調節T細胞regulatory T cell,Treg):是一群具有負調節機體免疫反應的淋巴細胞,通常起着維持自身耐受和避免免疫反應過度損傷機體的重要作用,但也參與腫瘤細胞逃避機體免疫監視和慢性感染。

70年代曾命名為抑制T細胞(suppressor T cell),因缺乏明確的表面標誌,研究長期處於尷尬和停頓的境地;直到90年代研究出現轉機並成為目前研究熱點,但現多稱為調節T細胞(regulatory T cell)。




CD4+ Foxp3+ CD25(high) regulatory T cells have been called "naturally occurring" regulatory T cells[4] to distinguish them from "suppressor" T cell populations that are generated in vitro. Additional regulatory T cell populations include Tr1, Th3, CD8+CD28-, and Qa-1 restricted T cells. The contribution of these populations to self-tolerance and immune homeostasis is less well defined. Foxp3 can be used as a good marker for mouse CD4+CD25+ T cells, although recent studies have also shown evidence for Foxp3 expression in CD4+CD25- T cells. In humans, Foxp3 is also expressed by recently activated conventional T-cells and thus does not specifically identify human Tregs.[5]



  • CD4+ CD25+T細胞:在維持機體對自身抗原的耐受中扮演重要角色,是目前研究最廣泛深入的一種調節/抑制T細胞。


  • TR1細胞:以分泌IL-10為特徵,負調節免疫應答。
  • TH3細胞:最早在口服免疫耐受性動物模型中發現,以分泌轉化生長因子-β(TGF-β)作為其功能性細胞激素。研究顯示可能與口服免疫耐受性、黏膜免疫機制有關。
  • 表達轉錄因子RORgt的調節T細胞:特異性針對腸道菌群,常見於大小腸內。在生物體內的誘導調節T細胞群體內占到絕大部分。其誘導在新生動物體內依賴Thetis細胞。[6]



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