Hozi imba yokurara, inozivakanwa nezita rokuti "bedroom" muchingezi.

Mamwe Mazwi

  • Dara (receptacle for unthreshed corn made of poles and thatch).
  • Dura, (granary).
  • Gombana kana chitura (small granary).
  • Tsapi (granary for storing grain before threshing).
  • Chihera (small granary) kureva tsapi diki.
  • Chipebwe (full of last year's grain).
  • Gudzururu kana mhungu (space below raised building).


  • Zuva rimwe haripedzi dura. One day's stay does not empty a granary.
  • Nhumbu tatanana hunzi ndiwo mugariro, kutuka muna wedura. (You think) that when you have your fill you can scold the owner of the granary.

Mitauro yeBantu

  • VaWanga vanoti eshiachi (small granary) kureva dura.
  • VaGiryama vanoti muvungu-ni (in the space under a bedstead etc).VaZigula vanoti vungu kana mavungu (space under bed or table) kureva mhungu.
  • VaDigo vanoti chitsaga (granary), vachireva dura. Kinande vanoti eritula (adj. last) chinogara nguva refu - fananidzai nokuti dura?.
  • Mang'anja vanoti kwikwiziri kana kwingwiziri (the space under the nkokwe grain store, or bedstead) vachireva gudzururu?.
  • Mang'anja vanoti nkokwe (n. a large basket where maize is stored - also beans or any kind of food) kureva dengu rekuchengetera chibage.

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