Muti idzinde rinokura richiita matavi, maruva nemuchero. Michero ingava inodyiwa kana isingadyiwe. Mukati memuchero ndimo munowanikwa mbeu. Miti inokura ichiita mapazi anobata pahunde yemuti.

  • Bumbuti kana dumbuti zvinoreva kukura kwemuti pagutsa rakambotemwa. Vamwe vanoda kusvvura makavi pamabumbuti emupfuti.
  • Chibari (Parent tree).
  • Chigutsa, chitsa kana tsika (stump).
  • Chitsotsa zvinotaura kukura kwemiti kana mamwe madzinde akawandisa panzvimbo imwe - dense growth of plants.
  • Bazi, bazu, davi, nhawani, nhavani, nhai kana daza (branch of a tree). Rutavi (n. twig, small branch).
  • Hunde (stem or trunk of a tree; a large tree) kureva mutezo wemuti wakabatana nemidzi iow wakamira muvhu kumusoro wakatakura mapazi.
  • Gomarara kana chikwama (parasitic plant) zvichireva dzinde rinokura pamapazi erimwewo dzinde; gomarara rinenge rakasiyana nedzinde rakamera muvhu.
  • Guunga (Mimosa thorn forest).
  • Runye (grain or other vegetation coming up very closely together).
  • Bumburudzi (cluster of fruits, clump of trees, group of people) kana kuti chichese.
  • Muduumudzi, muduumudza (Dust caused by wood-borers) kana kuti mupfumbwe zvinoreva chiupfu chinokonzerwa kana miti yaboorwa.
  • Mukove kana nhokwara (pod from a tree).
  • Dungarwizi (any tree or plant that grows in water).

Kurerutsa Mutauro

  • Muti uyo wakaita dengezeze: that tree's branches have a wide spread.
  • Asi nhai inobva kunzinde dzake umwe unozotora pandau yake: But another branch from the same roots as hers will appear in her father’s place. (Daniel 11:7 Bhaibheri reChiNdau).
  • Muriwo wandakadyara pasi pemuwunga wakavhungwa nemumvuri.
  • Kuvhunga (to choke with growth, to overgrow).
  • Demo rakapakama mumuti. The axe is caught (held up by branch) in the tree.
  • Kungorama kana kupakama zvinoreva kupaikira. Demo rakangorama mumuti.


  • Matanda masairirwa, unosiya nerino muchenje.(Standing) logs are tested; you leave the one eaten by white ants.

Mitauro yeBantu

  • VaNyoro vanoti muti (tree; piece of wood) vachireva muti. VaNyungwe vanoti tsinde (tree trunk) kureva hunde. Maconde vanoti lutavi (n. branch).
  • VaKongo vanoti ntayi (the branches of a tree) kureva matavi emuti. Herero vanoti orutavi kana ondavi (branch) kureva bazi.
  • VaHaya vanoti omuti (tree) kureva muti. VaWabo vanoti muri kana miri (tree) vachireva muti. Tumbuka vanoti umugogo (log) kureva danda.
  • Babungo vanoti (n. tree) kureva muti. Mamwe mazwi: (n. height). VaTege vanoti odza (n. root) kureva mudzi. Mandinka vanoti yiri kureva muti.
  • Giryama vanoti tsandzu (branch - part of tree that grows from trunk or bough) kureva bazi.
  • VaGiryama vanoti lutai (bough - main branch, firm branch of a tree) kureva davi.
  • Lubwisi vanoti kiti (n. Tree) kureva muti. Sangho vanoti luti (v. to stand; to stand up) kureva kumira.

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