密迪乐(Thomas Taylor Meadows,1815年—1868年),英国外交官。密妥士之兄。曾赴德国慕尼黑大学学习中文。1843年来到香港,后任英国驻广州领事馆翻译、英国驻上海领事馆翻译。1853年,跟随香港总督文咸到太平天国首都天京拜会“北王”韦昌辉和“翼王”石达开。后因病回国。1856年,再次来到中国,历任英国驻上海副领事、驻宁波领事、驻上海领事、驻牛庄领事。[1]
- 《中国人及其叛乱》The Chinese and their rebellions, viewed in connection with their national philosophy, ethics, legislation, and administration. To which is added, an essay on civilization and its present state in the East and West. (1856)[1]
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