Mbarikwa kana mbarikire (generic) chinhu chinogadzirwa chine mhando imwe nemashandisirwo akafanana nechimwe chagara chiripo. Kana mushonga uri mbarikwa kureva kuti wakagadzirwa uchitodzana neumwe wagara uripo, asi une musiyano zvishoma.

Mamwe Mazwi

  • Kuparira (engender; trigger; provoke; cause or give rise to a feeling, situation or condition).
  • Mbari (genus).
  • Mabari (genes).
  • Barinye (Genomics). (Genomics study of the structure, function, evolution, and mapping of genomes).

Mitauro yeBantu

  • VaLenje vanoti mupali (second additional wife).
  • VaDigo vanoti pharika (to attach, to put in position, to secure, to fix).
  • VaChewa vanoti kupala (betroth) kureva kuroodza.

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