Tradicionalizem imenujemo filozofsko smer, ki so jo začeli intelektualci v 20. stoletju s prepričanjem, da so v zahodni družbi propadle tradicionalne oblike znanja, tako astetske, kakor tudi spiritualne. Temeljna filozofa sta bila Rene Guenon in Ananda Coomaraswamy. Ostali vplivni filozofi so bili Titus Burckhardt, Martin Lings, Jean-Louis Michon, Marco Pallis, Huston Smith, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Frithjof Schuon, Jean Borella in Julius Evola. [1] Centralni koncept filozofske šole je, da si v večni filozofiji, ki temelji na starih verovanjih, vse velike svetovne religije delijo skupen izvor (v začetnem princu transcendentne povezave) in so v koreninah isti metafizični principi. Te ideje so v latinščini znane kot philosophia perennis.
Beseda »tradicija« ima poseben pomen za tradicionalistično šolo, z drugačnim pomenom kot v folklori, temveč poudarjenim globokim pomenom izraza [2]. »Integralna Tradicija« nima človeškega izvora, temveč obstaja iz večnih principov božanskih izvorov. To je Schoun imenoval "transcendent unity". Proti “modernim napakom”, so Tradicionalisti predlagali “Prvobitno Tradicijo”, preneseno od prvih začetkov človeštva in delno ohranjeno z vsakim pristnim začetnikom nove religije.
Tradicionalizem je imel močan, čeprav diskreten vpliv na raziskovalce primerjalne religiologije in delno na mladega Mirceaja Eliadeja, čeprav sam nikoli ni bil član te filozofske šole.
Do devetdesetih let 20. stoletja raziskovalci niso namenili pozornosti širokemu fenomenu Tradicionalizma. Izdaji knjige Marka Sedgwicka “Against the Modern World” leta 2004 je sledilo mnogo odmevov in kontroverznosti. Nekateri kritiki s tradicionalističnimi pogledi so kritizirali metodologijo knjige in motive zanjo. [3][4]
- Julius Evola
- Ivan Aguéli
- Kurt Almqvist
- Anti-modernism
- Titus Burckhardt
- Olavo de Carvalho
- Ananda Coomaraswamy
- Development criticism
- Carl W. Ernst
- Antoine Faivre
- René Guénon
- Integral humanism
- Integralism
- Jean-Pierre Laurant
- Tage Lindbom
- Martin Lings
- Koenraad Logghe
- Jean-Louis Michon
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- Paleoconservatism
- Perennial philosophy
- Leo Schaya
- Frithjof Schuon
- Philip Sherrard
- Huston Smith
- Wolfgang Smith
- William Stoddart
- Sufism
- Michel Valsan
Renaud Fabbri argues that Evola should not be considered a member of the Perennialist School. See the section Julius Evola and the Perennialist School in Fabbri's Introduction to the Perennialist School Cf. Coomaraswamy, "The Nature of 'Folklore' and 'Popular' Art'", in Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art, New York: Dover, 1956, p. 130. This chapter includes (p. 138-9) a lengthy quote by Guénon.
- Xavier Accart, René Guénon ou Le renversement des clartés Paris, Milano: Arché, 2005 (ISBN 978-2-912770-03-5).
- Carl W. Ernst, "Traditionalism, the Perennial Philosophy and Islamic Studies" Arhivirano 2006-06-18 na Wayback Machine. in the MESA Bulletin (1994).
- Julius Evola, Men Among the Ruins: Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist (1953, revised 1967, with a new appendix, 1972).
- Antoine Faivre, ed, Dossier on "Perennialisme" in Aries 11 (1990).
- Franco Ferraresi, "Julius Evola: Tradition, Reaction and the Radical Right" in Archives Européennes de Sociologie (1987).
- Roger Griffin, "Revolts Against the Modern World: The Blend of Literary and Historical Fantasy in the Italian New Right" in Literature and History (1985).
- Marie-France James, Esoterisme et Christianisme: autour de René Guénon (1981).
- Jean-Pierre Laurant, "Le problème de René Guénon", Revue de l'histoire des religions (1971).
- Jean-Pierre Laurant, René Guénon: Les enjeux d'une lecture (2006) ISBN 2-84454-423-1
- Jean-Pierre Laurant and Paul Barbanegra, eds, René Guénon [Cahier de l'Herne] (1985).
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Knowledge and the Sacred (1989) ISBN 0-7914-0177-4
- Harry Oldmeadow, Traditionalism: Religion in the Light of the Perennial Philosophy (2000) ISBN 955-9028-04-9
- William W. Quinn, Jr., The Only Tradition (1996) ISBN 0-7914-3213-0
- Andrew Rawlinson, The Book of Enlightened Masters: Western Teachers in Eastern Traditions ISBN 0-8126-9310-8
- Mark Sedgwick, Against the Modern World: Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century ISBN 0-19-515297-2
- Pierre-Marie Sigaud, ed., Rene Guenon [Dossiers H] (1984).
- Huston Smith, Forgotten Truth: The Common Vision of the World's Religions (1976), reprint ed. 1992, Harper SanFrancisco, ISBN 0-06-250787-7
- Troy Southgate, ed., Evola: Thoughts & Perspectives, Volume One, Black Front Press, 2011.
- Troy Southgate, "Anti-Tradition in the Age of Iron" in Le Salon: Journal de Cercle de la Rose Noire, Volume 1, Black Front Press, 2012.