一行禅师常被学生称为“偨”(thầy),为越南固有词对男性上位者的敬称,又有称为“偨一行”(Thầy Nhất Hạnh)。越南佛教大乘传承的僧众都能用“thầy”此敬语。越南佛教男出家众会被尊称为 thầy tu 意指“僧侣”,而女出家众会被尊称为“师姑”(sư cô)或“师婆”(sư bà)。在梅村网站的越南语版本里,禅师被称为“禅师一行” (Thiền Sư Nhất Hạnh) 。[10]
2005年,经过了漫长的协商过程,一行禅师获得越南政府批准归国访视,得以在越南从事教学活动、出版他的四本著作、偕同僧团的出家和在家众在境内移动,包括禅师祖庭顺化市慈孝寺。[46]此行并非毫无争议。代表“越南统一佛教会”[47]致函越南政府的释圆定(Thich Vien Dinh)吁请一行禅师发表对抗越南政府妨碍宗教自由的声明。释圆定害怕此行恐被越南政府用于宣传目的,等于是对外宣称越南的宗教自由已有起色,但事实正相反。[48][49][50]
尽管争议未解,一行禅师仍于2007年再度重返阔别多年的越南,与此同时,被越南政府取缔的“越南统一佛教会”(UBCV)仍有两名高层人士受到软禁。统一佛教会称禅师的参访活动形同背叛,此举象征他愿意和那些压迫宗教人士的敌手合作。UBCV的发言人武文爱(Võ Văn Ái)表示:“我相信一行禅师的参访受到河内政府操弄,越南方面试图隐藏他们对统一佛教会的压迫,制造宗教自由的假象。”[51]梅村网站则表明禅师于2007年的重返越南之行有三个目标:其一,支持僧团内的新成员;其二,筹办“超渡法会”[52]、抚慰越战遗留至今的伤痛;其三,带领僧俗禅修。超渡法会又名“水陆法会”,越南官方对此表示反对,声称法会“一视同仁”地超渡南越和美国军人,不成体统。经过妥协后,一行禅师同意将“超渡”易名为“安魂祈福”[53]。[51]
“相即”(interbeing),源于华严宗法藏法师《华严经金狮子章注》的十玄门,禅师引以解释一切现象相融互摄,又用各种方式开示深义,[91]例如“没有淤泥便无莲花”(no mud no lotus),解释烦恼与觉悟、苦乐不二。又以“请呼唤我的真名”(Please call me by my true names)、“太阳即是我心”(the sun my heart),带出万物空而无我,互相连系,事事无碍。“掌心含无限”,意味一即多,多即一。“云不会死”(a cloud never dies),解释无相解脱门,和不生不灭之中观思想。“有还是无,并非正确的问题”(to be or not to be, that is not the question),总括《迦旃延经》之正见。[92] 左右手的故事,讲述无分别智。用相对论、戴维·玻姆的显序与隐序,解释二谛、理事无碍。河流的故事,带出“无愿”解脱门。梅村的第三法印,是谛相即、时相即 (谛时相即)。[93]
Khong, Chan; Recorded Books, Inc. Part Three: The Charter of the Order of Interbeing. Interbeing the 14 mindfulness trainings of engaged Buddhism Fourth edition. Berkeley, Calif.: Parallax Press. 2020. ISBN 978-1-946764-19-5. OCLC 1154019577. The Order of Interbeing does not consider any sutra or group of sutras as its basic scripture(s). It draws inspiration from the essence of the Buddhadharma in all sutras. It does not accept the systematic arrangements of the Buddhist teachings proposed by any school. The Order of Interbeing seeks to realize the spirit of the Dharma in early Buddhism, as well as in the development of that spirit through the history of the Sangha, and its life and teachings in all Buddhist traditions. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
Chan Khong. Learning True Love: Practicing Buddhism in a Time of War. Buddhist Peace Delegation. Parallax Press. ISBN 9781888375671. Thay taught a course on "The History of Buddhism in Vietnam" at the Sorbonne Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, to earn enough for us to live.
Thich Nhat Hanh. At Home In the World. . Enjoy Your Sleeping Bag. ISBN 9781941529423. I found a place to teach, and I received one thousand French francs as salary every month.
Thich Nhat Hanh. Appendix Three a brief history. Breathe, You Are Alive: The Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing. ISBN 9781888375848. Tang Hôi's parents were traders from Sogdia in central Asia who had settled in Vietnam, and Tang Hôi was born in Vietnam, became a monk in Vietnam, and studied Sanskrit and Chinese there. Before traveling to the kingdom of Wu in southern China in the year 255 to spread the Dharma, he had already taught the Dharma in Vietnam and had composed and translated many works into Chinese. He died in the kingdom of Wu in the year 280
Love and Liberation: An interview with Thich Nhat Hanh. Lion's Roar. [2023-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-05). What I’ve been doing is presenting the teachings of original Buddhism in a Mahayana spirit. Mahayana Buddhism has a very open view, not restricted, and it is wonderful to study original Buddhism with that kind of spirit. When you use Mahayana eyes in order to inquire into original Buddhism, you can discover so many things, much deeper things. You realize that all the great teachings of Mahayana can be found in the original teaching. The great ideas of Mahayana are already there. The seeds are already there in original Buddhism.
Thich Nhat Hanh. Chương Bốn: Giáo Chế Dòng Tu Tiếp Hiện. Giới Tiếp Hiện, Thế Đứng Lý Tưởng Của Người Thanh Niên(PDF). Lá Bối. : 96 [2022-08-03]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2022-08-03). Điều 2: Tôn chỉ của Dòng Tiếp Hiện là hiện đại hóa đạo Bụt bằng cách nghiên cứu, thực nghiệm và áp dụng đạo Bụt một cách linh động, hữu hiệu vào đời sống mới của bản thân và xã hội với chí nguyện bồ tát lợi sinh
Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu. Làng Mai. [2022-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-27). Định đề 12 Giới cũng là niệm. Giới luật và uy nghi là biểu hiện cụ thể của chánh niệm. 戒即是念,戒律和威仪是正念的具体表现. Định đề 13 Cần hay tinh tấn cũng là giới, và vì vậy cũng là niệm. Right diligence is also a precept and therefore is also mindfulness. 勤或精进同是戒,故亦是念
Nhất Hạnh, Thích. Breathe, you are alive! : the sutra on the full awareness of breathing. Breathe, You Are Alive: The Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing 20th anniversary ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Parallax Press. 2008. ISBN 978-1-935209-26-3. OCLC 647906962. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
Forty Tenets of Plum Village. Order Of Interbeing. [2022-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-17). The basic practice of Source Buddhism is the Four Domains of Mindfulness which has the function to recognize and transform the habit energies and fully realize the Seven Factors of Enlightenment and the Noble Eightfold Path.
On the Passing of Buddhadasa. 三轮车杂志. [2022-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-06). He asked his monk attendant to read to him the Thai edition of Thich Nhat Hanh's Present Moment Wonderful Moment.
Làng Mai nhìn núi Thứu. Làng Mai. [2022-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-27). Tenet 40: The teachings on impermanence, non-self, interdependence, emptiness, signlessness, aimlessness, mindfulness, concentration, insight, etc. constitute the heart of the Buddhist wisdom.
Forty Tenets of Plum Village – Order of Interbeing | Tiep Hien. [2022-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-17) (美国英语). 22. The Buddha has many bodies: the body of a living being, the Dharmabody, the body outside of the body, the Sanghabody, the continuation body, the Dharma-realm body, and the true nature of the Dharma-realm body. Since human beings can become Buddha, they also have all these bodies.