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Dina biologi jeung ékologi, organisme hartina mahluk hirup.
Asal-usul hirup sarta hubungan antara turunan pentingna mangrupa kontroversi. Dua hambalan nu utama bisa dibédakeun: prokariot jeung eukariot. Prokariot sacara umum dianggap ngawakilan dua karajaan nu béda, nyaéta baktéri jeung Archaea, nu antara masing-masing teu leuwih deukeut batan ka eukariot. Jungkrang antara prokariot jeung eukariot pada nganggap salaku tumbu penting nu pegat dina sajarah évolusionér. Dua organél eukariotik, nyéta mitokondria jeung kloroplas, umumna dianggap diturunkeun ti baktéri éndosimbiotik.
Frase organisme kompléx ngagambarkeun organisme naon baé nu mibanda sél leuwih ti hiji (multisélular).
Cicirén nu biasana kapanggih di rupa-rupa organisme di antarana:
Tapi, hal-hal di luhur teu lumaku salawasna. Loba organisme nu teu bisa usik sacara mandiri, sarta teu ngaréspon sacara langsung ka lingkunganana. Mikroorganisme kayaning baktéri teu bisa ngalaksanakeun réspirasi, tapi malah ngagunakeunjalur kimiawi nu séjénna. Ogé loba organisme nu teu bisa baranahan.
Organisasi Biologis
Organisasi lingkungan
Artikel di handap ieu mangrupa titik bubuka pikeun béja ngeunaan klasifikasi organisme:
- Klasifikasi ilmiah
- Tata ngaran binomial
- spésiés
- subspésiés
Virus dianggap lain organisme husus sabab teu mibanda kamampuh baranahan atawa métabolisme nu mandiri. Sabenerna mah pajeulit ieu téh, sabab sababaraha parasit jeung éndosimbiont teu mampuh hirup kalawan mandiri. Najan virus teu miboga énzim jeung molekul nu sakuduna aya na organisme hirup, maranéhna bisa ngagunakeun'mesin génétik' sél inangna. Asal-usulna can kapanggih, tapi aya kamungkinan mangrupa turunan ti inangna.
Umur hirup
salah sahiji ukuran dasar organisme nyaéya umur hirupna. Sababaraha sato hirupna ngan itungan sapoé, sedengkeun sababaraha tutuwuhan bisa hirup réwuan taun. Aging is important when determining life span of most organisms, bacterium, a virus or even a prion.
Tumbu kaluar
- NCBI Taxonomy entry: root (rich)
- Species 2000 Indexing the world's known species Archived 2016-03-03 di Wayback Machine. Species 2000 has the objective of enumerating all known species of plants, animals, fungi and microbes on éarth as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity. It will also provide a simple access point enabling users to link from here to other data systems for all groups of organisms, using direct species-links.
- The Tree of Life.
- BBCNews: 27 September, 2000, When slime is not so thick Citat: "...It means that some of the lowliest creatures in the plant and animal kingdoms, such as slime and amoeba, may not be as primitive as once thought...."
-, July 29, 1997: Scientists Discover Methane Ice Worms On Gulf Of Mexico Sea Floor Archived April 3, 2020, di Wayback Machine
- The Eberly College of Science: Methane Ice Worms discovered on Gulf of Mexico Sea Floor Archived 2009-06-01 di Wayback Machine download Publication quality photos
- Artikel, 2000: Methane Ice Worms: Hesiocaeca methanicola. Colonizing Fossil Fuel Reserves Archived 2005-01-19 di Wayback Machine
-, May 04, 2001: Redefining "Life as We Know it" Archived April 3, 2020, di Wayback Machine Hesiocaeca methanicola In 1997, Charles Fisher, professor of biology at Penn State, discovered this remarkable créature living on mounds of methane ice under half a mile of océan on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico.
-, July 29, 1997: Scientists Discover Methane Ice Worms On Gulf Of Mexico Sea Floor Archived April 3, 2020, di Wayback Machine
- BBCNews, 18 December, 2002, 'Space bugs' grown in lab Citat: "...Bacillus simplex and Staphylococcus pasteuri...Engyodontium album...The strains cultured by Dr Wainwright seemed to be resistant to the effects of UV - one quality required for survival in space...."
- BBCNews, 19 June, 2003, Ancient organism challenges cell evolution Citat: "..."It appears that this organelle has been conserved in evolution from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, since it is present in both,"..."
- Saint Anselm College: Survey of representatives of the major Kingdoms Citat: "...Number of kingdoms has not been resolved...Bacteria present a problem with their diversity...Protista present a problem with their diversity...", Interactive Syllabus for General Biology - BI 04, Saint Anselm College, Summer 2003 Archived 2003-06-24 di Wayback Machine
- Jacob Feldman: Stramenopila Archived 2003-09-13 di Wayback Machine
- The largest organism in the world may be a fungus carpeting nearly 10 square kilometers of an Oregon forest, and may be as old as 8500 years.
Tempo ogé
- superorganisme
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