Chigebenga kana zvigebenga pakuwanda (violent person) apa kureva munhu anoda zvekurwa. Izwi iri rinotaurwa kuChiNdau - Psalm 17:4.

Kurerutsa Mutauro

  • Nenyika yaiya yashata pamberi paMwari, nyika yaiya yazara ngokugebenga: The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. (Genesis 6:11 Bhaibheri reChiNdau).

Mitauro yeBantu

  • MaZulu vanoti gebenga (Lead a plundering life: act the bandit; assault) kureva kugebenga. Mamwe mazwi: isigebengu (Highwayman, plunderer, bandit; gangster).
  • VaFwe vanoti cigebenga kana cikebenga (criminal) kureva chigebenga, chigevenga kana chigeveng'a.
  • VaLozi vanoti sikebenga (n. a debauched person, criminal) kureva chigebenga, chigevenga kana chigeveng'a.
  • VaLozi vanoti bukebenga (state of a person living as a scoundrel) kureva hugevenga.

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