波爱修斯博学多才,在中世纪初期的学术界,享有崇高的荣誉,他将希腊哲学家亚里士多德和柏拉图的作品翻译成拉丁文,同时将古代学者毕太古的音乐、欧几里德的几何学、尼哥玛古的数学(De institutione arithmetica libri duo)、托勒密的天文学[9]、阿基米德的机械学,都翻译成拉丁文介绍给罗马人。波爱修斯自己也编写了许多关于伦理学、数学、几何学和音乐的书籍,他对神学尤有深邃的研究,著有神学书籍多种。
1. musica mundane(the music of the universe):恒星、行星的运动,四季的变换以及自然环境(elements)与数值间的关系有关。
2. musica humana(human music):人的身体、心灵达到协调平衡。
3. musica instrumentalis(instrumental music):乐器或人声制造出听得见的声响。
"Boethius" has four syllables in English, /boʊˈiːθiəs/, the o and e are pronounced separately. It is hence traditionally written with a diæresis, viz. "Boëthius", a spelling which has been disappearing due to the limitations of typewriters.
The name Anicius demonstrated his connection with a noble family of the Lower Empire, while Manlius claims lineage from the Manlii Torquati of the Republic. The name Severinus was given to him in honour of Severinus of Noricum.
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy. Translated by H.F. Steward and E.K. Rand. Cambridge: The Project Gutenberg, 2004.
Chadwick, Henry. Boethius, the Consolations of Music, Logic, Theology, and Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1981. ISBN 0-19-826549-2. OCLC 8533668.
Colish, Marcia L. Medieval Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 400-1400. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2002. ISBN 0-300-07852-8. OCLC 185694056.
Magee, John. Boethius on Signification and Mind. Leiden: Brill. 1989. ISBN 9-0040-9096-7.
Marenbon, John. The Cambridge Companion to Boethius. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2009. ISBN 0-52-187266-9.
Westfall, Joseph. Boethius: Kierkegaard and The Consolation. Stewart, Jon (编). Kierkegaard and the Patristic and Medieval Traditions. Ashgate. 2008: 207–222. ISBN 9780754663911.