- Tai-wan
- (威妥瑪拼音) T'ai-wan
- Tywan、Taywan、Tay-wan
可追溯至1600年代,源自較早的 Tayuan、Tayoan 和其他變體,源自西拉雅語 taywan,由 tayw (“人”) + an (“地”) 組成。在荷蘭語文獻中作 Tayouan(以及其他變體),閩南語泉漳話作大員/大员 (Tāi-oân)(以及其他變體)。[1]此詞最初是指今臺南安平一帶的一個沙質半島,後來成為整個島嶼的名稱。
- 臺灣(國家名,位於東亞;法定名稱: 中華民國;首都: 臺北)。(自20世紀)
- 近義詞:Chinese Taipei;Republic of China;ROC;Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu
- 1971, 林登·约翰逊, “Feeding the Hungry: India's Food Crisis”, 出自 The Vantage Point[3], Holt, Reinhart & Winston, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC,第 224 頁:
- India was not alone in its predicament or in its policy. While a few developing countries like Taiwan, Mexico, and Thailand had made remarkable progress in agriculture and had experienced success in curbing their population increases, others were nearly as bad off as India, even without a drought.
- 印度並不是唯一陷入困境或採取政策的國家。雖然臺灣、墨西哥和泰國等一些發展中國家在農業方面取得了顯著進步,並在抑制人口增長方面取得了成功,但其他國家的情況幾乎和印度一樣糟糕,即使沒有發生乾旱。
- 1996年3月15日, Leyla Linton, “London students sing their defiance”, 出自 泰晤士報[4], 第 65,528 期, →ISSN, →OCLC, Overseas News,第 14 頁,第 2 列:
- Pei Ling Wu, 30, said: "I am worried about my family, but they do not want to leave Taiwan. They want to defend their country and fight to the end. If China continues to push us, independence is the only solution."
- 30歲的 Pei Ling Wu 說:「我很擔心我的家人,但他們不想離開臺灣。他們想保衛自己的國家,戰鬥到底。如果中國繼續逼迫我們,獨立是唯一的解決辦法。」
- 2022年9月11日 [2022年9月9日], Hsin-fang Lee, Jonathan Chin, “Letter calls for Taiwan’s UN inclusion”, 出自 台北時報[5],於11 September 2022歸檔自原頁面, Front Page:
- "Meeting all the criteria of statehood under international law, Taiwan has long been an independent and sovereign country," they said. "It is a proactive major contributor to the international community — a beacon of democracy for countries around the world to emulate."
The "continued exclusion of Taiwan from the UN system is not only unwise, unjust and unfair, but also is a blatant violation of the principles of universality and self-determination as enshrined in the UN Charter, and must be rectified immediately," they said.
"The time is now for the United Nations and the rest of the world to jointly stand up against China and its lawless and out-of-control bullying of Taiwan," they said, adding: "Enough is Enough."- 他們說:「臺灣符合國際法規定的所有建國標準,長期以來一直是一個獨立的主權國家。」「它是國際社會積極主動的主要貢獻者,是世界各國效仿的民主燈塔。」
他們說:「繼續將臺灣排除在聯合國體系之外,不僅是不明智、不公正和不公平的,而且公然違反了《聯合國憲章》所載的普遍性和自決原則,必須立即糾正」 。
- 他們說:「臺灣符合國際法規定的所有建國標準,長期以來一直是一個獨立的主權國家。」「它是國際社會積極主動的主要貢獻者,是世界各國效仿的民主燈塔。」
- 有關使用本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Taiwan。
- 臺灣島,臺灣海峽和菲律賓海之間的一個島嶼,也稱為福爾摩沙
- 近義詞:Formosa
- 1888, James Harrison Wilson, 章號 III, 出自 China: Travels and Investigations in the "Middle Kingdom": A Study of Its Civilization and Possibilites[6], →OCLC,第 26 頁:
- The Government claims suzerainty over and receives tribute more or less regularly from Corea, and also from Anam, Siam, Burmah, and part of the Loochoo Islands, and it has recently erected the beautiful and extensive Island of Formosa, or Taiwan, hitherto attached to the province of Fo-Kien, into a separate province with its own governor-general who, like those of the other provinces, is appointed directly from Peking.
- 政府宣稱對韓國、安南、暹羅、緬甸和琉球群島的一部分擁有宗主權,並或多或少地定期接受貢品,最近還政府將美麗而廣袤的福爾摩沙島(即臺灣)劃為一個單獨的省份,並設立了自己的巡撫,巡撫與其他省份的巡撫一樣,直接由北京任命。
- 1963, 德怀特·艾森豪威尔, “Formosa Doctrine”, 出自 Mandate for Change 1953-1956[7], Garden City, New York: 道布爾戴出版社, →LCCN, →OCLC,第 460 頁:
- As a result of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95, China lost to Japan the important islands of Taiwan (Formosa) and the Pescadores, lying about a hundred miles off the Chinese coast.}
- 1894-95年中日戰爭的結果是,中國將距中國海岸約100英里的重要島嶼臺灣(福爾摩沙)和澎湖列島讓給了日本。
- 有關使用本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Taiwan。
- 以臺灣島為中心,包括附近島嶼的行政區劃
- 近義詞:Formosa
- (歷史) 清朝的行政區劃
- (歷史) 臺灣府,隸屬於福建省
- 1864, 郇和, “Notes on the Island of Formosa.”, 出自 The Journal of the Royal Geographic Society of London[8], 第 XXXIV 卷, London: John Murray, 出版於 1865, →ISSN, →OCLC,第 6 頁:
- TAIWAN, or Chinese Formosa, is considered a Foo or district of the province of Fokien, and is governed by a Taoutai extraordinary, who, though responsible to the provincial viceroy, possesses the privilege of memorialising the Throne direct. “The district of Taiwan,” says the Chinese Government Chart, of which a copy was supplied to me by the Formosan authorities, “is bounded in the rear by mountains, and in front by the sea. The ancestral hills of Formosa derive their origin from the Woo-hoo-mun (Five Tiger Gate), the entrance to Foochow, whence they glided across the sea. In the ocean towards the east are two places called Tungkwan (Damp Limit) and Pih-mow (White Acre), which mark the spots where the dragons of the Formosan hills emerged. These sacred reptiles had pierced unseen the depths of ocean, and announcing their ascent to the surface by throwing up the bluff at Kelung-head, by a number of violent contortions heaved up the regular series of hills, valleys, and plains that extend north and south in varied undulations for the space of 1000 leagues (applied figuratively). The mountain-peaks are too multitudinous to enumerate, and the geography of the island too comprehensive to take into present consideration ; we will therefore confine ourselves to a few general remarks. In rear of the hills, eastward, flows the ocean ; facing them, to the westward, is the sea ; and between lies the prefecture of Taiwan.”
- 臺灣,或稱中國福爾摩沙,被認為是福建省的一個府或地區,由一位道臺管理,雖然他對福建省總督負責,但卻擁有直接向皇上遞交奏摺的特權。臺灣當局向我提供了一份中國政府圖表,其中寫道:「臺灣地區後靠山,前臨海。福爾摩沙的祖山源於福州的入口五虎門,從那裡滑行過海。東邊的大海裡有兩個地方,叫東關和白畝,是臺灣山龍出沒的地方。這些神聖的爬行動物神穿透了看不見的海洋深處,在基隆頭拋起峭壁,使它們湧上了海面,並藉由劇烈的變形,將一系列有規律的丘陵、山谷和平原抬起來,這些丘陵、山谷和平原以不同的起伏向南北延伸,長達1000 里格(比喻)。由於山峰眾多,無法一一列舉,該島的地理情況過於廣泛,目前無法考慮;因此,我們僅作一些概括性的評論。山峰的後方,向東是海洋;面對山峰,向西是大海;中間是臺灣府。」
- 1887 February, 甘為霖 (W. Campbell), “A Few Notes from the Pescadores.”, 出自 Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal[9], 第 XVIII 卷, 第 2 期, Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, →OCLC,第 62 頁:
- THE PESCADORES, consisting of over twenty inhabited islands, besides several inlets and rocks, lie off the south-western coast of Formosa at a minimum distance of about twenty-five miles, and the entire group is set down on the charts as extending from latitude 23° 12′ to 23° 47′ N., and from longitude 119° 19′ to 119° 41′ E. They form together the Dashing Lake District or Ting, 澎湖廳, of the Taiwan Prefecture, and are placed under the control of resident civil and military mandarins who report to their superior officers at Taiwanfoo.
- 澎湖列島由二十多個有人居住的島嶼組成,此外還有一些小海灣和岩石,位於福爾摩沙西南海岸外,最短距離約25英里,整個列島在海圖上的位置是從北緯23°12′到23°47′,東經119°19′到119°41′,它們共同組成了臺灣府澎湖廳,由常駐的文官和武官控制,他們向臺灣府的上級官員報告。
- 1980, Ramon H. Myers, “The Public Sector: The State”, 出自 The Chinese Economy Past and Present[10], →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC,第 78–79 頁s:
- In effect each area paid an assigned land tax quota, which was allocated among households — depending upon the amount of land they owned and registered with the land tax office. Households paid this tax in silver, and by 1736 the state collected this kind of land tax in all provinces except Shansi, Taiwan prefecture (part of Fukien province), and Kweichow.
- 實際上,每個地區都要繳納指定的土地稅配額,根據家庭擁有並在土地稅務局登記的土地數量,將配額分配給家庭。家庭用白銀繳納這種稅,到 1736 年,國家在除山西、臺灣府(福建省的一部分)和貴州省以外的所有省份徵收這種土地稅。
- 2016 [2014年4月17日], “President Ma Attends "Examining the Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands Dispute under New and Multiple Perspectives" International Conference”, 出自 馬英九 編, Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs[11], 第 32 (2014) 卷, Brill Nijhoff, →ISBN, →ISSN, →OCLC,第 281 頁:
- President Ma further noted that in 1683 during the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) the emperor formally included the Diaoyutais as territory of China in Taiwan Prefecture, Fujian Province. In 1812, the Diaoyutais were placed under the administration of the Kavalan Office of the Taiwan prefectural government, he added, pointing out that the Record of Missions to Taiwan and Adjacent Waters 《臺海使槎錄》 and the Illustrations of Taiwan 《全臺圖説》 prove that China effectively ruled over the Diaoyutai Islets during the Qing Dynasty.
- 馬總統進一步指出,於1683年,清朝(1644-1911)皇帝正式將福建省臺灣地區的釣魚台納入中國領土。 1812年,釣魚台劃歸臺灣府噶瑪蘭廳管轄,並以《臺海使槎錄》和《全臺圖説》證明中國在清朝時期對釣魚台群島進行了有效統治。
- 有關使用本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Taiwan。
- (歷史) 臺灣省,清帝國的行省 (自19世紀晚期)
- 1896, J. D. Clark, Formosa[12], Shanghai: Shanghai Mercury, →OCLC,第 44 頁:
- In 1885 Governor LIU determined to reconstruct Taipei and make it the temporary capital until, the railway having on its way to Taiwan reached the old town of Changhua, in about the middle of Formosa, he should build a city near that place and make it, under the name of Taiwan, the capital of the province of Taiwan.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- 1898, “Bang-ka, or Mang-ka”, 出自 Johnson's Universal Cyclopædia: A New Edition[13], 第 I 卷, New York: D. Appleton & Company, →OCLC,第 480 頁,第 2 列:
- Near Bang-ka is Twa-tu-tia, the great center of the tea-trade of Formosa, and the capital of the province of Taiwan (i. e. Formosa) from 1885 to 1896.
- 艋舺附近是大稻埕,它是福爾摩沙茶葉貿易的重要中心,也是1885年至1896年間臺灣省(即福爾摩沙)的省會。
- 1918, 馬士, “France and Tongking”, 出自 The International Relations of the Chinese Empire[14], 第 II 卷, 朗文出版社, →OCLC,第 861 頁:
- The Chinese forces holding Formosa numbered about 50,000 men, and its defence was ably conducted by Liu Ming-chüan, then imperial High Commissioner ad hoc afterwards first governor of the newly created province of Taiwan.
- 控制福爾摩沙的中國軍隊約有五萬人,其防禦由時任欽差大臣、後來擔任新成立的臺灣省首任總督的劉銘全出色地指揮。
- 有關使用本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Taiwan。
- (歷史) 臺灣府,隸屬於福建省
- (歷史) 日本殖民地 (自19世紀晚期)
- 1902, “Appendix”, 出自 The Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Malta, St Helena, Barbados, Cyrpus, the Channel Islands, the British Army & Navy (The British Empire Series)[15], 第 V 卷, →OCLC,第 649 頁:
- Taiwan (Formosa) and Hōkotō (the Pescadores) were ceded to Japan upon the close of the Chinese War of 1895. Taiwan has a Governor-General with extreme powers, and is now an integral part of Japan.
- 1895年中日戰爭結束後,臺灣島(福爾摩沙)和澎湖列島被割讓給日本。臺灣有一位擁有極大權力的總督府,現在是日本不可分割的一部分。
- 1913, Charlotte M. Salwey, “Formosa, the Beautiful (Taiwan)”, 出自 The Island Dependencies of Japan[16], London: Eugène L. Morice, →OCLC,第 39 頁:
- Taiwan is governed by a Governor-General. Since 1895 three Governors have resigned. The present in office is General Count Samata Sakuma.
- 臺灣由總督管轄。 自1895年以來,已有三任總督辭職。 現任總督是佐久間左馬太將軍。
- 1938年7月29日, “Amoy is Island Key to South China's Strategic Province”, 出自 The Winchester Star[17], 第 LVIII 卷, 第 1 期, Winchester, Mass., →ISSN, →OCLC,第 2 頁,第 5 列:
- Amoy is one of the three Chinese ports closer to the Japanese colony of Taiwan (Formosa) than are any ports in the Japanese Empire proper.
- 與日本帝國本土的任何港口相比,廈門是距離日本殖民地臺灣(福爾摩沙)最近的三個中國港口之一。
- 有關使用本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Taiwan。
- 臺灣省,中華民國名義上的一個省(不包括後來陸續脫離該省的六個直轄市) (自20世紀起)
- 1946年2月16日, “China”, 出自 Foreign Commerce Weekly[18], 第 XXII 卷, 第 7 期, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, United States Department of Commerce, →ISSN, →OCLC,第 26 頁,第 2 列:
- Recent reports from Taiwan (Formosa), although fragmentary, begin to give a picture of economic conditions following the conclusion of the war. Now officially referred to as Taiwan Province, the island's former Japanese administration is being replaced by Chinese officials with little change, at least as yet, in the administrative pattern. Although there is no indication that ideographs will be changed, Chinese readings rather than Japanese will be followed for place names. Taihoku, for example, will be read in our alphabet as Taipei. This city presumably will continue to be the capital of Taiwan.
- 最近來自臺灣(福爾摩沙)的報告雖然零零碎碎,但已開始描述戰爭結束後的經濟狀況。(臺灣)現在被正式稱作臺灣省,該島以前的日本行政機構正由中國官員取代,但行政模式至少到目前為止變化不大。雖然沒有跡象表明表意文字將發生變化,但地名將採用漢語讀音而非日語讀音。例如,「Taihoku」在我們的字母表中將讀作「Taipei」。這個城市大概將繼續作為臺灣的首都。
- 1957, 蔣介石, Soviet Russia in China: A Summing-up at Seventy[19], New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, →LCCN, →OCLC,第 239–240 頁s:
- The Chinese Government today, with its program of local self-government in Taiwan, provides a revealing contrast to the Communist totalitarian "democratic dictatorship" on the mainland. Herein lies the foundation for our eventual victory against Communism.
- 今天的中國政府在臺灣實施地方自治,與大陸共產極權主義的「民主獨裁」形成了鮮明對比。這正是我們最終戰勝共產主義的基礎。
- 1988年1月25日, Fay Willey, Carroll Bogert, Dorinda Elliott, David Newell, “End of a Dynasty and an Era”, 出自 新聞週刊[20], 第 CXI 卷, 第 4 期, →ISSN, →OCLC, International,第 34 頁,第 3 列:
- By all accounts, Lee lacks Chiang's charisma. The son of a rice farmer from northern Taiwan, he trained as an agronomist at Cornell University, then served as mayor of Taipei and governor of Taiwan Province, where he won widespread popularity.
- 從各方面來看,李登輝都缺乏蔣介石的魅力。他是臺灣北部一位稻農的兒子,在康奈爾大學接受農藝師培訓,隨後擔任臺北市市長和臺灣省省長,贏得了廣泛的支持。
- 2000, 陳水扁, “From Elected Representative to Administrative Chief”, 出自 David J. Toman(譯者), The Son of Taiwan: The Life of Chen Shui-Bian and His Dreams for Taiwan[21], Taiwan Publishing Co., Ltd., →ISBN, →OCLC,第 84 頁:
- In August 1993, I began preparing to run in the first race for mayor of Taipei elected directly by popular vote, to be held in December 1994. At the same time, the positions of mayor of Kaohsiung City and governor of Taiwan Province were also up for direct popular election.
- 1993年8月,我開始準備參加1994年12月舉行的首次臺北市市長直選。與此同時,高雄市市長和臺灣省省長的職位也將進行直接民選。
- 2022年2月28日, Yi-ching Chiang, Teng Pei-ju, “Civil groups march in Taipei, demand truth about 228 Incident”, 出自 中央通訊社[22],於28 February 2022歸檔自原頁面:
- The participants then marched to several sites where other major incidents had occurred, and they ended at the Executive Yuan building, which was formerly the headquarters of the Taiwan Provincial Government.
- 隨後,參加者遊行到其他重大事件發生地,最後到達行政院大樓,這裡曾是臺灣省政府總部。
- 有關使用本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Taiwan。
- 臺灣省,中華人民共和國聲稱擁有主權的省份 (自20世紀中期起)
- 1964, 任育地 [Jen Yu-ti], “Seas”, 出自 中国地理概述 [A Concise Geography of China][23], Peking: 外文出版社, →OCLC, →OL,第 42–43 頁s:
- The eastern part of Taiwan Province is washed by the Pacific Ocean while the mainland coast borders on the Pohai, the Yellow, the East China and the South China Seas, each with its different depth and water temperature.
- 臺灣省東部受太平洋沖刷,大陸沿岸與渤海、黃海、東海和南海接壤,不同海域深度和水溫各異。
- 1992, Shunwu (周舜武) Zhou, “Overview”, 出自 中国分省地理[24], Beijing: 外文出版社, →ISBN, →OCLC,第 499 頁:
- China (excluding Taiwan Province) has 381 cities as of the end of 1987, including 3 provincial-level cities, 170 provincially administered cities and 208 township-level cities. In addition there are 1,985 counties (including autonomous counties, banners and autonomous banners) in China.
- 截至1987年底,中國(不含臺灣省)有381個市,其中省級市3個、地級市170個、縣級市208個。此外,中國還有1985個縣(含自治縣、旗、自治旗)。
- 2011 [1979年1月31日], 吉米·卡特, White House Diary[25], →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC,第 286 頁:
- I had my final meeting with Deng Xiaoping. We signed agreements concerning consular offices, trade, science and technology, cultural exchange, and so forth. After discussing the political problems I had in normalization, Zbig asked him, "Did you have political opposition in China?" Everybody listened very carefully when Deng said, "Yes, I had serious opposition in one province in China—Taiwan."
- 我與鄧小平進行了最後一次會面。 我們簽署了領事、貿易、科技、文化交流等領域的協議。 在討論了我在正常化過程中遇到的政治問題後,茲比格問他:「你在中國有政治反對派嗎?」當鄧小平說:「是的,我在中國的一個省——臺灣,遭到了嚴重的反對」時,大家都聽得很仔細。
- 有關使用本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Taiwan。
- (歷史) Tainan之同義詞(臺灣南部的主要城市;自荷蘭時期至1885年臺灣島的統治中心)[2]
- 1877年11月8日, “Robert Swinhoe, F.R.S.”, 出自 Nature[26], 第 XVII 卷, 第 419 期, →ISSN, →OCLC,第 35 頁,第 2 列:
- In 1860 Mr. Swinhoe attended Gen. Napier, and afterwards Sir Hope Grant, the Commander-in-Chief, as interpreter, and received a medal for war service. At the end of the same year he was appointed Vice-Consul at Taiwan, Formosa, and in 1865 to the full Consulship.
- 1860年,斯溫霍先生擔任內皮爾將軍和總司令霍普·格蘭特爵士的翻譯,並獲得了戰爭服務獎章。同年年底,他被任命為駐福爾摩沙臺灣副領事,並於1865年擔任正式領事。
- 1885年1月7日, “Summary of News”, 出自 North-China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette[27], 第 XXXIV 卷, 第 913 期, Shanghai, →OCLC,第 4 頁,第 2 列:
- Evidently the French blockade of Formosa is not very effective, or else the Pescadores are not included in the blockaded district. The Daily Press of 31st December states:—We learn by private letter that there have been no blockading ships at Taiwan or at Takao during the last seven days. The blockade is a purely paper one. Troops and treasure are pouring into South Formosa.}
- 顯然法國對福爾摩沙的封鎖效果並不理想,或者說澎湖列島不在封鎖區之內。《每日新聞》12月31日報導:「我們透過私信獲悉,過去7天臺灣和打狗沒有封鎖船隻。封鎖純粹是紙上談兵。軍隊和財寶正湧入福爾摩沙南部。」
- 1896, J. D. Clark, Formosa[28], Shanghai: Shanghai Mercury, →OCLC,第 44 頁:
- In 1885 Governor LIU determined to reconstruct Taipei and make it the temporary capital until, the railway having on its way to Taiwan reached the old town of Changhua, in about the middle of Formosa, he should build a city near that place and make it, under the name of Taiwan, the capital of the province of Taiwan.
- 1885年,劉巡撫決定重建臺北,將其定為臨時首都,直到通往臺灣的鐵路抵達位於福爾摩沙中部的彰化舊城區,他會在該地附近建造一座城市,並命名為臺灣,即臺灣省的省會。
- 有關使用本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Taiwan。
- (天文學) 臺灣小行星,即小行星2169,位於主小行星帶,1964年發現 (自20世紀中期起)
- 2005, D. Vokrouhlický et al., “Yarkovsky/YORP chronology of asteroid families”, 出自 Icarus[29], 第 182 卷, 第 1 期, 出版於 2006, , →ISSN, →OCLC,第 126 頁,第 2 列:
- For the Massalia family, we only have information on (20) Massalia (pv = 0.21±0.01). Finally, for the Astrid family, we have (1128) Astrid with pv = 0.077±0.010 and (2169) Taiwan with pv = 0.099±0.020. In each of these cases, the values conform to the taxonomic type of the corresponding families.
- 對於馬薩利亞家族,我們只有 (20) 馬薩利亞的信息 (pv = 0.21±0.01)。最後,對於阿斯特里德家族,我們有(1128)阿斯特里德,pv = 0.077±0.010 和(2169)臺灣,pv = 0.099±0.020。在每種情況下,值都符合相應家族的分類類型。
- 2019年8月29日, “Asteroid 'Taiwan' to come closest to Earth late Thursday: museum”, 出自 中央通訊社[30],於10 September 2022歸檔自原頁面, Science & Tech[31]:
- 2169 Taiwan, a carbonaceous asteroid from the central region of the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, will be at its closest to Earth at around 11 p.m. Thursday, the Taipei Astronomical Museum said.
- 臺北市立天文博物館週四表示,2169臺灣是一顆來自木星和火星之間小行星帶中心區域的碳質小行星,將於晚上11點左右最接近地球。
- 有關使用本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Taiwan。
Taiwan 和 Taiwanese 都被廣泛用作定語,例如 Taiwan/Taiwanese culture (“臺灣文化”)、Taiwan/Taiwanese government (“臺灣政府”)、Taiwan/Taiwanese food (“臺灣美食”)等。
- Taiwanese
- Taiwan Strait、Taiwan Straits
- → 阿拉伯語: تَايْوَان (tāywān)
- → 亞美尼亞語: Թայվան (Tʻayvan)
- → 保加利亞語: Тайван (Tajvan)
- → 緬甸語: ထိုင်ဝမ် (htuing-wam)
- → 加泰羅尼亞語: Taiwan
- → 捷克語: Tchaj-wan,Taiwan
- → 荷蘭語: Taiwan
- → 朝鮮語: 타이완 (Taiwan)
- → 葡萄牙語: Taiwan
- → 法語: Taïwan
- → 滿語: ᡨᠠᡳᠸᠠᠨ (taiwan)
- → 波斯語: تایوان (tâyvân)
- → 波蘭語: Tajwan
- → 俄語: Тайвань (Tajvanʹ)
- → 西班牙語: Taiwán
- → 藏語: ཐའེ་ཝན (tha'e wan)
- → 土耳其語: Tayvan
- → 壯語: Daizvanh
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