红水银(Red Mercury,或称红汞)是一种虚构的物质,传闻为苏联冷战时期研制,通过纯水银和氧化汞锑放置在核反应堆内辐照二十天,则制造出的这种呈红色的廉价但辐射度极高的物料。传说红水银每立方公分重达二十点二公克(20.2 g/cm3),密度更胜于(19.1 g/cm3);只需把棒球大小的份量制成肮脏弹,就已足以造成灾难性破坏。但由于至今仍无力证据证明红水银的存在,科学家对红水银到底是甚么莫衷一是。被质疑以如此高能量密度的辐射物,稳定性不足,难以制造炸弹。所有相关讨论都与苏联相关连,故部份专家认为是坏心人士散播的谣言





  • Peter Hounam英语Peter Hounam, Steve McQuillan, The Mini-Nuke Conspiracy: How Mandela Inherited a Nuclear Nightmare, Viking Adult(October 1, 1995)ISBN 0-670-86925-2. This book made the claim that South Africa had made red mercury, and used it to construct a thousand miniature tactical nuclear weapons, that were now in the hands of non-governmental South African right-wing elements which intended to make use of them in the near future (of 1995).
  • Henry Stevens, Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology ISBN 978-1-931882-73-6. in Chapter 21, citing sources from above, Stevens makes a case that Germany may have developed technology of Red Mercury during World War II.
  • Cherry red and very dangerous By Rob Edwards 1995年4月29日, 全文(英文)





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