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2024年Netflix原創韓劇&《魷魚遊戲》第二季 来自维基百科,自由的百科全书
《鱿鱼游戏2》(朝鲜语:오징어 게임2,英语:Squid Game 2),为Netflix于2024年12月26日上线的原创韩国剧集,由《鱿鱼游戏》第一季的黄东赫导演继续执导和编剧,主演阵容延续第一季的李政宰、李炳宪和魏化儁,并加入任时完、姜河那、朴圭瑛、朴成焄、梁东根和曹柔理等演员。
演员 | 角色 (#参赛者编号) |
介绍 |
李政宰 | 成奇勋 (#456) |
曾经是债台高筑的落魄中年,直到三年前的某天在地铁站收到神秘男子给的游戏卡片后参与游戏,成为当届优胜者并获得奖金。然而代价却是失去朋友,此后一直对游戏背后的组织耿耿于怀,如今为了终结组织的恶行而再度以“456号玩家”的身份参加游戏。 |
李炳宪 | 黄仁昊/吴宁一 (#001) |
游戏负责人,黄俊昊的哥哥,身为2015年游戏的优胜者。随着游戏创始人吴一男在两年前病逝后,由他接手游戏管理的工作。为了应对打算终结游戏的成奇勋,不惜化名“吴宁一”冒充成游戏参与者亲自加入游戏,潜伏在奇勋身边进行刺探。 |
魏化儁 | 黄俊昊 | 隶属于首尔道峰警察署的一名警察,黄仁昊的弟弟,三年前为了寻找失踪的哥哥而潜入游戏组织调查,直到最后被身为游戏负责人的哥哥亲手开枪击入海中却侥幸生还。随后花费两年的时间独自查缉组织下落,因此与奇勋联手。 |
任时完 | 李名器 (#333) |
前YouTuber,30岁,做加密货币投资节目时中了骗局,造成自己、女友、以及自己的粉丝订阅者集体遭受钜额损失。四处躲避欺诈指控以及愤怒投资者,走投无路之下参加游戏寻找新机遇。[2] |
姜河那 | 姜大虎 (#388) |
海军陆战队出身,既多嘴又外向,拥有无比的自信,会狡猾的建立自己人脉,视成奇勋为自己的导师。[3] |
朴圭瑛 | 姜霞 |
前朝鲜士兵兼脱北者,逃离时被迫抛下自己的孩子,而人生唯一的目标就是找回孩子。[3]除了在游乐园工作以外,还在游戏组织内担任11号士兵,每次杀害淘汰者时都尽可能地确保人已死,因此和部队长发生冲突。 |
朴成焄 | 赵贤珠 (#120) |
一名特种兵中士出身的跨性别女性,为了筹措变性手术费而参加游戏,在面对艰难的处境时展现出非凡的勇气与领导能力。[4] |
梁东根 | 朴容植 (#007) |
一名不成熟又执迷不悟的赌徒,因为十赌九输导致倾家荡产,为了偿还赌博债务而参加游戏。 |
曹柔理 | 金纯熙 (#222) |
李名器的前女友,当初因相信男友错误投资情报失去钜额资金,如今怀上她与李名器的孩子,参加游戏以赚取抚养费,却惊讶地发现前男友也在其中。[5] |
李书焕 | 朴正倍 (#390) |
成奇勋的好友,与妻子经营酒吧,一年前曾跟他一起赌马。如今因为陷入经济危机而离婚,负债累累下参加游戏,也因此与奇勋重逢。 |
朴喜洵 | 部队长 | 游戏组织军队的副指挥,与姜霞也是旧识,曾亲手将她招募进组织内。暗地里重新实施组织内的人体器官的走私行动,同时全力避免再被负责人发现。 |
演员 | 角色 (#参赛者编号) |
介绍 |
李阵郁 | 朴璟硕 (#246) |
在游乐园画肖像的艺术家,为了支付罹患癌症的女儿的医药费而参加游戏。[3] |
崔胜铉 | 崔秀峰/萨诺斯 (#230) |
一名仗势欺人的饶舌歌手,行为难以捉摸又反复无常,曾在知名说唱比赛中获得亚军而出名,因误信李名器赔光家产而参加游戏。[3] |
姜爱心 | 张金子 (#149) |
朴容植的妈妈,为了守护儿子而努力,不惜冒险加入游戏替不得志的儿子还债。 |
李大卫 | 敏修 (#125) |
胆小怯懦又常被欺负的年轻参赛者。 |
卢载沅 | 南奎 (#124) |
前夜店员工,因此也认识萨诺斯。擅长巴结别人,在游戏中透过欺负其他弱小来讨好强者。[3] |
元志安 | 世美 (#380) |
大胆又外向的参与者,有着独特的时尚风格;为人公平正义,对强者刚强、对弱者良善。[3] |
蔡国熙 | 仙女 (#044) |
一名过气的萨满,自称“龙宫仙女”,经常说出令人不安的预言和诅咒来操纵人心。[3] |
禹正国 | (#039) |
金施恩 | 金英美 (#095) |
宋永彰 | 林正大 (#100) |
宋智友 | 姜敏儿 (#196) |
吸引萨诺斯的目光并被他搭讪的参加者。[6] |
崔奎华 | (#203) |
金信烈 | (#216) |
李成宇 | 金景森 (#226) |
朴真宇 | (#236) |
朴宝京 | (#254) |
禹康民 | (#296) |
总集数 | 集数 (季) | 标题 | 导演 | 编剧 | 上线日期 | |
10 | 1 | 面包与彩劵 (韩语:빵과 복권) | 黄东赫 | 黄东赫 | 2024年12月26日 | |
Seong Gi-hun leaves the terminal,[a] vowing to find the game's creators. He realizes they know where he is and cuts a chip out of his ear. Hwang Jun-ho survives his fall from the cliff[b] and wakes up in the hospital. Two years later, Gi-hun, working with Kim the loan shark, and his team, search all over Seoul for the recruiter. Kim and his employee Choi Woo-seok eventually find the recruiter and watch him offer bread or a lottery ticket to the homeless; most choose the lottery ticket, and the recruiter destroys the rejected bread in front of them. The recruiter catches Kim and Woo-seok and forces them to play Rock-Paper-Scissors combined with Russian Roulette, where Kim sacrifices himself to protect Woo-seok. Jun-ho investigates Gi-hun and finds his base of operations. The recruiter finds Gi-hun at his base and tells him that he was a soldier in the game and killed his father, who was a gambler, saying that such people are scum. Gi-hun and the recruiter play Russian Roulette, in which the recruiter dies after losing and Gi-hun picks up a card from his jacket that is a clue to the Front Man. | ||||||
11 | 2 | 万圣节派对 (韩语:할로윈 파티) | 黄东赫 | 黄东赫 | 2024年12月26日 | |
Gi-hun and Jun-ho share their respective experiences about the game and its creators. Gi-hun, Jun-ho, and Woo-seok team up to finish the games. Woo-seok assembles a team, Gi-hun implants a tracker, and they make a plan to catch the leader. Gi-hun, in addition to his revenge plan, continues to take care of Sang-woo's mother and Cheol, continues with the runner to bring Cheol's mother to the South, and calls his daughter but doesn't say anything. Gi-hun and the team begin the plan, infiltrating a Halloween party where Jun-ho identifies the pink-clad soldiers. Gi-hun is led by one into a limousine, while his team follows. Gi-hun speaks to the leader through a loudspeaker, demanding that he finish the game, but the leader says that the game will never end because of the way the world is. When a soldier disables the vehicles following him, Gi-hun asks to be returned to the game, to which the leader agrees and puts him to sleep. Kang No-eul, a North Korean defector who wants to bring her daughter back from the North, also enters the game, but as a soldier. | ||||||
12 | 3 | 001 (韩语:001) | 黄东赫 | 黄东赫 | 2024年12月26日 | |
Gi-hun wakes up in the dorm with 455 other players. A manager explains a new clause, where players can vote to leave after each game and the accumulated money will be split between them. Jun-ho and his team are unable to find the island, as Gi-hun's tracker has been removed. On the way to the game, Gi-hun meets his friend Jung-bae and warns him to stay close. The first game is Red Light, Green Light, and Gi-hun warns everyone that they will be killed if they lose. As the game progresses, Gi-hun helps the others with clues, and although chaos breaks out, fewer people are killed. The 230th player, "Thanos", takes a drug and deliberately pushes people to kill them. Gi-hun helps an eliminated player who was non-fatally shot, but No-eul kills the player as he was eliminated. During the post-game vote, Gi-hun tries to convince the majority to end the game and reveals that he is a survivor from a previous game. The Front Man infiltrates as Player 001, having the deciding vote, and decides to continue. | ||||||
13 | 4 | 六只脚 (韩语:여섯 개의 다리) | 黄东赫 | 黄东赫 | 2024年12月26日 | |
The Front Man, as Player 001, tells a disappointed Gi-hun that he and other players voted to stay in hopes of being helped by his experience. Players Thanos and Nam-gyu fight Myung-gi; Player 001 stops the altercation easily. Player 001 tells Gi-hun a story about his life based on the truth, that his pregnant wife is in the hospital and he took a bribe to help her, but lost his job. The new soldiers sell organs on the black market, led by a soldier dressed in black. No-eul is called by the black soldier, who tells her to let them do the business, but she refuses to obey. Jun-ho asks the police for help but is unsuccessful. To Gi-hun's surprise, the second game requires players to form teams of five for a six-legged pentathlon consisting of five children's games: ddakji, biseokchigi, gong-gi, jegi, and spinning top, to be completed under a five-minute time limit. No-eul continues her sabotage of the soldiers' organ trade by shooting any living eliminated players dead. | ||||||
14 | 5 | 再来一局 (韩语:한 게임 더) | 黄东赫 | 黄东赫 | 2024年12月26日 | |
After one team manages to win by supporting each other, the others are energized and many teams triumph. Gi-hun teams up with Jung-bae, Player 001, Kang Dae-ho, a former Marine, and Kim Jun-hee, a pregnant woman, and they triumph, though Player 001 drags out the time of the spinning top game. No-eul is attacked by two soldiers from the organ business who warn her to let them do their job. Gi-hun's team shares their names and Player 001 lies about his. In the next vote, Player 001 tries to get everyone to vote against continuing, but a larger majority votes to continue because they believe the prize pool is still too small, claiming that "one more game" would be enough. Gi-hun and Jung-bae reminisce about the past, and Gi-hun confesses that he is no longer confident he can take everyone out. Jun-ho and Woo-seok, along with their expanded team of mercenaries, begin their search for the island with two ships. The third game is mingles, where players have to group up and enter rooms following a predetermined number. | ||||||
15 | 6 | O X (韩语:O X) | 黄东赫 | 黄东赫 | 2024年12月26日 | |
During the game, players struggle to fit their groups into rooms, straining relationships and causing alliances to shift. In the final round, Jung-bae witnesses Player 001 mercilessly killing another player. In the dorm, disagreements arise between Gi-hun and Player 001 over whether to try to convince the others to vote to end the game, and they ultimately decide against it so as not to cause a fight. During the vote, several players change their votes, including Min-su, a player who has been subservient to Thanos. The deciding vote once again goes to Player 001; Jung-bae attempts to tell his group what he did in the game, but is interrupted when the vote is tied. The players are given another day to vote again. In the bathroom, Thanos and Nam-gyu scold Min-su for his vote, but Myung-gi and others come to support him. A fight breaks out, in which Thanos strangles Myung-gi and the latter fatally stabs him in the neck. Meanwhile, Jun-ho's team locates a possible entrance on an island, only for it to be a decoy rigged with explosives, killing one of the mercenaries. | ||||||
16 | 7 | 是敌还是友 (韩语:친구인가 적인가) | 黄东赫 | 黄东赫 | 2024年12月26日 | |
After the bathroom fight, the players realize that they can freely kill others to increase the prize. Gi-hun convinces a small group that the real enemy is not each other, but those responsible for the game. When a fight breaks out in the dorm, Gi-hun's group remains hidden, emerging only when the guards arrive to end the fight. Gi-hun's group takes up arms and kills the guards except for the supervisor. Gi-hun starts a riot which is joined by a few other people and uses the supervisor to lead them to the control room. Soldiers open fire on them along the way and the uprising fails when the group runs out of ammo; Dae-ho, who was supposed to collect more ammo from the dorm, does not return due to a panic attack, and Hyun-ju retreated to the dorm to look for Dae-ho. Player 001 betrays and kills two players. Some of the surrendering players are killed, including Gyeong-seok. Gi-hun is captured and In-ho, already masked as the Front Man, asks him if it was worth it before killing Jung-bae, much to Gi-hun's hysteria. After the uprising, the game resumes as normal. The Sea Captain from Jun-ho's team is revealed to be an undercover and kills a suspecting mercenary. |
# | 项目 | 规则 | 参与者 | 死亡者 | 生存者 |
1 | 一二三木头人 | 参赛者需在当鬼的大木偶每次倒数时向前走,在5分钟内越过红线即可过关。在移动时被回头的木偶发现,或者未按时完成的参赛者将被当场枪毙。 | 456 | 91 | 365 |
投票 | 由参赛者提出,根据参加同意书第三项决定是否中断游戏,只要最终赞成人数过半就可生效。 | 365 | 0 | 365 | |
2 | 五人六足,五种任务 | 五人一组,将腿绑在一起同时出发,每十米设一个通过点,团队分次派出一名成员参与任务,完成才能进入下一阶段。五项任务分别是:第一项:打画片、第二项:打碑石、第三项:抓石子、第四项:转陀螺、第五项:踢毽子,五项任务全部通过,在5分钟内冲过终点即为成功,未按时完成的团队则全员当场枪毙。 | 365 | 110 | 255 |
投票 | 255 | 0 | 255 | ||
3 | 找同伴 | 全体站在一个大圆盘上,游戏开始后,圆盘会旋转,稍后将播报数字,必须在30秒内按照播报的数字相互寻找同伴,凑足人数进入房间关上门即为成功。未按时进入房间或人数不足进入房间者,将当场枪毙。 | 255 | 155 | 100 |
投票 | 100 | 0 | 100 | ||
SP | 特别游戏 | 在就寝时间开始时,让所有参赛者自相残杀。 | 95[c] |
2022年6月13日,《鱿鱼游戏》的黄东赫导演正式确定制作第二季,同时透露主演李政宰将回归,并在接受外媒采访时表示目标是在2024年万圣节推出[9]。9月15日,有消息指出第二季将于2024年年底推出,游戏已经设计完成,而第二季的舞台继续设定在韩国[10]。10月12日,制片商Siren Pictures宣布制作成本高达约1000亿韩圆[11]。
2023年2月25日,黄东赫宣布目前正在选角中,预计将于同年7月开拍[12]。5月16日,据报导第二季将与第三季同时制作,共13集[13]。6月16日,据报导《鱿鱼游戏2》的全体演员将于23日进行剧本研读[14]。6月18日,Netflix公布演员名单,除了李政宰外,李炳宪、魏化儁也确认回归,并宣布任时完、姜河那、朴成焄以及梁东根参与演出,而曾于第一季客串的孔刘也将特别出演[15]。6月19日,卢载元加入演出阵容[16]。6月23日,据多家媒体透露,朴圭瑛和曹柔理加入演出阵容[17],而朴圭瑛担演女主角[18]。同日,曹柔理的经纪公司Wake One否认出演,并从“很难确认”改为“没有听说过”[19][20]。6月26日,有报导指金诗恩参演[21]。6月29日,Netflix公布第二波演员名单,朴圭瑛和曹柔理确认出演,姜爱心、李大卫、李阵郁、崔胜铉和元志安加入演出阵容[22]。
2024年9月,Netflix在Netflix Geeked Week期间发布了本季的海报和预告片。[23][24]
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