法国宗教战争(法语:Guerres de religion)又名胡格诺战争,是发生在1562年至1598年间法兰西王国国内的内战和民众骚动事件,内战双方为忠于圣座的天主教徒和胡格诺派(属于加尔文宗)新教徒。战争进行了连续八次,对当时的法国造成了严重的破坏。据估计在当时三百万民众死于战乱及战争带来的饥荒和瘟疫,在宗教战争中仅次于造成八百万人丧生的三十年战争。
《马太福音》中,耶稣教导:你们听过有这样的教训说:“以眼还眼,以牙还牙。”但是我告诉你们,不可向欺负你们的人报复。有人打你的右脸,连左脸也让他打吧!⋯⋯要爱你们的仇敌,为迫害你们的祷告(《马太福音》5:38-39,44)。这被广泛认为是反律法论观点,是对旧约教义的批评。对此希波的奥古斯丁在其著作《反福斯图斯》(Contra Faustum Book XIX)中有所讨论,认为这是希伯来律法的终结[36]。
Duffey, Michael. 2. Christianity From Peacemaking to Violence to Home Again. Omar, Irfan; Duffey, Michael (编). Peacemaking and the Challenge of Violence in World Religions. Wiley-Blackwell. 2015-06-22: 55–56. ISBN 9781118953426.
Duffey, Michael. 2. Christianity From Peacemaking to Violence to Home Again. Omar, Irfan; Duffey, Michael (编). Peacemaking and the Challenge of Violence in World Religions. Wiley-Blackwell. 2015-06-22: 58. ISBN 9781118953426. The purpose of war for Augustine was to preserve "good order". It was a long lasting influence of St. Augustine's teaching on war and violence that shaped mainstream Christianity for 1500 years. Augustine fathered the mainstream Christian view that violence was just a means for political ends...Indeed, Augustine's perspective was not based on the New Testament.
Wells, Donald (编). An Encyclopedia of War and Ethics. Greenwood Press. 1996: 30–31. ISBN 9780313291166. In 383, Christianity was declared the official religion of the Roman Empire, and Christians who had previously been aloof from political and social responsibility were compelled to rethink their role. Augustine, and his teacher St. Ambrose (340–397), in part inspired by the writings of Cicero (106-43 s.c.), developed just war criteria to show why Christians could consistently serve in the military as armed soldiers, at least in some wars. Although Augustine deplored the ambitions that promoted wars for sovereignty over others, he believed that there were conditions under which it was just to extend an empire... As instances of worthy causes Augustine named preservation of the well-being of the state, punishment of neighbor nations that had refused to make amends for wrongs committed by their subjects, to restore what had been taken unjustly, and even to expand an empire if one was taking land a way from a tyrant (Questions Concerning the Heputteuch. Question 10; and City of God. Book 4, Part 15).
Bonney, Richard. Just War. The Encyclopedia of War. 2011. ISBN 9781405190374. doi:10.1002/9781444338232.wbeow328. Questions such as under which circumstances war may be legitimized, and the rules of war controlled, are the concern of just war theory in the Christian tradition from the writings of St. Augustine in the fourth century, through the scholastics of the Middle Ages (above all, St. Thomas Aquinas) and early modern period (Vitoria, Sua´rez, and Grotius) to modern commentators such as George Weigel and Michael Walzer. The early Christian writers in turn drew upon Roman Law and the writings of Cicero; indeed, in the view of Alex J. Bellamy, they "added little that was substantially new" (Bellamy 2006: 8).|journal=被忽略 (帮助)
Peters, Edward. Introduction. The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials 2. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1998. ISBN 978-0812216561.
Peters, Edward. Introduction. The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials 2. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1998. ISBN 978-0812216561.
Duffey, Michael. 2. Christianity From Peacemaking to Violence to Home Again. Omar, Irfan; Duffey, Michael (编). Peacemaking and the Challenge of Violence in World Religions. Wiley-Blackwell. 2015-06-22. ISBN 9781118953426.
迪克·斯瓦伯(荷兰语:Dick Swaab). 我即我腦(荷兰语:Wij zijn ons brein):從子宮孕育到阿茲海默症,大腦決定我是誰. 台湾: 漫游者文化. 2012-09-20. 王奕瑶、陈琰璟、包爱民译。第16章〈大脑与宗教〉:“和每种宗教一样,基督教也会宣称自己是具有自由与人道主义的宗教。这是事实。……不过人道主义行为、坚毅及勇气绝对不只是信教者的专属特征,社会主义者、共产主义与与无神论者也具有这些特征。此外,宗教的良好意图总是不幸地以与人们期待完全不同的方式表达出来。”“基督教和其他宗教一样,曾经用非人道的手段剥夺许多人的自由,甚至打著上帝的和平旗号,夺取了许多人的生命。《旧约》中充斥著谋杀,而且有些部份也太过刺激。实验心理学的研究显示,诵读圣经中上帝制裁杀戮的章节,能明显提升阅读者的攻击性,而且这些作用只会发生在教徒身上。新约里也有类似的表现。”“此外,还有歧视女性、同性恋、变性者以及禁止避孕的措施,后者导致南美成千上万的人口生活贫困,以及非洲成千上万的人口感染爱滋病毒。……这些谴责并不只是针对某个宗教。几乎每种宗教在教义上都有过时的观点,并且想办法将这些观点强加在他人身上。”
Jenkins, Philip. Dark Passages. Boston Globe. March 8, 2009 [2010-11-26]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-01). the Bible overflows with "texts of terror," to borrow a phrase coined by the American theologian Phyllis Trible(英语:Phyllis Trible). The Bible contains far more verses praising or urging bloodshed than does the Koran, and biblical violence is often far more extreme, and marked by more indiscriminate savagery. … If the founding text shapes the whole religion, then Judaism and Christianity deserve the utmost condemnation as religions of savagery.
Ruttenberg, Danya, Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: War and National Security Danya Ruttenberg (Ed.)
page 54 (citing Reuven Kimelman, "The Ethics of National Power: Government and War from the Sources of Judaism", in Perspectives, Feb 1987, pp 10-11)
Kravitz, Leonard, "What is Crime?", in Crime and punishment in Jewish law: essays and responsa, EditorsWalter Jacob, Moshe Zemer, Berghahn Books, 1999, p 31.
Magid, Shaul, "Subversion as Return: Scripture, Dissent, and Renewal in Contemporary Judaism, in Subverting Scriptures: Critical Reflections on the Use of the Bible Beth Hawkins Benedix (Ed), pp 217-236, p 234.
Cohn, Robert L, "Before Israel: The Canaanites as Other in Biblical Tradition", in The Other in Jewish thought and history: constructions of Jewish culture and identity, Laurence Jay Silberstein, (Ed.), NYU Press, 1994, pp 76-77
Firestone, Reuven, "Judaism on Violence and Reconciliation: An Examination of Key Sources", in Beyond violence: religious sources of social transformation in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, James Heft (Ed.), Fordham Univ Press, 2004, p 75
Garber, Zev, "Deconstructing Theodicy and Amalekut", in Post-Shoah dialogues: re-thinking our texts together, James F. Moore (Ed.), University Press of America, 2004, pp 241-243.
Lemche, Niels Peter, The Old Testament between theology and history: a critical survey, Westminster John Knox Press, 2008,
pp 315–316:
"The [Biblical] story of the 'morally supreme people' that defeats and exterminates another, inferior, nation was part of the ideological baggage of European imperialists and colonizers throughout the nineteenth century. It was also carried by European Jews who,.. migrated to Palestine to inherit their ancestral country … In this modern version of the biblical narrative, the Palestinian population turned into 'Canaanites', supposed to be morally inferior to the Jews, and of course the Arabs were never considered their equals … The Bible was the instrument used to suppress the enemy".
Grenke, Arthur, God, greed, and genocide: the Holocaust through the centuries, New Academia Publishing, LLC, 2005, pp 17-18:
"Discussing the influence of Christian beliefs on the destruction of the Native peoples in the Americas, Stannard argues that while the New Testament view of war is ambiguous, there is little such ambiguity in the Old Testament. He points to sections in Deuteronomy in which the Israelite God, Yahweh, commanded that the Israelites utterly destroy idolaters whose land they sought to reserve for the worship of their deity (Deut 7:2, 16, and 20:16-17). … According to Stannard, this view of war contributed to the .. destruction of the Native peoples in the Americas. It was this view that also led to the destruction of European Jewry. Accordingly, it is important to look at this particular segment of the Old Testament: it not only describes a situation where a group undertakes to totally destroy other groups, but it also had a major influence on shaping thought and belief systems that permitted, and even inspired, genocide."
King, Jr., Martin Luther; Clayborne Carson; Peter Holloran; Ralph Luker; Penny A. Russell. The papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.. University of California Press. 1992. ISBN 0520079507. 引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
大卫·本特利·哈特. Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and its Fashionable Enemies. Yale University Press. 2009: 12–13. 该书第12页:“一些人因为他们的信仰命令他们去杀戮”,“另外一些人因为没有信仰而认为任何行为都是被允许的。多神论者、一神论者和无神论者均杀戮,如果以20世纪为例,最后一帮人杀得最多”
Steven Weinberg, A Designer Universe?, PhysLink.com. [2021-03-09]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-14). With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil—that takes religion.
Hedges, Chris. 2007. American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America. Free Press.
Lea, Henry Charles. 1961. The Inquisition of the Middle Ages. Abridged. New York: Macmillan.
Mason, Carol. 2002. Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Tyerman, Christopher. 2006. God's War: A New History of the Crusades. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Belknap.
Zeskind, Leonard. 1987. The ‘Christian Identity’ Movement, [booklet]. Atlanta, Georgia: Center for Democratic Renewal/Division of Church and Society, National Council of Churches.