladosphaera Dumortier, 1822
  • Cladosporiella Deighton, 1965
  • 類枝孢屬 Cladosporiopsis S.C.Ren & X.G.Zhang, 2010
    • Cladosporiopsis ovata S.C.Ren & X.G.Zhang
  • Cladosporiumsporinites
  • Cladosporothyrium
  • Clasteropycnis Bat. & Cavalc.
  • Clathroconium R.A.Samson & H.C.Evans, 1982
  • Clathrosphaera Zalewski, 1888
  • Clauzadeomyces Diederich, 1994
  • Clavariana Nawawi, 1976
  • Clavascina K.Beneš, 1961
  • Clavisporum G.F.Sepúlveda, R.C.Pereira-Carvalho & J.C.Dianese, 2008
  • Cleistocystis Sousa da Câmara, 1931
  • Cleistophoma Petr. & Syd.
  • Clithramia Nag Raj, 1988
  • Clypeochorella Petrak, 1923
  • Clypeopatella F.Petrak, 1942
  • Clypeophialophora Bat. & Peres
  • Clypeopycnis Petrak, 1925
  • Clypeoseptoria F.Stevens & P.A.Young
  • Clypeostagonospora Punith.
  • Coccidophthora H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1913
  • Coccogloeum Petrak, 1955
  • Coccospora Wallroth, 1833
  • Coccularia Corda, 1829
  • Codonmyces Calat. & Etayo, 1999
  • Coelographium (P.A.Saccardo) E.Gäumann, 1920
  • Coelosporium Link, 1824
  • Colemaniella V.Agnihothrudu, 1974
  • Coleocarpon S.P.Stubblefield, T.N.Taylor, C.E.Miller & G.T.Cole, 1983
  • Coleodictyospora Charles, 1929
  • Coleoseptoria Petrak, 1940
  • Collacystis Kunze, 1827
  • Collarium Link, 1809
  • Collecephalus J.A.Spencer, 1972
  • Colletoconis G.S.de Hoog & H.A.van der Aa, 1978
  • Colletosporium Link, 1824
  • Collodochium F.von Höhnel, 1902
  • Collonema W.B.Grove, 1886
  • Collostroma Petrak, 1947
  • Colpomella F.von Höhnel, 1926
  • Columnodomus Petrak, 1941
  • Columnophora Bubák & Vleugel, 1916
  • Columnothyrium Bubák, 1916
  • Comatospora K.A.Pirozynski & R.A.Shoemaker, 1971
  • Comocephalum H.Sydow, 1939
  • Confertopeltis Tehon, 1933
  • Coniambigua Etayo & Diederich, 1995
  • Conioscyphopsis T.K.Goh & K.D.Hyde, 1998
  • Coniosporiopsis Spegazzini, 1918
  • Coniothyriella Spegazzini, 1889
  • Coniothyris
  • Conjunctospora S.-I.Udagawa & S.Uchiyama, 1999
  • Conostoma Bat. & J.L.Bezerra
  • Conostomatium A.B.Doweld, 2013
  • Consetiella Holubová-Jechová & Mercado, 1982
  • Cooksonomyces H.J.Swart & D.A.Griffiths, 1974
  • Corallinopsis J.Lagarde, 1917
  • Corallodendron
  • Corallomorpha Opiz, 1856
  • Corallomyces E.M.Fries, 1849
  • Coremiella Bubák & Krieg.
  • Corethropsis Corda, 1839
  • Corethrostroma Klebahn, 1933
  • Cornucopiella Höhn.
  • Cornutostilbe K.A.Seifert, 1990
  • Coronium Bonorden, 1864
  • Coronosporidium
  • Corynecercospora V.K.Pal, M.Akhtar, N.Ahmad, Kamal & D.K.Agarwal, 2006
  • Coryneliella Hariot & P.A.Karsten, 1890
  • 小棒孢屬 Corynesporella Munjal & H.S.Gill, 1961
  • Corynesporina Subramanian, 2009
  • Corynodesmium Wallroth, 1828
  • Cosmariospora P.A.Saccardo, 1880
  • Costanetoa A.C.Batista & Bezerra, 1963
  • Coutourea Castagne, 1845
  • Couturea Castagne, 1845
  • Craneomyces G.Morgan-Jones, R.C.Sinclair & A.Eicker, 1987
  • Craspedodidymella F.R.Barbosa, R.F.Castañeda & Gusmão
  • Cremasteria Meyers & Moore
  • Creodiplodina Petrak, 1957
  • Creonecte Petrak, 1949
  • Creoseptoria Petrak, 1937
  • Creothyriella Batista & C.A.A.Costa, 1957
  • Cribropeltis Tehon, 1933
  • Crinigera I.Schmidt, 1969
  • Cristidium R.Santesson, 1952
  • Cristula Chenantais, 1920
  • Crousobrauniella
  • Crustodiplodina Punith.
  • Cryptoceuthospora Petrak, 1921
  • 隱球菌屬 Cryptococcus
  • Cryptocoryneopsis B.C.Sutton, 1980
  • Cryptomela
  • Cryptomycella Höhn.
  • Cryptosporium Kunze
  • Cryptumbellata S.-I.Udagawa & S.Uchiyama, 1999
  • Ctenosporium R.Kirschner, 2006
  • Cubasina R.F.Castañeda
  • Cucurbitariaceites R.K.Kar, R.Y.Singh & S.C.D.Sah, 1972
  • Cumulospora I.Schmidt, 1985
  • Curculiospora Arnaud, 1954
  • Curucispora Matsush., 1981
  • Curvidigitus Sawada, 1943
  • Curvulariopsis M.B.Ellis, 1961
  • Cuticularia Ducomet, 1907
  • Cyanolichenomycites
  • Cyanopatella Petrak, 1949
  • Cyclomarsonina Petrak, 1965
  • Cylindrogloeum Petrak, 1941
  • Cylindromyces C.Manoharachary, D.K.Agarwal & N.K.Rao, 2004
  • Cylindronema Schulzer, 1866
  • Cylindrophoma (Berlese & Voglino) von Höhnel, 1925
  • Cylindrophora Bonord.
  • Cylindrotheca Bonorden, 1864
  • Cylindrothyrium R.Maire, 1907
  • Cylindroxyphium A.C.Batista & R.Ciferri, 1963
  • Cymbothyrium Petrak, 1947
  • Cyrtocnon Link ex Reichenbach, 1828
  • Cystidiella Malan, 1943
  • Cystoporina
  • Cystothyrium Spegazzini, 1888
  • Cytodiscula Petrak, 1931
  • Cytogloeum Petr.
  • Cytonaema Höhn., 1914
  • Cytoplacosphaeria Petr., 1920
  • Cytopleastrum B.A.Abbas, B.C.Sutton, A.Ghaffar & Abbas, 2004
  • Cytosphaera Died., 1916
  • Cytosporella Sacc., 1884
  • Cytosporina Sacc.
  • Cytosporium Sacc.
  • Cytostagonospora Bubák, 1916
  • Dacrydium Link, 1809
  • Dacrymycella Bizzozero, 1885
  • Dactylifera J.L.Alcorn, 1987
  • Dactylosporium Harz
  • Dasysticta Spegazzini, 1912
  • Dasystictella Höhn.
  • Davisiella Petrak, 1924
  • Dearnessia Bubák, 1916
  • Deichmannia V.Alstrup & D.L.Hawksworth, 1990
  • Delortia Patouillard & Gaillard, 1888
  • Dendrina E.M.Fries, 1825
  • Dendrodomus Bubák, 1915
  • Dendrographiella V.Agnihothrudu, 1972
  • Dendrographium Massee, 1892
  • Dendroseptoria Bausá Alcalde, 1948
  • Dendrostilbe Dearness, 1924
  • Dendryphiosphaera Lunghini & Rambelli
  • Dennisographium M.A.Rifai, 1977
  • Denticularia Deighton
  • Dentocircinomyces R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1990
  • Derexia Narasimhan, 1970
  • Dermatoidium Stautz
  • Descalsia A.Roldán & M.Honrubia, 1989
  • Desmazierella M.L.Crié, 1878
  • Desmidiospora Thaxter, 1891
  • Desmotrichuym
  • Dexhowardia J.J.Taylor, 1970
  • Diaboliumbilicus I.Hino & Katumoto, 1955
  • Diademospora B.E.Söderstr. & Bååth, 1979
  • Dialaceniopsis A.C.Batista, 1959
  • Diaphanium E.M.Fries, 1836
  • Diarimella
  • Dicellispora Sawada, 1944
  • Dichelostroma Batista & Peres, 1963
  • Dicholobodigitus G.P.White & W.I.Illman, 1988
  • Dichotomophthora Mehrlich & Fitzpatrick ex P.N.Rao, 1966
  • Dichotomophthora Mehrlich & Fitzpatrick, 1935
  • Dichotomophthoropsis M.B.Ellis, 1971
  • Dichotophora S.R.Whitton, K.D.Hyde & E.H.C.McKenzie, 2012
  • Dicoccum Corda
  • Dicranocladium Sousa da Câmara, 1931
  • Dictyoaquaphila J.S.Monteiro, L.B.Conc., M.F.O.Marques, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Dictyoarthrinopsis Batista & Ciferri, 1958
  • Dictyoceratosporella
  • Dictyochorina Chardón, 1932
  • Dictyodesmium S.J.Hughes, 1951
  • Dictyomykus R.Kar, B.D.Mandaokar & R.K.Kar, 2009
  • Dictyophrynella Bat. & Cavalc.
  • Dictyopolyschema M.B.Ellis
  • Dictyorostrella U.Braun, 1999
  • Dictyospiropes M.B.Ellis, 1976
  • Dictyostroma
  • Dictyotrichocladium Fiuza, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Didymochaeta Sacc. & Ellis
  • Didymochaetina A.C.Batista & J.L.Bezerra, 1965
  • Didymopsis Sacc. & Marchal
  • Didymosamarospora T.W.Johnson & H.S.Gold, 1957
  • Didymosphaerites M.Fiore, 1932
  • Didymosporiella Traverso & Migliardi, 1911
  • Didymosporina Höhn., 1916
  • Didymosporium Nees
  • Didymosporium Saccardo, 1880
  • Didymothozetia E.Rangel, 1915
  • Didymotrichella Arnaud, 1954
  • Diedickea H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1913
  • Digitomyces A.Mercado Sierra, M.Calduch & J.Gené, 2003
  • Digitoramispora R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1990
  • Dimastigosporium L.Faurel & G.Schotter, 1965
  • Dimorphomyces Omoifo, 1997
  • Dinemasporiella Spegazzini, 1910
  • Dionysia G.Arnaud
  • Diplanes
  • Diplocladiella G.Arnaud ex M.B.Ellis
  • Diplodiella (P.Karst.) Sacc.
  • Diplodinis F.E.Clements, 1931
  • Diplodinula Tassi, 1902
  • Diplodites Teterenikora-Babayan & Taslakhchian ex R.M.Kalgutkar, E.M.V.Nambudiri & W.D.Tidwell, 1993
  • Diplopeltis Pass.
  • Diploplenodomus Diedicke, 1912
  • Diplorhynchus G.Arnaud, 1952
  • Diplosporonema Höhn., 1917
  • Diplozythia Bubák
  • Diplozythiella Diedicke, 1916
  • Dirimosperma Preuss, 1855
  • Discoascina K.Beneš, 1961
  • Discocolla Prillieux & Delacroix, 1894
  • Discomycetoidea T.Matsushima, 1993
  • Discophora
  • Discosiellina Subramanian & K.R.C.Reddy, 1972
  • Discosporina Höhn.
  • Discosporium (Sacc. & P.Syd.) E.R.Farr
  • Discotheciella Syd. & P.Syd.
  • Discothecium
  • Discozythia Petrak, 1922
  • Dissitimurus E.G.Simmons, M.R.McGinnis & M.G.Rinaldi, 1987
  • Dissoacremoniella Kirilenko, 1970
  • Distobactrodesmium
  • Distoceratosporella J.S.Monteiro, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Distophragmia
  • Ditangifibula G.C.Adams, 1996
  • Divinia Ciferri, 1955
  • Dokmaia I.Promputtha et al., 2003
  • Domingoella Petr. & Cif.
  • Dontuzia L.D.Gómez Pignataro, 1973
  • Dothideodiplodia K.E.Murashkinski, 1927
  • Dothiopsis P.A.Karsten, 1884
  • Dothiorellina Bubák, 1911
  • Dothioropsis H.Riedl, 1974
  • Drechsleromyces C.V.Subramanian, 1978
  • Drudeola O.Kuntze, 1891
  • Drumopama C.V.Subramanian, 1957
  • Dualomyces T.Matsushima, 1987
  • Dubiocarpon S.A.Hutchinson, 1955
  • Dumortieria Westend.
  • Duosporium K.S.Thind & Rawla, 1961
  • Dwayabeeja Subram.
  • Dwayabeejaesporonites
  • Dwayaloma C.V.Subramanian, 1957
  • Dwayalomella Brisson, Piroz. & Pauzé, 1975
  • Dwibahubeeja N.Srivastava, A.K.Srivastava & Kamal, 1995
  • Dwibeeja C.V.Subramanian, 1995
  • Dwiroopella C.V.Subramanian & J.Muthumary, 1986
  • Dyonisia
  • Ebollia D.W.Minter & T.S.Caine, 1980
  • Echinochaetomium
  • Echinochondrium Samson & Van der Aa, 1975
  • Echinoconidiophorum R.C.Pereira-Carvalho & J.C.Dianese, 2009
  • Ectostroma Fr.
  • Edmundmasonaesporites
  • Eiona Kohlm., 1968
  • Elachopeltella Bat. & Cavalc.
  • Elachopeltis Syd.
  • Elaeodema H.Sydow, 1922
  • Elattopycnis Bat. & Cavalc.
  • Ellisembiopsis Santa Izabel & Gusmão
  • Ellisiella A.C.Batista, 1956
  • Ellismarsporium R.F.Castañeda & X.G.Zhang
  • Ellobiopsis
  • Elotespora R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & G.H.Abarca, 2010
  • Embryonispora
  • Enantioptera Descals
  • Enantiothamnus Pinoy, 1911
  • Enchnosphaeria
  • Endobotrya Berkeley & M.A.Curtis, 1874
  • Endobotryella F.von Höhnel, 1909
  • Endochaetophora J.F.White & T.N.Taylor, 1988
  • Endocolium H.Sydow, 1937
  • Endoconospora Gjaerum
  • Endocoryneum Petrak, 1922
  • Endogenospora R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, O.Morillo & D.W.Minter, 2010
  • Endophlaea Cooke
  • Endophoma A.Tsuneda & M.L.Davey, 2011
  • Endophragmia Duvernoy & Maire
  • Endophragmiopsis M.B.Ellis, 1966
  • Endoplacodium Petrak, 1949
  • Endoramularia Petrak, 1923
  • Endosporoideus W.H.Ho, Yanna, K.D.Hyde & Goh, 2005
  • Endostilbum Malencon
  • Endotrichum Corda, 1838
  • Endozythia F.Petrak, 1959
  • Enerthidium H.Sydow, 1939
  • Engelhardtiella A.Funk, 1973
  • Enridescalsia R.F.Castañeda & Guarro, 1998
  • Enterobotryum Preuss, 1853
  • Enthallopycnidium F.Stevens, 1925
  • Entoderma Hanula, Andreadis & M.Blackwell, 1991
  • Eoetvoesia Schulzer, 1866
  • Eomelanomyces C.Beimforde, H.Dörfelt & A.R.Schmidt, 2011
  • Eosaccharomyces T.N.Hermann, 1979
  • Epaphroconidia V.Calatayud & V.Atienza, 1995
  • Ephelidium C.W.Dodge & E.D.Rudolph, 1955
  • Ephelidium Spegazzini, 1920
  • Epichysium Tode
  • Epiclinium E.M.Fries, 1849
  • Epicoccospora U.Budathoki & S.K.Singh, 1995
  • Epidochiopsis P.A.Karsten, 1892
  • Episporogoniella U.Braun
  • Epistigme Syd.
  • Erebonema F.A.Roemer, 1845
  • Eriomycopsis Spegazzini, 1910
  • Eriosporopsis Petrak, 1947
  • Eriothyrium Spegazzini, 1888
  • Erispora Patouillard, 1922
  • Erysiphopsis Spegazzini, 1910
  • Esdipatilia C.H.Phadke, 1981
  • Euhaplosporella Petrak & Sydow, 1926
  • Eulasmeniella Petrak & Sydow, 1927
  • Eurasina G.R.W.Arnold, 1970
  • Eurotiopsis P.A.Karsten, 1889
  • Eustegia
  • Evanidomus Caballero, 1941
  • Eversia J.L.Crane & J.D.Schoknecht, 1977
  • Excipularia Sacc.
  • Exophoma Weedon, 1926
  • Exosporella F.von Höhnel, 1912
  • Exosporodiella
  • Fairmaniella F.Petrak & H.Sydow, 1927
  • Falciascina K.Beneš, 1961
  • Farriolla Norman, 1885
  • Farriollomyces
  • Favomicrosporon T.Benedek, 1967
  • Favostroma B.C.Sutton & E.M.Davison, 1983
  • Feltgeniomyces Dieder.
  • Fenestroconidia V.Calatayud & J.Etayo, 1999
  • Feracia Rolland, 1905
  • Fissuricella
  • Flabellocladia A.Nawawi, 1985
  • Flabellospora Alas.
  • Flahaultia
  • Flahaultiella K.A.Seifert, 2009
  • Flosculomyces B.Sutton
  • Foveostroma DiCosmo, 1978
  • Frigidispora K.D.Hyde & Goh
  • Fuckelia Niessl, 1875
  • Fujimyces Minter & Caine
  • Fuligomyces G.Morgan-Jones & Kamal, 1984
  • Fumago Pers., 1822
  • Fumagopsis Speg., 1910
  • Funicularius K.K.Baker & M.Zaim, 1979
  • Fusamen (Sacc.) P.Karst.
  • Fusariopsis Parreiras Horta, 1919
  • Fuscophialis B.C.Sutton, 1977
  • Fusella P.A.Saccardo, 1886
  • Fusicatena K.Matsushima & T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Fusicladina Arnaud, 1952
  • Fusisporella Spegazzini, 1910
  • Fusoma Corda
  • Fusticeps J.Webster & R.A.Davey
  • Gaeumanniella Petrak, 1952
  • Galacatomyces
  • Gallaicolichen Sérusiaux & Lücking, 2007
  • Galloea V.Alstrup & U.Søchting, 2009
  • Gamosporella Spegazzini, 1888
  • Gampsonema T.R.Nag Raj, 1975
  • Gangliophora C.V.Subramanian, 1992
  • Gangliostilbe Subram. & Vittal
  • Garnaudia A.Borowska, 1977
  • Gaubaea Petrak, 1942
  • Gelatinocrinis T.Matsushima, 1995
  • Gelatinopycnis B.J.Dyko & B.C.Sutton, 1979
  • Geleenites S.J.Dijkstra, 1949
  • Geminella J.Schröt.
  • Geminoarcus K.Ando, 1993
  • Gemmophora Schkorbatow, 1912
  • Gemmulina Descals & Marvanová
  • Geniopila Marvanová & Descals, 1985
  • Geohypha
  • Geotrichella Arnaud, 1954
  • Gerulajacta Preuss
  • Gilmaniella G.L.Barron, 1964
  • Giulia F.Tassi, 1904
  • Glabrotheca Chardón, 1939
  • Glaphyriopsis B.C.Sutton & I.G.Pascoe, 1987
  • Glenosporopsis O.M.Fonseca, 1943
  • Glioannellodochium T.Matsushima, 1989
  • Glioblastocladium T.Matsushima, 1989
  • Gliodendron
  • Gliophragma C.V.Subramanian & B.C.Lodha, 1964
  • Gliostroma Corda, 1837
  • Globoconidiopsis G.F.Sepúlveda, R.C.Pereira-Carvalho & J.C.Dianese, 2009
  • Globoconidium G.F.Sepúlveda, R.C.Pereira-Carvalho & J.C.Dianese, 2009
  • Globosopyreno Lloyd, 1923
  • Globuliroseum S.B.Sullia & K.R.Khan, 1984
  • Gloeocoryneum Weindlmayr, 1964
  • Gloeodes Colby
  • Gloeosporiella Cavara, 1892
  • Gloiosphaera F.von Höhnel, 1902
  • Glutinium Fr.
  • Glycophila
  • Glycyphila Montagne, 1851
  • Gnominia
  • Godal Adanson, 1763
  • Gonatophragmiella R.Kumar, A.N.Rai & Kamal, 1994
  • Gonatophragmiopsis Gusmão, J.S.Monteiro & R.F.Castañeda
  • Gonatorrhodum Corda, 1839
  • Gonidiomyces E.A.Vainio, 1921
  • Gonyella H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1919
  • Goosiella G.Morgan-Jones, Kamal & R.K.Verma, 1986
  • Goosiomyces N.K.Rao & C.Manoharachary, 1989
  • Grallomyces F.L.Stevens, 1918
  • Granmamyces
  • Granularia P.A.Saccardo & J.B.Ellis ex P.A.Saccardo, 1882
  • Graphidium
  • Graphiothecium Fuckel
  • Groveolopsis Boedijn, 1951
  • Guarroa
  • Guceviczia
  • Guedea Rambelli & Bartoli
  • Gueguenia
  • Gymnodochium Massee & E.S.Salmon, 1902
  • Gymnosporium Corda
  • Gymnoxyphium Cif., Bat. & I.J.Araujo
  • Gyroceras
  • Gyrophthorus Hafellner & Sancho
  • Habrostictis Clem.
  • Hadronema H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1909
  • Hadrosporium H.Sydow, 1938
  • Halysiomyces E.G.Simmons, 1981
  • Halysium Corda, 1837
  • Hansfordiopeltis Bat. & C.A.A.Costa
  • Hansfordiopeltopsis M.L.Farr, 1986
  • Hapalosphaeria Syd.
  • Haplariella Syd. & P.Syd.
  • Haplariopsis Henn.
  • Haplariopsis Oudem., 1903
  • Haplobasidion Erikss., 1889
  • Haplolepis H.Sydow, 1925
  • Haplosporidium Spegazzini, 1912
  • Haplosporium Mont.
  • Hapsidascus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., 1991
  • Haptocara C.Drechsler, 1975
  • Harpagomyces Wilczynski, 1911
  • Harpographium Sacc.
  • Harposporella F.von Höhnel, 1925
  • Hawksworthia Manoharachary, N.K.Rao, D.K.Agarwal & Kunwar, 2004
  • Hawksworthiana Unger
  • Hawksworthiella
  • Heimiella Racovitza, 1959
  • Heimiodora Nicot, 1960
  • Helensiella D.W.Minter & R.F.Castan
  • Helhonia B.C.Sutton, 1980?
  • Helicoceras Linder, 1931
  • Helicofilia Matsush.
  • Helicogermslitia
  • Helicogoosia V.Holubová-Jechová, 1991
  • Helicominopsis F.C.Deighton, 1960
  • Helicomycopsis
  • Helicomyxa
  • Helicoonites R.M.Kalgutkar & L.Sigler, 1995
  • Helicorhoidion S.Hughes, 1958
  • Helicosingula P.S.van Wyk, W.F.O.Marasas, S.W.Baard & P.S.Knox-Davies, 1985
  • Helicosporella Arnaud, 1954
  • Helicosporina Arnaud, 1954
  • Helicosporina G.Arnaud ex Rambelli, 1960
  • Helicostilbe F.von Höhnel, 1902
  • Helicothyrium I.Hino & K.Katumoto, 1960
  • Helicotrichum
  • Helicoubisia Lunghini & Rambelli, 1979
  • Heliscina Marvanová
  • Helminthophora Bonord.
  • Helminthosporiomyces G.F.Sepúlveda, R.C.Pereira-Carvalho & J.C.Dianese, 2009
  • Helminthosporiopsis Spegazzini, 1880
  • Hemialysidium Holubová-Jechová, 1992
  • Hemicorynesporella Subramanian, 1992
  • Hemidothis H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1916
  • Hemisphaeropsis Petrak, 1947
  • Hendersoniella (Sacc.) Tassi
  • Hendersonina E.J.Butler
  • Hendersonulina Petrak, 1951
  • Hendersonulina Tassi, 1902
  • Henfellra
  • Henicospora P.M.Kirk & B.Sutton
  • Hennebertia M.Morelet, 1969
  • Herposira H.Sydow, 1938
  • Herreromyces R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1991
  • Heterocephalum Thaxter, 1903
  • Heteroceras Sacc.
  • Heteroconidium Sawada, 1944
  • Heteroseptata E.F.Morris, 1972
  • Heterosporiopsis Petrak, 1950
  • Heterostomum E.M.Fries
  • Heuflera Bail, 1860
  • Hexacladium D.L.Olivier, 1983
  • Hilidicellites
  • Himantia Pers.
  • Hinoa Hara & Hino, 1961
  • Hirudinaria Cesati, 1856
  • Holubovaea A.Mercado, 1983
  • Holubovaniella R.F.Castañeda, 1985
  • Homalopeltis Bat. & Valle
  • Honeggeriella K.K.S.Matsunaga, R.A.Stockey & A.M.F.Tomescu, 2017
  • Hormiactella Sacc.
  • Hormiactis Preuss
  • Hormiscioideus M.Blackwell & J.W.Kimbrough, 1979
  • Hormisciopsis Sumstine, 1914
  • Hormocephalum H.Sydow, 1939
  • Hormocladium F.von Höhnel, 1923
  • Hormococcus Preuss
  • Hormodendron
  • Hormodochium (Saccardo) Trotter, 1921
  • Hormographis J.Guarro, L.Punsola & J.A.von Arx, 1986
  • Hughesinia J.C.Lindquist & I.J.Gamundi, 1970
  • Hyalocamposporium Révay & J.Gönczöl, 2007
  • Hyalocephalotrichum D.Nagaraju, I.K.Kunwar, G.Sureshkumar & C.Manoharachary, 2011
  • Hyalocladium Mustafa, 1977
  • Hyalodermella Spegazzini, 1918
  • Hyalodictyum Woronichin, 1916
  • Hyalohelicomina T.Yokoyama, 1974
  • Hyalopleiochaeta R.F.Castañeda, J.Guarro & J.Cano, 1996
  • Hyalosynnema T.Matsushima, 1975
  • Hyalothyridium Tassi, 1900
  • Hyalotiastrum B.A.Abbas, B.C.Sutton, A.Ghaffar & Abbas, 2003
  • Hydnopsis Tulasne & C.Tulasne, 1865
  • Hydromelitis A.Ferrer, A.N.Miller, C.Sarmiento & C.A.Shearer, 2012
  • Hydrometrospora J.Gönczöl & Á.Révay, 1985
  • Hymenella Fr.
  • Hymeniopeltis Bat.
  • Hymenobactron (P.A.Saccardo) F.von Höhnel, 1916
  • Hymenula Fr.
  • Hyperus F.L.Stevens, 1927
  • Hypha Pers., 1822
  • Hyphasma Rebentisch ex Nocca & Balbis, 1821
  • Hyphochlaena Ciferri, 1962
  • Hyphodiscosia Lodha & K.R.C.Reddy
  • Hyphodiscosioides T.Matsushima, 1993
  • Hyphopolynema Nag Raj
  • Hyphostereum Patouillard, 1892
  • Hyphothyrium B.C.Sutton & I.G.Pascoe, 1989
  • Hypocline H.Sydow, 1939
  • Hypodermium
  • Hypogloeum Petrak, 1923
  • Hypospila Fr., 1825
  • Hysteridium P.Karsten, 1905
  • Hysteriopsis H.T.Geyleron Nordenskiöld, 1887
  • Hysteropycnis Hilitzer, 1929
  • Ialomitzia Gruia, 1964
  • Icerymyces Brain, 1923
  • Idiocercus B.C.Sutton, 1967
  • Imicles Shoemaker & Hambleton, 2001
  • Imimyces A.Hern.-Gut. & B.Sutton
  • Impudentia V.Vujanovic, 2003
  • Inesiosporium R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.Gams, 1997
  • Infrafungus Ciferri, 1951
  • Inifatiella R.F.Castañeda, 1985
  • Innotospora
  • Intercalarispora J.L.Crane & J.D.Schoknecht, 1983
  • Intralichen D.Hawksw. & M.S.Cole
  • Ionophragmium E.P.Peres, 1961
  • Irpicomyces Deighton, 1969
  • Isariella Henn.
  • Ischnostroma H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1914
  • Isthmoconidium J.Etayo & F.Berger, 2013
  • Isthmophragmospora Kuthub. & Nawawi
  • Isthmotricladia Matsush.
  • Ityorhoptrum P.M.Kirk
  • Iyengarina C.V.Subramanian, 1958
  • Jahniella Petrak, 1921
  • Jainesia Gonz.Fragoso & Ciferri, 1925
  • Janetia M.B.Ellis
  • Javonarxia C.V.Subramanian, 1995
  • Jayarambhatia J.Pratibha, 2013
  • Jerainum A.Nawawi & A.J.Kuthubutheen, 1992
  • Jimwhitea M.Krings & T.N.Taylor, 2012
  • Jimwhiteia M.Krings & T.N.Taylor, 2012
  • Jubispora B.C.Sutton & H.J.Swart, 1986
  • Junctospora Minter & Hol.-Jech.
  • Kalamarospora G.Delgado, 2011
  • Kalchbrenneriella Diederich & M.S.Christ.
  • Kaleidosporium K.T.van Warmelo & B.C.Sutton, 1981
  • Kamatella K.H.Anahosur, 1969
  • Kameshwaromyces Kamal, R.K.Verma & G.Morgan-Jones, 1986
  • Karsteniomyces D.Hawksw.
  • Katherinomyces
  • Keissleriomyces D.L.Hawksworth, 1981
  • Kendrickomyces B.C.Sutton, V.G.Rao & Mhaskar, 1976
  • Kephartia R.C.Harris & J.C.Lendemer, 2013
  • Kermincola K.Sulc, 1907
  • Ketubakia M.N.Kamat, K.I.M.Varghese & V.G.Rao, 1987
  • Kionocephala P.M.Kirk
  • Kmetia Bresadola & P.A.Saccardo, 1902
  • Kmetiopsis Bat. & Peres
  • Knemiothyrium A.C.Batista & J.L.Bezerra, 1960
  • Kodonospora K.Ando, 1993
  • Kolletes Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, 2005
  • Kontospora A.Roldán, M.Honrubia & L.Marvanová, 1990
  • Koorchalomella Chona, Munjal & J.N.Kapoor, 1958
  • Korunomyces Hodges & F.A.Ferreira
  • Kostermansinda Rifai, 1968
  • Kostermansindiopsis R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, 1986
  • Kramabeeja G.V.Rao & K.A.Reddy, 1981
  • Kreiseliella U.Braun
  • Kretschmaria E.M.Fries, 1849
  • Krishnamyces Hosagoudar, 2003
  • Kumanasamuha P.R.Rao & D.Rao, 1964
    • Kumanasamuha arakuensis T.Raman, Ren.Rao & D.Rao
    • Kumanasamuha geaster[5]
    • Kumanasamuha kalakadensis Subram. & Bhat
    • Kumanasamuha novozelandica L.Hunter & W.B.Kendr.
    • Kumanasamuha sundara P.Rag.Rao & D.Rao
  • Kumarisporites
    • Kumarisporites ramanujamii (P.Kumar) Kalgutkar & Janson.
  • Kundalinella D.Hande & A.Subhedar, 2001
  • Kutilakesa
  • Kyphophora B.C.Sutton, 1991
  • Labrella Fr.
  • Lacellina Sacc.
  • Lacellinopsis Subram.
  • Lachnodochium El.Marchal, 1895
  • Laciniocladium Petri, 1917
  • Lactydina C.V.Subramanian, 1978
  • Lageniforma Plunkett, 1925
  • Lagenomyces Cavalcante & Silva, 1972
  • Lagenula
  • Lambdasporium Matsush.
  • Lambinonia Sérusiaux & Diederich, 2005
  • Langloisula J.B.Ellis & Everhart, 1889
  • Lappodochium T.Matsushima, 1975
  • Lasiodiplodiella Zambettakis, 1955
  • Lasiophoma Spegazzini, 1918
  • Lasiothyrium H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1913
  • Lasmeniella Petr. & Syd.
  • Latericonis G.V.Rao, K.A.Reddy & de Hoog, 1984
  • Lateriramulosa Matsush.
  • Laterispora F.A.Uecker, W.A.Ayers & P.B.Adams, 1982
  • Lawalreea Dieder.
  • Lawalreea Maire
  • Leandria E.Rangel, 1915
  • Lecaniascus Moniez, 1887
  • Lecaniocola Brain, 1923
  • Lecanostictopsis B.Sutton & Crous, 1997
  • Lecythispora P.N.Chowdhry, 1985
  • Leeina Petrak, 1923
  • Leightoniomyces D.Hawksw. & B.Sutton
  • Lembuncula Ciferri, 1954
  • Lemkea G.Morgan-Jones & R.C.Sinclair, 1983
  • Lentescospora Linder
  • Lepidophyton Tribondeau, 1899
  • Lepisticola W.Gams, 2009
  • Leprieurina G.Arnaud, 1918
  • Leprieurinella Bat. & H.Maia
  • Leptochlamys Died.
  • Leptodermella Höhn.
  • Leptodermopsis Spegazzini ex F.von Höhnel, 1923
  • Leptomelanconium Petr.
  • Leptophyllosticta I.E.Brezhnev, 1939
  • Leptosphaerella Spegazzini, 1909
  • Leptosporina Chardón, 1939
  • Leptostromella (Sacc.) Sacc.
  • Leptothyrella Sacc.
  • Leptothyrina Höhn.
  • Leptotrichum Corda, 1842
  • Leucoconiella Batista, H.Maia & Peres, 1960
  • Leucoconis Theissen & H.Sydow, 1918
  • Leucodochium H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1917
  • Leucopenicillifer G.R.W.Arnold, 1971
  • Leucosporium Corda, 1833
  • Leuliisinea Matsushima, 1985
  • Leutheromyces
  • Levieuxia E.M.Fries, 1848
  • Lichenobactridium Diederich & Etayo, 1995
  • Lichenodiplisiella S.Kondratyuk & I.Kudratov, 2002
  • Lichenohendersonia Calatayud & Etayo, 2001
  • Lichenopeziza H.Zukal, 1884
  • Lichenophoma Keissl., 1911
  • Lichenopuccinia D.Hawksw. & Hafellner
  • Lichenostella V.Calatayud & J.Etayo, 1999
  • Linochorella H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1912
  • Linodochium Höhn.
  • Linosporoidea R.Keller, 1895
  • Lisella
  • Listeromyces Penzig & P.A.Saccardo, 1901
  • Lithosporocarpia R.Kar, B.D.Mandaokar & R.K.Kar, 2009
  • Lobatopedis P.M.Kirk
  • Lobomyces Borelli, 1968
  • Lolia Abdel-Aziz & Abdel-Wahab, 2011
  • Loliomyces Maire, 1937
  • Lomaantha Subram., 1954
  • Lomachashaka C.V.Subramanian, 1956
  • Lonchospermella Speg.
  • Lophodermopsis Spegazzini, 1910
  • Loten M.Adanson, 1763
  • Ludwigomyces Kirschst.
  • Luzfridiella R.F.Castañeda & W.B.Kendr.
  • Lylea Morgan-Jones, 1975
  • Lysotheca R.Ciferri, 1962
  • Mackenziella Yanna & K.D.Hyde, 2009
  • Macrodendrophoma T.Johnson, 1904
  • Macrodiplodia Sacc.
  • Macroseptoria
  • Macrostilbum Patouillard, 1898
  • Macrotrichum Grev.
  • Magdalaenaea G.Arnaud
  • Magmopsis
  • Mahabalella B.C.Sutton & S.D.Patil, 1966
  • Malleomyces Hallier, 1870
  • Mammariopsis L.J.Hutchison & J.Reid, 1988
  • Manginella Bat. & H.Maia
  • Manginula G.Arnaud, 1918
  • Manoharachariomyces N.K.Rao, D.K.Agarwal & Kunwar, 2005
  • Mapletonia B.C.Sutton, 1991
  • Margarinomyces Laxa
  • Marssoniella
  • Martinellisia V.G.Rao & K.I.M.Varghese, 1977
  • Massalongina Bubák
  • Massariothea Syd.
  • Mastigomyces A.Imshenetski & A.Kriss, 1933
  • Mathurisporites
  • Matruchotia Boulanger
  • Matsushimiella R.F.Castañeda & Heredia
  • Matsushimomyces V.G.Rao & Varghese, 1979
  • Maullinia
  • Maurya Patouillard, 1898
  • Medusamyces G.L.Barron & E.Szijarto, 1990
  • Medusula Tode
  • Megalodochium F.C.Deighton, 1960
  • Megaster Cif. et al.
  • Melanocephala S.Hughes
  • Melanographium Sacc., 1913
  • Melanomyces H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1917
  • Melanophoma Papendorf & J.W.du
  • Toit, 1967 Melanosella Örösi-Pál, 1936
  • Melanosphaeria
  • Melophia Sacc.
  • Memnonillasporonites
  • Menidochium R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1990
  • Menoidea L.Mangin & Hariot, 1907
  • Mercadomyces J.Mena, 1988
  • Mesocorynespora
  • Metadiplodia Syd.
  • Metasphaerella Spegazzini, 1924
  • Metazythia Petrak, 1950
  • Metazythiopsis M.Morelet, 1988
  • Micareopsis R.C.Harris & J.C.Lendemer, 2013
  • Microblastosporon Ciferri, 1930
  • Microclava F.Stevens
  • Microdiscula Höhn.
  • Microdothiorella C.A.A.Costa & Sousa da Câmara, 1955
  • Microhendersonula Dias & Sousa da Câmara, 1952
  • Microperella Höhn.
  • Microsphaeropsis Sousa da Câmara, Oliveira & Luz, 1936
  • Microtrichosphaera R.C.Pereira-Carvalho, G.Sepúlveda-Chavera & J.C.Dianese, 2009
  • Microtyle Speg.
  • Microxyphiella Speg.
  • Microxyphiopsis A.C.Batista, 1963
  • Mindoa Petr.
  • Minutoexcipula V.Atienza & D.Hawksw.
  • Miricatena Punith. & Spooner
  • Mirimyces T.R.Nag Raj, 1993
  • Mitrorhizopeltis Bat. & Cavalc.
  • Mixtoconidium Etayo
  • Molgosphaera Dumortier, 1822
  • Monochaetiella E.Castellani, 1943
  • Monochaetopsis Patouillard, 1918
  • Monodia Breton & Faurel, 1970
  • Monodictysporites
  • Monodidymaria U.Braun, 1994
  • Monodisma Alcorn, 1975
  • Monodorus Bat. & J.L.Bezerra
  • Monopodium
  • Monosporiella Spegazzini, 1918
  • Monosporium Bonord., 1851
  • Monotospora Corda, 1837
  • Monotoyella Castellani & Chalmers, 1913
  • Monotretomyces
  • Monotrichum Gäumann, 1922
  • Monotropomyces Costantin & Dufour, 1921
  • Montoyella Castellani & Chalmers, 1907
  • Moorella P.Rag.Rao & D.Rao
  • Moralesia Urries, 1956
  • Morganjonesia
  • Morioliopsis
  • Morrisographium M.Morelet, 1968
  • Mossopisporites
  • Mouliniea C.P.Robin, 1853
  • Mucobasispora Mustafa & Abdul-Wahid, 1990
  • Mucosetospora M.Morelet, 1972
  • Muiaria Thaxter, 1914
  • Muiogone Thaxter, 1914
  • Muirella R.Sprague, 1959
  • Multicellites
  • Multicladium K.B.Deshpande & K.S.Deshpande, 1966
  • Multipatina Sawada, 1928
  • Multisporascus S.Marincowitz, M.J.Wingfield & P.W.Crous, 2008
  • Muricularia P.A.Saccardo, 1877
  • Mycardothelium Vainio, 1928
  • Mycelephas R.F.Castañeda
  • Myceloderma Ducomet, 1907
  • Mycobacillaria H.A.Naumov, 1915
  • Mycocarpon S.A.Hutch., 1955
  • Mycocentrodochium K.Matsushima & T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Mycoenterolobium Goos, 1970
  • Mycogemma K.M.Zalessky, 1915
  • Mycomater E.M.Fries, 1825
  • Mycomyces F.Wyss-Chodat, 1927
  • Mycopara A.C.Batista & J.L.Bezerra, 1960
  • Mycospraguea U.Braun & C.T.Rogerson, 1993
  • Mycosticta F.von Höhnel, 1918
  • Mycosylva M.C.Tulloch
  • Mycousteria M.L.Farr
  • Myiocoprula Petrak, 1955
  • Myriellina Höhn.
  • Myriocephalum De Not. ex Corda
  • Myrmecomyces D.P.Jouvenaz & J.W.Kimbrough, 1991
  • Myropyxis Cesati ex Rabenhorst, 1851
  • Myrotheciastrum S.Q.Abbas & B.C.Sutton, 1988
  • Myrotheciopsis
  • Mysia Schlechtendal
  • Mystrosporiella R.L.Munjal & D.D.Kulshrestha, 1969
  • Mystrosporium Corda
  • Myxofusicoccum
  • Myxoparaphysella Caballero, 1941
  • Myxosporella Sacc., 1881
  • Myxosporidiella A.Negru, 1960
  • Myxostomellina H.Sydow, 1931
  • Myxothyrium Bubák & Kabát
  • Naemosphaera P.A.Karsten, 1888
  • Naemosphaerella F.von Höhnel, 1923
  • Naemospora Roth ex Kuntze
  • Nagrajia R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1991
  • Nagrajomyces V.A.Mel'nick, 1984
  • Nakatopsis S.R.Whitton, E.H.C.McKenzie & K.D.Hyde, 2001
  • Nanoschema B.C.Sutton, 1980
  • Naothyrsium A.C.Batista, 1960
  • Naranus T.Watanabe, 1995
  • Nascimentoa
  • Natarajania Pratibha & Bhat, 2006
  • Navaneethospora V.G.Rao, 1994
  • Necraphidium Ciferri, 1951
  • Negeriella Hennings, 1897
  • Nematogonium
  • Nematogonum Desm.
  • Nematographium Goid.
  • Nemozythiella F.von Höhnel, 1925
  • Neoalpakesa Punith.
  • Neoarbuscula B.C.Sutton, 1983
  • Neobarclaya P.A.Saccardo, 1899
  • Neochaetospora B.C.Sutton & K.V.Sankaran, 1991
  • Neodiplodina Petrak, 1954
  • Neofuckelia Zeller & Goodding, 1935
  • Neojohnstonia B.Sutton
  • Neoligniella N.A.Naumov, 1951
  • Neomelanconium Petr.
  • Neoovularia U.Braun, 1992
  • Neopeltis H.Sydow, 1937
  • Neopericonia Kamal, A.N.Rai & G.Morgan-Jones, 1983
  • Neophoma Petr. & Syd.
  • Neospegazzinia Petrak & H.Sydow, 1936
  • Neosporidesmina
  • Neosporidesmium Á.Mercado Sierra & J.Mena Portales, 1988
  • Neothyridiaria Petrak, 1934
  • Neottiospora Desm.
  • Neottiosporella F.von Höhnel ex Falck, 1923
  • Nexomyces
  • Nidulispora A.Nawawi & A.J.Kuthubutheen, 1990
  • Nigrodiplodia Kravtzev, 1955
  • Nigromacula Etayo
  • Nigropuncta D.Hawksw.
  • Nigrosporites
  • Nitschkea
  • Nosophloea E.M.Fries, 1849
  • Nothopodospora Mirza, 1963
  • Nothospora Peyronel, 1913
  • 環葚孢屬 Novozymia W.P.Wu, 2005
  • Nowellia F.L.Stevens, 1924
  • Nummospora E.Müller & Shoemaker, 1964
  • Nummularoidea (M.C.Cooke & Massee) C.G.Lloyd, 1924
  • Nusia C.V.Subramanian, 1995
  • Nyctalina
  • Nyctalospora E.F.Morris, 1972
  • Nypaella K.D.Hyde & B.Sutton, 1992
  • Obeliospora Nawawi & Kuthub.
  • Obstipipilus B.C.Sutton, 1968
  • Obstipispora R.C.Sinclair & G.Morgan-Jones, 1979
  • Ochrosphaera Sawada, 1959
  • Octopodotus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., 2003
    • Octopodotus stupendus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm.[6]
  • Odontodictyospora A.Mercado, 1984
  • Oedothea H.Sydow, 1930
  • Ojibwaya B.C.Sutton, 1973
  • Omega B.C.Sutton & D.W.Minter, 1988
  • Ommatospora Bat. & Cavalc.
  • Ommatosporella A.C.Batista, J.Bezerra & D.J.M.Poroca, 1967
  • Onakawananus N.W.Radforth, 1958
  • Oncopodiella G.Arnaud ex Rifai, 1965
  • Oncopodium Sacc.
  • Oncospora Kalchbr.
  • Oncosporella P.A.Karsten, 1887
  • Oncosporomyces Bat.
  • Oncostroma Batista & Marasas, 1966
  • Onychophora W.Gams, P.J.Fisher & J.Webster
  • Oothyrium H.Sydow, 1939
  • Opegraphites Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859
  • Opethyrium Spegazzini, 1919
  • Ophiodendron Arnaud, 1952
  • Ophiopodium
  • Ophiosira Petrak, 1955
  • Ophiotrichum Kunze ex E.M.Fries, 1849
  • Orbimyces Linder, 1944
  • Ordus K.Ando & Tubaki, 1983
  • Ormathodium H.Sydow, 1928
  • Orphanocoela T.R.Nag Raj, 1989
  • Ostracodermidium K.G.Mukerji, 1973
  • Otomyces E.H.Hallier, 1869
  • Ovadendron Sigler & J.W.Carmich., 1976
  • Overeemella
  • Ovulariella Bubák & Kabát, 1912
  • Ovularites A.C.Whitford, 1916
  • Paathramaya C.V.Subramanian, 1956
  • Pachycladina L.Marvanová, 1987
  • Pactilia Fr., 1836
  • Palaeoanellus A.R.Schmidt, H.Dörfelt & V.Perrichot, 2008
  • Palaeoleptosphaeria Barlinge & Paradkar, 1982
  • Palaeomycus
  • Palaeosclerotium G.W.Rothwell, 1972
  • Palawaniopsis A.C.Batista, R.Ciferri & Nascimento, 1959
  • Paleosaccardia M.Locquin & C.Prive-Gill, 1984
  • Paleoserenomyces Currah, Stockey & B.A.LePage, 1998
  • Panchanania C.V.Subramanian & N.G.Nair, 1966
  • Papilionospora V.Rao & B.C.Sutton, 1976?
  • Pappimyces B.C.Sutton & C.S.Hodges, 1975
  • Paraaoria R.K.Verma & Kamal, 1987
  • Paraarthrocladium T.Matsushima, 1993
  • Parabeltrania A.Rambelli, 2008
  • Parabilimbia
  • Parablastocatena Y.D.Zhang & X.G.Zhang, 2012
  • Parachinomyces M.M.Thaung, 1979
  • Parachionomyces Thaung, 1979
  • Paracytospora Petrak, 1925
  • Paradactylaria C.V.Subramanian & K.Sudha, 1989
  • Paradactylella T.Matsushima, 1993
  • Paradendryphiopsis M.B.Ellis
  • Paradidymobotryum C.J.K.Wang & B.C.Sutton, 1984
  • Paradiplodia Spegazzini ex Clements & Shear, 1931
  • Paradischloridium D.J.Bhat & B.C.Sutton, 1985
  • Paradiscula Petr.
  • Parafulvia Kamal, A.N.Rai & Morgan-Jones
  • Paraharknessia Matsushima, 2003
  • Parahelminthosporium
  • Parahyalotiopsis T.R.Nag Raj, 1976
  • Paramassariothea C.V.Subramanian & J.Muthumary, 1979
  • Paramenisporopsis Matsushima, 2003
  • Parapericonia M.B.Ellis, 1976
  • Parapericoniella U.Braun, B.Heuchert & K.Schubert, 2006
  • Paraphaeoisaria de Hoog & Morgan-Jones, 1978
  • Paraphialocephala Budathoki, 1997
  • Parapithomyces M.M.Thaung, 1976
  • Parapotamomyces
  • Parapyricularia M.B.Ellis, 1972
  • Pararobillarda T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Parasphaeropsis Petrak, 1953
  • Paraspora W.B.Grove, 1884
  • Parastenella J.C.David, 1991
  • Parastigmatellina Bat. & C.A.A.Costa
  • Paratetraploa M.K.M.Wong & K.D.Hyde, 2002
  • Parathozetella F.R.Barbosa et al.
  • Paratomenticola M.B.Ellis, 1976
  • Paratrichoconis F.C.Deighton & K.A.Pirozynski, 1972
  • Paraulocladium R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, 1986
  • Parvosympodium A.W.Ramaley, 2002
  • Paspalomyces D.H.Linder, 1933
  • Patellina Grove ex Petch
  • Patouillardia
  • Patouillardiella Petch, 1922
  • Patouillardiella Speg., 1889
  • Patriciomyces D.L.Hawksworth, 2001
  • Peckia
  • Pedilospora
  • Peethasthabeeja P.Raghuveer Rao, 1981
  • Pellionella (P.A.Saccardo) T.Petch, 1924
  • Pellionella (Sacc.) Sacc.
  • Peltasterella Bat. & H.Maia
  • Peltasterinostroma Punith.
  • Peltasteropsis Bat. & H.Maia
  • Peltistroma Henn.
  • Peltistromella F.von Höhnel, 1907
  • Peltosoma H.Sydow, 1925
  • Peltostromellina A.C.Batista & A.F.Vital, 1959
  • Peltostromopsis A.C.Batista & A.F.Vital, 1959
  • Penomyces Giard ex Sacc. & Trotter, 1913
  • Pentaster
  • Penzigomyces Subramanian, 1992
  • Perelegamyces R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1990
  • Peridiomyces H.Karsten, 1843
  • Periola E.M.Fries, 1822
  • Perisporiacites J.Félix, 1894
  • Perisporites L.Pampaloni, 1902
  • Perisporium Fr.
  • Perizomella H.Sydow, 1927
  • Perzia Baral & B.Perić
  • Pestalozziella Sacc. & Ellis ex Sacc.
  • Petrakiopsis C.V.Subramanian & K.R.C.Reddy, 1968
  • Peyronelina
  • Phacidiopsis H.T.Geyleron Nordenskiöld, 1887
  • Phacostroma Petrak, 1955
  • Phacostromella F.Petrak, 1955
  • Phaeoantenariella W.A.Cavalcante, 1969
  • Phaeoblastophora Partridge & Morgan-Jones, 2002
  • Phaeobotrys M.Calduch, J.Gené & J.Guarro, 2002
  • Phaeocandelabrum R.F.Castañeda, Gusmão, Guarro & Iturr.
  • Phaeocapdinula Spegazzini, 1924
  • Phaeodactylella Udaiyan, 1992
  • Phaeodiscula G.Cuboni, 1891
  • Phaeodochium
  • Phaeodomus F.von Höhnel, 1909
  • Phaeodothiopsis Theissen & H.Sydow, 1914
  • Phaeohendersonia F.von Höhnel, 1918
  • Phaeohiratsukaea Udagawa & Iwatsu, 1990
  • Phaeohymenula Petrak, 1954
  • Phaeoidiomyces D.Dornelo-Silva & J.C.Dianese, 2004
  • Phaeolabrella Spegazzini, 1912
  • Phaeomarssonia Spegazzini, 1908
  • Phaeomonilia R.F.Castañeda, Heredia & R.M.Arias, 2007
  • Phaeomonostichella Keissler ex Petrak, 1941
  • Phaeophloeosporella P.W.Crous & B.C.Sutton, 1997
  • Phaeophomopsis F.von Höhnel, 1925
  • Phaeopolynema Speg.
  • Phaeoschizotrichum C.R.Silva, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Phaeosphaera A.C.Batista & R.Ciferri, 1963
  • Phaeostilbelloides Armando, Z.M.Chaves & Dianese
  • Phaeothyrium Petrak, 1947
  • Phaeotrichoconis C.V.Subramanian, 1956
  • Phaeoxyphium Bat. & Cif.
  • Phellostroma H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1914
  • Phialetea
  • Phialisphaera Dumortier, 1822
  • Phialoarthrobotryum Matsush., 1975
  • Phialogangliospora Udaiyan & V.S.Hosagoudar, 1992
  • Phialophaeoisaria T.Matsushima, 1995
  • Phialophoronites D.Mukherjee, 2012
  • Phialophorophoma Linder, 1944
  • Phialoselanospora Udaiyan, 1992
  • Phialostele F.C.Deighton, 1969
  • Phloeoconis E.M.Fries, 1849
  • Phloeosporina F.von Höhnel, 1924
  • Phlyctaena
  • Phlyctaeniella Petrak, 1922
  • Phomachora Petr. & Syd.
  • Phomachorella Petrak, 1947
  • Phomyces Clem.
  • Phragmoconidium G.F.Sepúlveda, R.C.Pereira-Carvalho & J.C.Dianese, 2009
  • Phragmodochium F.von Höhnel, 1924
  • Phragmogloeum Petrak, 1954
  • Phragmopeltis Hennings, 1904
  • Phragmospathula Subram. & N.G.Nair, 1966
  • Phragmospathulella J.Mena Portales & Á.Mercado Sierra, 1987
  • Phragmostilbe
  • Phthora d'Hérelle, 1909
  • Phylloedia
  • Phylloedium E.M.Fries, 1825
  • Phyllohendersonia Tassi, 1902
  • Phylloporina C.W.Dodge, 1948
  • Physalidiella Rulamort
  • Physalidiopsis R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1990
  • Physalosporella Spegazzini, 1910
  • Physciospora
  • Pilulina Arnaud, 1954
  • Pinatubo J.B.Manandhar T.W.Mew, 1996
  • Piperivora Siboe, P.M.Kirk & P.F.Cannon, 1999
  • Piptostomum Léveillé, 1845
  • Piricauda Bubák, 1914
  • Piricaudilium V.Holubová-Jechová, 1988
  • 扇孢屬 Piricaudiopsis J.Mena Portales & A.Mercado Sierra, 1987
  • Piricularia
  • Pirispora L.Faurel & G.Schotter, 1966
  • Pirostoma (E.M.Fries) Saccardo, 1896
  • Pirostoma (Fr.) Fuckel
  • Pirostomella P.A.Saccardo, 1914
  • Pithosira Petrak, 1949
  • Pittostroma T.Kowalski & T.N.Sieber, 1992
  • Placella H.Sydow, 1938
  • Placodiplodia Bubák, 1916
  • Placonemina Petrak, 1921
  • Placosphaerella Patouillard, 1897
  • Placosphaerina Maire, 1917
  • Placothea H.Sydow, 1931
  • Placothyrium Bubák, 1916
  • Plagiostigmella Petrak, 1949
  • Platycarpium
  • Plecotrichum Corda, 1831
  • Plectonaemella F.von Höhnel, 1915
  • Plectopeltis Syd.
  • Plectophomopsis Petrak, 1922
  • Plectopycnis Bat. & A.F.Vital
  • Plectosira Petrak, 1929
  • Plectronidiopsis T.R.Nag Raj, 1979
  • Plectronidium T.R.Nag Raj, 1977
  • Plectrothrix C.L.Shear, 1902
  • Plenocatenulis Bat. & Cif.
  • Plenophysa H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1920
  • Plenotrichaius Bat. & Valle
  • Plenotrichella Bat. & A.F.Vital
  • Plenotrichopsis A.C.Batista, 1961
  • Plenotrichum H.Sydow, 1927
  • Plenozythia H.Sydow, 1916
  • Pleococcum Desmazières & Montagne, 1849
  • Pleocouturea G.Arnaud, 1911
  • Plesiospora C.Drechsler, 1971
  • Pleurodiscula F.von Höhnel, 1926
  • Pleurodiscus Petrak, 1931
  • Pleurodomus Petrak, 1934
  • Pleuropedium Marvanová & S.H.Iqbal
  • Pleuroplaconema Petr.
  • Pleuroplacosphaeria H.Sydow, 1928
  • Pleuropyxis Corda, 1837
  • Pleurotheciopsis B.Sutton
  • Pleurothyriella Petrak & H.Sydow, 1925
  • Pleurothyrium Bubák, 1916
  • Pleurovularia R.Kirschner & U.Braun, 2002
  • Pocillopycnis B.J.Dyko & B.C.Sutton, 1979
  • Podocapsa Van Tieghem, 1887
  • Podosporiella J.B.Ellis & Everhart, 1894
  • Podosporiopsis
  • Podosporium Schwein.
  • Podoxyphiomyces A.Batista, R.C.Valle & G.E.P.Peres, 1961
  • Poikilosperma Bat. & J.L.Bezerra
  • Polybulbophiale T.-K.Goh & K.D.Hyde, 1998
  • Polycladium Ingold
  • Polydesmus Mont.
  • Polyetron Bat. & Peres
  • Polyhyphaethyrites R.Srivastava & R.K.Kar, 2004
  • Polylobatispora Matsush.
  • Polyrostrata T.P.Devi & N.Mathur, 2009
  • Polyscytalina Arnaud, 1954
  • Polystomellomyces A.C.Batista, 1959
  • Polystratorictus T.Matsushima, 1993
  • Polysynnema O.Constantinescu & K.A.Seifert, 1988
  • Polythrinciella Bat. & H.Maia
  • Polythrinciopsis J.Walker, 1966
  • Polytretophora A.Mercado, 1983
  • Porocladium Descals
  • Poroisariopsis M.Morelet, 1971
  • Poropeltis Hennings, 1904
  • Porophilomyces U.Braun, 2000
  • Porosphaera Dumortier, 1822
  • Porosubramaniania Holubová-Jechová, 1985
  • Porrectotheca T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Powellia A.C.Batista & G.E.P.Peres, 1964
  • Prismaria Preuss
  • Proboscispora E.Punithalingam, 1984
  • Proliferosphaera T.P.Devi, 2012
  • Prophytroma Sorokin, 1877
  • Prosthemiella P.A.Saccardo, 1881
  • Protostegiomyces Batista & Vital, 1955
  • Protostroma Batista, 1957
  • Psammina Sacc. & M.Rousseau
  • Pseudoanguillospora S.H.Iqbal
  • Pseudoaristastoma S.Singh, 1979
  • Pseudoasperisporium U.Braun, 2000
  • Pseudobasidiospora Dyko & B.Sutton, 1978
  • Pseudocanalisporium R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1991
  • Pseudocenandium
  • Pseudocenangium P.Karst.
  • Pseudochuppia Kamal, A.N.Rai & G.Morgan-Jones, 1984
  • Pseudoconium F.Petrak, 1969
  • Pseudocytoplacosphaeria Punith. & Spooner
  • Pseudocytospora Petrak, 1923
  • Pseudodeightoniella
  • Pseudodichomera F.von Höhnel, 1918
  • Pseudodictya L.R.Tehon & G.L.Stout, 1929
  • Pseudodidymaria U.Braun
  • Pseudodiplodia (P.Karst.) Sacc.
  • Pseudodiscula R.Laubert, 1911
  • Pseudoeurotium
  • Pseudofumago Briosi & Farneti, 1906
  • Pseudofuscophialis A.Sivanesan & H.S.Chang, 1995
  • Pseudogaster F.von Höhnel, 1907
  • Pseudographiella E.F.Morris
  • Pseudographium von Höhnel, 1915
  • Pseudohansfordia G.R.W.Arnold, 1970
  • Pseudohendersonia P.W.Crous & M.E.Palm, 1999
  • Pseudolasmeniella Petrak & Sydow, 1927
  • Pseudomelanconium
  • Pseudoneottiospora Faurel & Schotter, 1965
  • Pseudopapulaspora N.D.Sharma, 1977
  • Pseudopatellina Höhn.
  • Pseudopeltistroma K.Katumoto, 1975
  • Pseudoperitheca Elenkin, 1922
  • Pseudopetrakia M.B.Ellis
  • Pseudopezizites M.Fiore, 1932
  • Pseudophloeosporella U.Braun, 1993
  • Pseudophragmotrichum W.P.Wu, B.C.Sutton & A.C.Gange, 1998
  • Pseudophyllachora Spegazzini, 1919
  • Pseudopolystigmina Murashkinski, 1928
  • Pseudoramularia T.Matsushima, 1983
  • Pseudorhizopogon Y.Kobayasi, 1983
  • Pseudosaccharomyces Briosi & Farneti, 1906
  • Pseudoschizothyra E.Punithalingam, 1980
  • Pseudosphaerialites B.S.Venkatachala & R.K.Kar, 1969
  • Pseudostegia Bubák, 1906
  • Pseudostictis
  • Pseudostilbella Munt.-Cvetk. & Gómez-Bolea, 1995
  • Pseudostracoderma A.E.Martinez & A.M.Godeas, 1997
  • Pseudothyrium F.von Höhnel, 1927
  • Pseudotorula Subram.
  • Pseudotracylla B.Sutton & Hodges
  • Pseudotrichoconis W.A.Baker & Morgan-Jones
  • Pseudozythia F.von Höhnel, 1902
  • Psilosphaeria Cooke
  • Pterulopsis Wakefield & Hansford, 1943
  • Pterygosporopsis P.M.Kirk
  • Pucciniopsis Spegazzini, 1888
  • Pucciniospora Spegazzini, 1886
  • Pullospora L.Faurel & G.Schotter, 1965
  • Pulvinaria Bonorden, 1851
  • Pulvinella A.W.Ramaley, 2001
  • Pulvinotrichum I.J.Gamundí, A.M.Arambarri & A.L.Giaiotti, 1981
  • Punctillina R.A.Toro, 1934
  • Pycnidioarxiella E.Punithalingam & N.D.Sharma, 1980
  • Pycnidiopeltis Batista & C.A.A.Costa, 1959
  • Pycnis Brefeld, 1881
  • Pycnodactylus Batista, A.A.Silva & Cavalcante, 1967
  • Pycnodallia J.Kohlmeyer & B.Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, 2001
  • Pycnoharknessia T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Pycnomma H.Sydow, 1924
  • Pycnomoreletia Rulamort, 1990
  • Pycnopleiospora C.Z.Wei, Y.Harada & K.Katumoto, 1997
  • Pycnopsammina Diederich & Etayo
  • Pycnorostrum Golovin, 1950
  • Pycnoseynesia Kuntze
  • Pycnosporium Siegel, 1909
  • Pycnothera N.D.Sharma & G.P.Agarwal
  • Pycnothyriella A.C.Batista, 1952
  • Pycnothyrium Died., 1913
  • Pyramidospora Sv.Nilsson
  • Pyrenochaetella P.Karsten ex von Höhnel, 1917
  • Pyrenyllium Clements, 1909
  • Pyrgostroma Petrak, 1951
  • Pyriculariopsis M.B.Ellis
  • Pyripnomyces Cavalcante, 1972
  • 四孢霉屬 Quadracaea Lunghini, Pinzari & Zucconi
  • Quadricladium A.Nawawi & A.J.Kuthubutheen, 1989
  • Quasidiscus
  • Queenslandia Bat. & H.Maia
  • Quezelia L.Faurel & G.Schotter, 1965
  • Quintara
  • Radaisiella
  • Radiatispora T.Matsushima, 1995
  • Radiciseta K.Sawada & S.Katsuki, 1959
  • Raizadenia S.L.Srivastava, 1981
  • Ramakrishnanella Kamat & Ullasa ex Ullasa, 1970
  • Ramaraomyces N.K.Rao, C.Manoharachary & R.D.Goos, 1989
  • Ramasricellites
  • Ramicapitulum S.R.Whitton, K.D.Hyde & E.H.C.McKenzie, 2012
  • Ramicephala Voglmayr & Delgado-Rodríguez, 2003
  • Ramichloridiopsis
  • Ramiphialis F.R.Barbosa, Fiuza & R.F.Castañeda
  • Ramoacrodictys G.Z.Zhao, 2010
  • Ramoconidiifera B.C.Sutton, C.C.Carmarán & A.I.Romero, 1996
  • Ramulaspera Lindr.
  • Ranojevicia Bubák, 1910
  • Ratnagiriathyrites R.K.Saxena & N.K.Misra, 1990
  • Redbia Deighton & Piroz.
  • Rehmiomyces Henn.
  • Repetoblastiella R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, D.W.Minter & M.Stadler, 2010
  • Rhabdoclema H.Sydow, 1939
  • Rhabdogloeopsis Petrak, 1925
  • Rhabdomyces Balbiani, 1889
  • Rhabdostromella F.von Höhnel, 1915
  • Rhacodium Persoon ex Wallroth, 1833
  • Rhexoampullifera P.M.Kirk
  • Rhexoprolifer T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Rhinocladium Sacc. & Marchal
  • Rhinotrichella G.Arnaud ex de Hoog
  • Rhinotrichum Corda
  • Rhipidocephalum Trail
  • Rhizogaster P.F.Reinsch, 1875
  • Rhizohypha R.Chodat & Sigriansky, 1911
  • Rhizosphaerina B.C.Sutton, 1986
  • Rhizostroma E.M.Fries, 1819
  • Rhodesiopsis B.Sutton & R.Campb.
  • Rhodothallus A.C.Batista & Ciferri, 1959
  • Rhombostilbella Zimm.
  • Rhynchnostrigula Batista, J.L.Bezerra & Cavalcante
  • Rhynchodiplodia Briosi & Farneti, 1906
  • Rhynchomyces Willk.
  • Rhynchoseptoria Unamuno, 1940
  • Rhynchosporina J.A.von Arx, 1957
  • Rhyncomeliola Spegazzini, 1884
  • Riclaretia Peyronel, 1915
  • Rileya A.Funk, 1979
  • Riomyces A.Ferrer, A.N.Miller, C.Sarmiento & C.A.Shearer, 2012
  • Robakia Petrak, 1952
  • Rogergoosiella A.Hernández-Gutiérrez & J.Mena Portales, 1996
  • Roigiella R.F.Castañeda, 1984
  • Roscoepoundia Kuntze
  • Rosulomyces S.Marchand & D.Cabral, 1976
  • Rota Bat., Cif. & Nascim.
  • Rotaea Cesati ex Schlechtendal, 1851
  • Rozella
  • Ruggieria Ciferri & Montemartini, 1958
  • Saania
  • Sabouraudites
  • Saccisporonites
  • Sacidium
  • Sadasivanella
  • Sadasivania Subram.
  • Sagrahamala Subram.
  • Saliastrum Kujala, 1946
  • Samarosporella Linder, 1944
  • Samukuta
  • Sanjuanomyces R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1991
  • Santapauinda C.V.Subramanian, 1994
  • Saprophragma K.B.Deshpande & K.S.Deshpande, 1966
  • Saprotaphrina Verona & Rambelli, 1962
  • Sarbhoyomyces U.N.Saikia, 1981
  • Sarcinodochium F.von Höhnel, 1905
  • Sarcinosporon D.S.King & S.C.Jong
  • Sarcocypha
  • Sarcopodium Ehrenberg ex A.T.Brongniart, 1824
  • 蒜孢屬 Sativumoides S.C.Ren, J.Ma & X.G.Zhang, 2010
    • Sativumoides punicae S.C.Ren, Jian Ma & X.G.Zhang
  • Sawantomyces R.Dubey & N.A.Moonnambeth, 2013
  • Scaphidium F.E.Clements, 1901
  • Scenomyces F.L.Stevens, 1927
  • Sceptrifera Deighton, 1965
  • Schizoderma G.Kunze, 1825
  • Schizodiplodia
  • Schizothyra Bat. & C.A.A.Costa
  • Schizothyrella Thüm.
  • Schizothyropsis A.C.Batista & Vital, 1960
  • Schizotrichum McAlpine, 1903
  • Schoenbornia Bubák
  • Schwarzmannia Pisareva, 1968
  • Scirrhophoma Petrak, 1941
  • Scleroconium H.Sydow, 1935
  • Sclerodiscus N.Patouillard, 1890
  • Sclerodothiorella Diedicke, 1912
  • Sclerographiopsis F.C.Deighton, 1973
  • Sclerographium M.J.Berkeley, 1854
  • Scleromeris H.Sydow, 1926
  • Scleropycnis H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1911
  • Sclerosphaeropsis Bubák, 1914
  • Sclerotiella A.K.Sarbhoy & A.Sarbhoy, 1975
  • Sclerozythia Petch
  • Scolecobeltrania T.Iturriaga, R.F.Castañeda-Ruiz & R.Fernández, 2013
  • Scolecodochium K.Matsushima & T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Scolecopeltidella J.M.Mendoza, 1925
  • Scolecotheca U.Søchting & B.C.Sutton, 1997
  • Scolecotrichum
  • Scolecozythia Curzi, 1927
  • Scolicotrichum Fuckel, 1870
  • Scolicotrichum Kunze
  • Scoliotidium A.C.Batista & W.A.Cavalcanti, 1963
  • Scopaphoma J.Dearness & H.House, 1925
  • Scopula
  • Scopularia Preuss
  • Scopulariella Gjaerum, 1971
  • Scorpiosporium S.H.Iqbal
  • Scothelius A.C.Batista, J.L.Bezerra & W.A.Cavalcanti, 1965
  • Scutisporus K.Ando & Tubaki
  • Scutopeltis Bat. & H.Maia
  • Scutopycnis Batista, 1957
  • Scypharia
  • Seimatosporiella B.A.Abbas, B.C.Sutton & A.Ghaffar, 1998
  • Seimatosporiopsis B.C.Sutton, A.Ghaffar & S.Q.Abbas, 1972
  • Selenosira Petrak, 1957
  • Selenosporopsis R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & W.B.Kendrick, 1991
  • Septocytella H.Sydow, 1929
  • Septodochium Matsushima, 1971
  • Septodothideopsis Hennings, 1904
  • Septomyxella F.von Höhnel, 1923
  • Septopatella Petrak, 1925
  • Septorella Berkeley
  • Septosporiella
  • Septosporiopsis W.A.Baker & G.A.Morgan-Jones, 2009
  • Septosporium Corda, 1831
  • Septothyrella Höhn.
  • Septotrullula Höhn.
  • Seriella E.M.Fries, 1849
  • Sessiliospora D.L.Hawksworth, 1979
  • Setolibertella E.Punithalingam & B.M.Spooner, 1999
  • Setopeltis Bat. & A.F.Vital
  • Setophiale T.Matsushima, 1995
  • Setosporella Mustafa & Abdul-Wahid, 1989
  • Seynesiopsis Henn.
  • Shawiella Hansford, 1957
  • Sheariella Petrak, 1952
  • Sheathnema
  • Shomea Bat. & J.L.Bezerra
  • Siamia V.Robert, C.Decock & R.F.Castañeda Ruiz, 2000
  • Sigmatomyces P.A.Saccardo & P.Sydow, 1913
  • Similitrichoconis
  • Simmonsiella
  • Sinotrichium J.Wang, S.Q.Xu & D.B.Strongman, 2010
  • Sirexcipula Bubák
  • Sirocyphis F.E.Clements, 1909
  • Sirodochiella F.von Höhnel, 1925
  • Sirodomus
  • Sirogloea Petrak, 1923
  • Siroligniella H.A.Naumov, 1926
  • Siropatella F.von Höhnel, 1903
  • Sirophoma Höhn.
  • Siroplacodium Petrak, 1939
  • Siropleura Petrak, 1934
  • Siroscyphellina Petrak, 1923
  • Sirosperma H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1916
  • Sirosphaera H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1913
  • Sirosporonaemella N.A.Naumov, 1951
  • Sirothecium P.Karst.
  • Sirothyrium H.Sydow, 1916
  • Sirozythia F.von Höhnel, 1904
  • Sirozythiella Höhn.
  • Sitochora H.B.P.Upadhyay, 1964
  • Siwalikiathyrites R.K.Saxena & H.P.Singh, 1982
  • Soliomyces K.L.Pang & J.S.Jheng, 2012
  • Soloacrospora W.B.Kendrick & R.F.Castaneda Ruiz, 1991
  • Solosympodiella Matsushima, 1971
  • Soloterminospora T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Sopagraha
  • Spermatoloncha Spegazzini, 1908
  • Spermochaetella Ciferri, 1954
  • Spermospora R.Sprague
  • Spermosporella F.C.Deighton, 1969
  • Spermotrichum O.Kuntze, 1898
  • Sphaerialites B.S.Venkatachala & R.K.Kar, 1969
  • Sphaeridium Fresen.
  • Sphaeriostromella Bubák, 1916
  • Sphaeriothyrium Bubák
  • Sphaerocolla P.A.Karsten, 1892
  • Sphaerocybe Magrou & Marneffe, 1946
  • Sphaeroides
  • Sphaeromma H.B.P.Upadhyay, 1964
  • Sphaeromyces G.Arnaud, 1954
  • Sphaeronema
  • Sphaerophoma Petrak, 1924
  • Sphaerulomyces L.Marvanová, 1977
  • Spheropsis Rafinesque, 1815
  • Sphondylocephalum J.A.Stalpers, 1974
  • Spicaria Harting
  • Spicularia Pers.
  • Spilomium
  • Spilomyces Petr. & Syd.
  • Spinulospora Deighton
  • Spiralotrichum H.S.Yates, 1918
  • Spiralum J.L.Mulder, 1975
  • 絨落孢屬 Spiropes Cif.
  • Spirospora Scherffel, 1926
  • Spolverinia
  • Spondylocladiella Linder
  • Spondylocladiopsis M.B.Ellis
  • Spondylocladium
  • Sporocarpon W.C.Williamson, 1878
  • Sporocystis A.P.Morgan, 1902
  • Sporodiniopsis F.von Höhnel, 1903
  • Sporodochiolichen A.Aptroot & H.J.M.Sipman, 2011
  • Sporoglena P.A.Saccardo, 1894
  • Sporophiala P.Rag.Rao, 1970
  • Sporophora Luteraan, 1952
  • Sporotretophora S.R.Whitton, K.D.Hyde & E.H.C.McKenzie, 2012
  • Stachybotryella J.B.Ellis & Bartholomew, 1902
  • Stachycoremium K.A.Seifert, 1986
  • Stagonopatella Petrak, 1927
  • Stagonopsis P.A.Saccardo, 1884
  • Stagonosporina Tassi, 1902
  • Stagonostromella F.Petrak & H.Sydow, 1927
  • Staheliella Emden, 1974
  • Stalagmochaetia R.Ciferri & A.C.Batista, 1963
  • Stanhughesiella
  • Stauriella Sivichai & E.B.G.Jones, 2004
  • Stauromyca R.Kar, B.D.Mandaokar & R.K.Kar, 2009
  • Stauronema (Sacc.) Syd., P.Syd. & E.J.Butler
  • Stauronematopsis Abbas, B.Sutton & Ghaffar, 2002
  • Staurophoma F.von Höhnel, 1907
  • Stegia Fr.
  • Stegilla Rchb.
  • Stegolerium G.Strobel, W.M.Hess & E.J.Ford, 2001
  • Stegonsporiopsis Van Warmelo & B.Sutton
  • Stellifraga Alstrup & Olech, 1993
  • Stellomyces G.Morgan-Jones, R.C.Sinclair & A.Eicker, 1987
  • Stellopeltis Bat. & A.F.Vital
  • Stellospora J.L.Alcorn & B.C.Sutton, 1984
  • Stellothyriella A.C.Batista & R.Ciferri, 1959
  • Stemmaria Preuss, 1851
  • Stenocephalopsis Chamuris & C.J.K.Wang
  • Stenocephalum G.P.Chamuris & C.J.K.Wang, 1990
  • Stenospora F.C.Deighton, 1969
  • Stephanosporium Dal Vesco
  • Stevensomyces E.F.Morris & D.E.Finley, 1965
  • Stevensonula F.Petrak, 1952
  • Stichospora Petrak, 1927
  • Stictopatella F.von Höhnel, 1918
  • Stictosepta Petr.
  • Stigmastoma
  • Stigmatellina A.C.Batista & H.S.Maia, 1960
  • Stigmatisphaera Dumortier, 1822
  • Stigmella Lév.
  • Stigmopeltis H.Sydow, 1927
  • Stigmopeltopsis
  • Stilbellula Boedijn, 1951
  • Stilbomyces J.B.Ellis & Everhart, 1895
  • Stilbophoma Petrak, 1942
  • Strasseriopsis B.C.Sutton & T.Kobayashi, 1970
  • Stratiphoromyces T.K.Goh & K.D.Hyde, 1998
  • Strionemadiplodia Zambett.
  • Striosphaeropsis G.J.M.Verkley & A.van der Aa, 1997
  • Stromatoneolamya
  • Stromatopogon Zahlbr., 1897
  • Stromatopycnis A.F.Vital, 1956
  • Stromatostysanus F.von Höhnel, 1829
  • Strongylothallus A.C.Batista & R.Ciferri, 1959
  • Strumellopsis F.von Höhnel, 1909
  • Stygiomyces B.J.Coppins & S.Y.Kondratyuk, 1995
  • Stylaspergillus B.Sutton et al.
  • Subicularium M.L.Farr & R.D.Goos, 1989
  • Subramania D.Rao & P.R.Rao, 1964
  • Subramanianospora Narayanan, J.K.Sharma & Minter, 2003
  • Subulariella F.von Höhnel, 1915
  • Sutravarana
  • Sutravarana C.V.Subramanian & K.V.Chandrashekara, 1977
  • Suttoniella S.Ahmad, 1961
  • Suttonina H.C.Evans, 1984
  • Syamithabeeja C.V.Subramanian & K.Natarajan, 1976
  • Sylviacollaea R.Ciferri, 1963
  • Symphyosirella K.A.Seifert, 2009
  • Symphysos Bat. & Cavalc.
  • Sympodiocladium Descals
  • Sympodioclathra Voglmayr, 1997
  • Sympodiophora G.R.W.Arnold
  • Sympodioplanus R.C.Sinclair & S.Boshoff, 1997
  • Sympodiosynnema
  • Synchronoblastia F.A.Uecker & F.L.Caruso, 1988
  • Syncladium Rabenhorst, 1859
  • Synnemacrodictys W.A.Baker & G.A.Morgan-Jones, 2009
  • Synnemaseimatoides K.Matsushima & T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Synnematophora
  • Synnmukerjiomyces K.R.Aneja & R.Kumar, 1999
  • Synostomina Petrak, 1949
  • Synsphaeria H.F.Bonorden, 1851
  • Syphosphaera Dumortier, 1822
  • Systremmopsis Petrak, 1923
  • Taeniolina M.B.Ellis
  • Taeniophora P.Karst.
  • Talekpea Lunghini & Rambelli, 1979
  • Talpapellis Alstrup & M.S.Cole
  • Tandonea M.D.Mehrotra, 1991
  • Tarsodisporus Bat. & A.A.Silva
  • Tassia H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1919
  • Tawdiella K.B.Deshpande & K.S.Deshpande, 1966
  • Taxomyces G.Strobel, A.Stierle, D.Stierle & W.M.Hess, 1993
  • Tectacervulus A.W.Ramaley, 1992
  • Tegoa Batista & Fonseca, 1961
  • Telioclipeum A.P.Viégas, 1962
  • Telligia Hendrickx, 1948
  • Temerariomyces B.C.Sutton, 1993
  • Teratosperma H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1909
  • Teratospermopsis
  • Tetrabrachium A.Nawawi & A.J.Kuthubutheen, 1987
  • Tetrabrunneospora B.J.Dyko, 1978
  • Tetracoccosporis F.E.Clements, 1909
  • Tetracona K.B.Korde, 1986
  • Tetradigita R.Kar, B.D.Mandaokar & R.K.Kar, 2009
  • Tetranacriella Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, 2001
  • Tetranacrium H.J.Huds. & B.Sutton
  • Tetraposporium S.Hughes
  • Textotheca T.Matsushima, 1996
  • Thallisphaera Dumortier, 1822
  • Thallospora L.S.Olive, 1948
  • Thaptospora B.C.Sutton & I.G.Pascoe, 1987
  • Tharoopama C.V.Subramanian, 1956
  • Thelenidiomyces
  • Thirumalacharia Y.Rathaiah, 1981
  • Tholomyces Matsushima, 2003
  • Thoracella Oudemans, 1900
  • Thrinacospora Petrak, 1948
  • Thyriostromella A.C.Batista & Costa, 1959
  • Thyrococcum (P.A.Saccardo) P.A.Saccardo, 1913
  • Thyrostromella Höhn.
  • Thyrotheca Kirschstein, 1944
  • Thyrsidiella von Höhnel ex von Höhnel, 1909
  • Thyrsidina F.von Höhnel, 1905
  • Thyrsidium Mont.
  • Tiarosporellivora E.Punithalingam, 1981
  • Ticogloea G.Weber, F.Spaaij & W.Gams, 1994
  • Ticosynnema R.F.Castañeda-Ruiz, M.M.Granados & M.Mardones, 2013
  • Tilakiopsis V.G.Rao, 1994
  • Titaeopsis B.C.Sutton & F.C.Deighton, 1984
  • Titaeospora Bubák
  • Tomenticola F.C.Deighton, 1969
  • Tompetchia C.V.Subramanian, 1985
  • Torulella V.Köfaragó-Gyelnik, 1939
  • Torulopsiella H.B.Bender, 1932
  • Toxosporiella B.C.Sutton, 1986
  • Toxosporiopsis B.C.Sutton & Sellar, 1966
  • Toxosporium Vuillemin, 1896
  • Trachythyriolum Spegazzini, 1919
  • Traquairia Carruthers, 1873
  • Treleasiella Spegazzini, 1896
  • Tremellidium Petrak, 1927
  • Tretocephala C.V.Subramanian, 1995
  • Tretoheliocephala
  • Tretolylea T.Cantillo
  • Tretovularia Deighton
  • Triacutus G.L.Barron & S.S.Tzean, 1981
  • Tribolospora D.A.Reid
  • Tricellula Beverw.
  • Trichaegum Corda
  • Trichobolbus Bat.
  • Trichoconis Clem.
  • Trichocrea Marchal
  • Trichodiscula Vouaux, 1910
  • Trichodochium Syd.
  • Trichodytes Klebahn, 1898
  • Trichomatoclava G.F.Sepúlveda, R.C.Pereira-Carvalho & J.C.Dianese, 2009
  • Trichomatomyces D.Dornelo-Silva & J.C.Dianese, 2004
  • Trichomatosphaera R.C.Pereira-Carvalho, G.Sepúlveda-Chavera & J.C.Dianese, 2009
  • Trichopeltulum Speg.
  • Trichoseptoria Cavara, 1892
  • Trichosperma
  • Trichosphaera Dumortier, 1822
  • Trichosporodochium D.Dornelo-Silva & J.C.Dianese, 2004
  • Trichostroma Corda, 1829
  • Tricladiella K.Ando & Tubaki, 1984
  • Tricladiopsis Descals
  • Tricladiospora A.Nawawi & A.J.Kuthubutheen, 1988
  • Tricornispora
  • Trifurcospora K.Ando & K.Tubaki, 1988
  • Triglyphium Fresenius, 1852
  • Trigonosporium Tassi, 1900
  • Trihyphites
  • Tripithonites
  • Tripoconidium C.V.Subramanian, 1978
  • Triposporina Höhn.
  • Triramulispora Matsush.
  • Triscelophorus Ingold
  • Triscelosporium A.Nawawi & A.J.Kuthubutheen, 1987
  • Trisulcosporium H.J.Huds. & B.Sutton
  • Tromerahelium
  • Tromeropsis Sherwood
  • Troposporium H.W.Harkness, 1884
  • Troposporopsis S.R.Whitton, E.H.C.McKenzie & K.D.Hyde, 1999
  • Tryssglobulus B.Sutton & Pascoe, 1987
  • Tuberculariopsis F.von Höhnel, 1909
  • Tuberculina
  • Tuberculispora F.C.Deighton & K.A.Pirozynski, 1972
  • Tuberosurculus Paulet, 1791
  • Tunicago B.C.Sutton & F.G.Pollack, 1977
  • Turturconchata J.L.Chen, T.L.Huang & S.S.Tzean, 1999
  • Tylomyces Cortini, 1921
  • Tympanosporium W.Gams, 1974
  • Uberispora Piroz. & Hodges
  • Ubrizsya Negru, 1965
  • Ulocoryphus J.Michaelides, L.Hunter & W.B.Kendrick, 1982
  • Uloploca H.Klebahn, 1933
  • Ulvella (Nyl.) Trevis., 1880
  • Umbellidion B.Sutton & Hodges
  • Umispora M.A.Abdel-Wahab & T.Nagahama, 2010
  • Uredinaria Chevallier, 1826
  • Urohendersonia Spegazzini, 1902
  • Urohendersoniella Petrak, 1955
  • Urosporium Fingerhuth, 1836
  • Ussurithyrites V.A.Krassilov, 1967
  • Uvarispora Goos & Pirozynski, 1975
  • Vagnia D.L.Hawksworth & J.Miadlikowska, 1997
  • Valsarina
  • Valsarioxylon von Höhnel, 1929
  • Vanakripa Bhat et al.
    • Vanakripa chiangmaiensis X.G.Tian & Karun.
    • Vanakripa chinensis K.Zhang, W.H.Guo, R.F.Castañeda & D.W.Li
    • Vanakripa ellipsoidea[7]
    • Vanakripa fasciata R.F.Castañeda, M.Stadler & Decock
    • Vanakripa gigaspora Bhat, W.B.Kendr. & Nag Raj
    • Vanakripa inexpectata S.M.Leão & Gusmão
    • Vanakripa inflata (Hol.-Jech.) Melnik
    • Vanakripa menglensis D.M.Hu, L.Cai & K.D.Hyde
    • Vanakripa minutiellipsoidea Pinnoi
    • Vanakripa parva Bhat, W.B.Kendr. & Nag Raj
    • Vanakripa rhizophorae R.M.Arias, Heredia & R.F.Castañeda
  • Vanbeverwijkia V.V.Agnihothrudu, 1961
  • Vanderystiella P.Hennings, 1908
  • Vanibandha Manoharachary, N.K.Rao, Kunwar & D.K.Agarwal, 2006
  • Vanterpoolia A.Funk, 1982
  • Varioseptispora
  • Varmasporites
  • Vasculomyces S.F.Ashby, 1913
  • Vasudevella Chona, Munjal & Bajaj, 1957
  • Velloziomyces Armando, Z.M.Chaves & Dianese
  • Velutipila D.L.Hawksworth, 1987
  • Ventrographium H.P.Upadhyay, W.A.Cavalcanti & A.A.Silva, 1986
  • Venustisporium R.F.Castañeda Ruiz & T.Iturriaga, 1999
  • Venustocephala T.Matsushima, 1995
  • Venustosynnema R.F.Castañeda & W.B.Kendrick
  • Veracruzomyces Mercado, Guarro, Heredia & J.Mena, 2002
  • Veramycella G.Delgado, 2009
  • Veramyces T.Matsushima, 1993
  • Verdipulvinus A.W.Ramaley, 1999
  • Vermiculariopsis C.Torrend, 1912
  • Veronaella C.V.Subramanian & K.R.Chandra-Reddy, 1975
  • Veronidia A.Negru, 1964
  • Verrucariella S.Ahmad, 1967
  • Verrucarites H.R.Göppert, 1844
  • Verrucaster Tobler
  • Verrucophragmia P.W.Crous, M.J.Wingfield & W.B.Kendrick, 1994
  • Verrudisporonites
  • Verticicladus T.Matsushima, 1993
  • Verticilliopsis Costantin, 1892
  • Vesicularia I.Schmidt, 1974
  • Vesiculohyphomyces E.A.S.Armando, R.C.Pereira-Carvalho & J.C.Dianese, 2009
  • Virgariella S.Hughes
  • Virgatospora Finley
  • Viridiannula Etayo, 2002
  • Viscomacula R.Sprague, 1950
  • Vittalia Gawas & Bhat, 2007
  • Vizellopsidites
  • Voglinoana O.Kuntze, 1891
  • Volutellaria Sacc.
  • Volutellis F.E.Clements & Shear, 1931
  • Volutellopsis Spegazzini, 1910
  • Wahlenbergiana Gueidan & Thüs, 2009
  • Waihonghopes Yanna & K.D.Hyde, 2002
  • Wardinella Bat. & Peres
  • Waydora B.C.Sutton, 1976
  • Websteromyces W.A.Baker & E.C.Partridge, 2000
  • Weesea F.von Höhnel, 1920
  • Weissia Bat. & M.P.Herrera
  • Weufia D.J.Bhat & B.C.Sutton, 1985
  • Witwateromyces D.H.Hallbauer, H.M.Jahns & K.T.van Warmelo, 1977
  • Wolkia J.Ramsbottom, 1915
  • Xenidiocercus T.R.Nag Raj, 1993
  • Xenochora Petrak, 1948
  • 擬異參孢屬 Xenoheteroconium D.J.Bhat, W.B.Kendrick & T.R.Nag Raj, 1993
    • 雙色擬異參孢 Xenoheteroconium bicolor Bhat, W.B.Kendr. & Nag Raj[8]
  • Xenokylindria F.DiCosmo, S.M.Berch & W.B.Kendrick, 1983
  • Xenomyxa H.Sydow, 1939
  • Xenopeltis H.Sydow & P.Sydow, 1919
  • Xenoplaca Petrak, 1949
  • Xenostroma F.von Höhnel, 1915
  • Xeroconium D.L.Hawksworth, 1981
  • Xiphomyces Syd. & P.Syd.
  • Xiuguozhangia [9]
  • Xylochia B.C.Sutton, 1983
  • Xylocoryneum Saccardo
  • Xylocreas
  • Xyloglyphis F.E.Clements, 1909
  • Xylohyphopsis W.A.Baker & Partridge, 2000
  • Yalodendron Capriotti, 1962
  • Yalomyces T.R.Nag Raj, 1993
  • Yinmingella Goh et al.
  • Ypsilomyces D.A.C.Almeida & Gusmão
  • Yuccamyces Gour, Dyko & B.Sutton, 1979
  • Zakatoshia B.Sutton
  • Zamenhofia Clauzade & Cl.Roux, 1985
  • Zebrospora E.H.C.McKenzie, 1991
  • Zelandiocoela T.R.Nag Raj, 1993
  • Zelodactylaria A.C.Cruz, Gusmão & R.F.Castañeda
  • Zelopelta B.C.Sutton & R.D.Gaur, 1984
  • Zelosatchmopsis Nag Raj, 1991
  • Zelotetraploa J.S.Monteiro, Gusmão & R.F.Castañed
  • Zelotriadelphia R.F.Castañeda, Saikawa, M.Stadler & Iturriaga, 2005
  • Zernya Petr.
  • Zetesimomyces T.R.Nag Raj, 1988
  • Zevadia J.C.David & D.Hawksw.
  • Zilingia Petrak, 1934
  • Zinzipegasa T.R.Nag Raj, 1993
  • Zopheromyces B.C.Sutton & C.S.Hodges Jr., 1977
  • Zunura T.R.Nag Raj, 1993
  • Zymonema Beurmann & Gougerot, 1909
  • Zyxiphora B.C.Sutton, 1981


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