Neolithodes is a genus of King crabs found in the Alantic. They are Fairly large to large crabs, which differing from both species on spine length. (Neolithodes grimaldii in long spine to short spine in Neolithodes flindersi ). which from many individuals of King crabs from further than all species, [1]

Quick Facts 新岩蟹屬, 科學分類 ...
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 節肢動物門 Arthropoda
亞門: 甲殼亞門 Crustacea
綱: 軟甲綱 Malacostraca
目: 十足目 Decapoda
亞目: 抱卵亞目 Pleocyemata
科: 石蟹科 Lithodidae
屬: 新岩蟹屬 Neolithodes
A.Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894




latin Greek. Neo means new stone like. and lithodes, means a related genus of crabs.

Comparison length

only one species of king crab found in South China, And New Zealand. [2] Neolithodes brodiei Is the worldwide common species of king crab. [3] from comparison length to another species, Neolithodes agassizii can reach 163.3mm, on the other hand. Neolithodes brodiei can reach 200mm, weights up to 5.28kg,


Australia E. King crab Neolithodes flindersi, a new species of king crab described as the biggest lithodid from Southeast Australia


Males reach lengths of up to 180mm, weighing up 2.28kg females on the other hand is smaller


Hezolithodes 新蟹




  • Neolithodes agassizii (Smith, 1882)
  • Neolithodes asperrimus Barnard, 1947
  • Neolithodes brodiei Dawson & Yaldwyn, 1970
  • Neolithodes bronwynae Ahyong, 2010
  • Neolithodes capensis Stebbing, 1905
  • Neolithodes diomedeae (Benedict, 1895)
  • Neolithodes duhameli Macpherson, 2004
  • Neolithodes flindersi Ahyong, 2010
  • Neolithodes grimaldii (A Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894)
  • 印度新岩蟹 Neolithodes indicus Padate, Cubelio & Takeda, 2020[2]
  • 日本新岩蟹 Neolithodes nipponensis Sakai, 1971
  • Neolithodes vinogradovi Macpherson, 1988
  • Neolithodes yaldwyni Ahyong & Dawson, 2006


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