寧姆(英語:Nim Chimpsky;1973年-2000年3月10日)是一隻會使用美國手語的雄性黑猩猩,他的名字是來自於著名語言學家諾姆喬姆斯基。寧姆是哥倫比亞大學心理語言學家赫伯特•泰瑞斯(Herbert S. Terrace)和他的研究團隊的研究中的研究對象。
- Apple me eat
- Banana Nim eat
- Banana me eat
- Drink me Nim
- Eat Nim eat
- Eat Nim me
- Eat me Nim
- Eat me eat
- Finish hug Nim
- Give me eat
- Grape eat Nim
- Hug me Nim
- Me Nim eat
- Me more eat
- More eat Nim
- Nut Nim nut
- Play me Nim
- Tickle me Nim
- Tickle me eat
- Yogurt Nim eat
- Banana Nim banana Nim
- Banana eat me Nim
- Banana me Nim me
- Banana me eat banana
- Drink Nim drink Nim
- Drink eat drink eat
- Drink eat me Nim
- Eat Nim eat Nim
- Eat drink eat drink
- Eat grape eat Nim
- Eat me Nim drink
- Grape eat Nim eat
- Grape eat me Nim
- Me Nim eat me
- Me eat drink more
- Me eat me eat
- Me gum me gum
- Nim eat Nim eat
- Play me Nim play
- Tickle me Nim play
- Give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you.
而後該機構把寧姆賣給了另一家紐約大學的醫學實驗機構,Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP),該機構用靈長類動物做藥物和外科安全實驗[2]。
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