Farm Aid

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Farm Aid

Farm Aid je každoročný benefičný koncert, ktorého výťažok je určený pre amerických farmárov.

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Farm Aid
Jeden zo zakladateľov festivalu, Willie Nelson
Základné informácie
Žánrecountry, blues, rock
Aktívne roky1985 – súčasnosť
ZakladateliaWillie Nelson
John Mellencamp
Neil Young
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Prvý festival Farm Aid sa na štadióne University of Illinois' Memorial Stadium dňa 22. septembra 1985, v meste Champaign (Illinois, USA). Jeho hlavnými organizátormi boli hudobníci: Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp a Neil Young. Ich cieľom bolo pomôcť americkým farmárom, ktorí boli pod tlakom hypotekárneho dlhu a hrozilo im, že by stratili svoje rodinné farmy.[1] Vystúpenie umelcov videlo 80-tisíc ľudí. Medzi účinkujúcimi boli okrem mnohých iných aj mená ako Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, B.B. King, Loretta Lynnová, Roy Orbison a Tom Petty.[2] Výnos z koncertu pre farmárov bol 9 miliónov amerických dolárov.[3]

Pôvodne si Willie a ostatní zakladatelia akc mysleli, že by jeden koncert mal problém vyriešiť, no zistili, že výzvy, ktorým farmári čelia sú omnoho zložitejšie. ale priznávajú, že výzvy, ktorým čelia rodinní farmári, boli zložitejšie, než si ktokoľvek uvedomoval.[4] Výsledkom toho je, že aj desaťročia od prvej Farm Aid, sa akcia organizuje naďalej pod vedením Carolyn Mugarovej. Na koncertoch dominuje country, blues a rockovový hudobný žáner v podaní rôznych umelcov. Medzi jeho organizátormi sú naďalej Willie Nelson, Mellencamp, Young a Dave Matthews, ale aj David Anderson, Joel Katz, Lana Nelsonová, Mark Rothbaum a Evelyn Shriverová.[5] Dňa 8. apríla 2021 bolo oznámené, že sa k nim pripojila aj Annie Nelsonová a Margo Price.[6] Voé februári 2020 zomrel jeden z organizátorov a bubeník hrajúci v sprievodnej kapele Willie Nelsona, Paul English.[7]

Organizácia prevádzkuje núdzovú horúcu linku, ktorá ponúka farmárom zdroje a rady v problémoch, s ktorými sa stretávajú. Na začiatku Nelson a Mellencamp predviedli rodinných farmárov pred Kongres, aby svedčili o stave rodinného poľnohospodárstva v Amerike. Kongres následne schválil zákon o poľnohospodárskych úveroch z roku 1987, aby pomohol zachrániť rodinné farmy pred exekúciou. Farm Aid prevádzkuje aj fond pre prípad katastrof, ktorý má pomôcť poľnohospodárom, ktorí v dôsledku prírodných katastrof prídu o svoje veci a úrodu. Príkladom môže byť ich reakcia na obete hurikánu Katrina.[8] a na rozsiahle záplavy z roku 2019.[9] Získané finančné prostriedky sú použité na úhradu výdavkov farmára a na zabezpečenie potravinovej, právnej, finančnej pomoci a psychologickej pomoci.[10]

Koncert v roku 2005, pri príležitosti 20. výročia Farm Aid, sa konal v Tweeter Center v Tinley Parku v Illinois. Sprevádzali ho sesterské akcie napríklad aj v centre Chicaga. Koncert v roku 2007 sa konal na Randallovom ostrove v New Yorku (prvý festival Farm Aid v New Yorku) a bol zaznamenaný vo vysokom rozlíšení, ktorý bol potom ako dvojhodinový špeciál vysielaný na HDNet. V ročníku, ktorý sa konal v roku 2019 vystúpili: Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews a aj hviezda country music, Luke Combs.[11]

Zoznam koncertov Farm Aid

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Benefičné koncerty Farm Aid
UdalosťDátumPolohaMiesto konaniaÚčastníciPoznámky
Farm Aid 22. september 1985 Champaign, Illinois Memorial Stadium Alabama, Hoyt Axton, The Beach Boys, The Blasters, Bon Jovi, Jimmy Buffett, Glen Campbell, Johnny Cash, David Allan Coe, John Conlee, Charlie Daniels Band, John Denver, Bob Dylan, John Fogerty, Foreigner, Vince Gill, Vern Gosdin, Arlo Guthrie, Sammy Hagar, Merle Haggard, Daryl Hall, Emmylou Harris, Don Henley, Waylon Jennings, Billy Joel, Randy Newman, George Jones, Rickie Lee Jones, B.B. King, Carole King, Kris Kristofferson, Huey Lewis, Lone Justice, Loretta Lynn, Roger McGuinn, John Mellencamp, Roger Miller, Joni Mitchell, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Willie Nelson, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Charley Pride, Bonnie Raitt, Lou Reed, Kenny Rogers, Brian Setzer, Sissy Spacek, Tanya Tucker, Eddie Van Halen, Debra Winger, Neil Young, Dave Milsap, Joe Ely, Judy Rodman, X Prvýkrát spolu verejne vystúpili Sammy Hagar a Eddie Van Halen. Krátko nato sa Hagar pripojil ku kapele Van Halen.
Farm Aid II 4. júl 1986 Manor, Texas Manor Downs Racetrack Alabama, The Beach Boys, The Bellamy Brothers, The Blasters, Judy Collins, Rita Coolidge, Bob Dylan, Steve Earle, Joe Ely, Exile, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Grateful Dead, Emmylou Harris, Julio Iglesias, Rick James, Jason & the Scorchers, Waylon Jennings, George Jones, Bon Jovi, Doug Kershaw, Kris Kristofferson, Nicolette Larson, Los Lobos, John Mellencamp, Vince Neil, Willie Nelson, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Steppenwolf, Taj Mahal, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Joe Walsh, Neil Young, X, The Unforgiven The Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers sa pripojili cez satelit z Buffala (Rich Stadium, NY)
Farm Aid III 19. september 1987 Lincoln, Nebraska Memorial Stadium Alex Harvey, Emmylou Harris, Steppenwolf, Vince Gill, Lyle Lovett, John Denver, Lou Reed, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Bandaloo Doctors, Joe Walsh, Willie Nelson, The Unforgiven, Dr. Starr The Grateful Dead sa cez satelit pripojili z Madison Square Garden
Farm Aid 1989 1989 Rôzna
(ako súčasť turné Willieho Nelsona v 16 amerických mestách)
(ako súčasť turné Willieho Nelsona v 16 amerických mestách)
Willie Nelson Prezident Farm Aid, Willie Nelson, pod titulom Farm Aid zorganizoval 16 svojich vlastných koncertných show
Farm Aid IV 7. apríl 1990 Indianapolis, Indiana Hoosier Dome Bonnie Raitt, John Mellencamp, John Hiatt, Carl Perkins, Arlo Guthrie, Gorky Park, Garth Brooks, John Denver, Bill Monroe, Alan Jackson, Asleep at the Wheel, Jackson Browne, Bruce Hornsby, Poco, Elton John, Lou Reed, Don Henley, Taj Mahal, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Neil Young, Willie Nelson, Guns N' Roses, KT Oslin, Iggy Pop, Henry Lee Summer, Roadmaster Steven Adler vystúpil naposledy s Guns N' Roses účinkovala aj skupina zo Sovietskeho zväzu, Gorky Park
Farm Aid V 14. marec 1992 Irving, Texas Texas Stadium Arlo Guthrie, Asleep At The Wheel, Kentucky Headhunters, Texas Tornadoes, Bandaloo Doctors, Bonnie Raitt, Little Village, Tracy Chapman, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Petra, Paul Simon, Mary Chapin Carpenter, The Highwaymen, Lorrie Morgan, Ricky Van Shelton, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp
Farm Aid VI 24. apríl 1993 Ames, Iowa Jack Trice Stadium Arlo Guthrie, Asleep At The Wheel, The Jayhawks, Jann Arden, Lyle Lovett, Johnny Cash, Neil Young, Ricky Van Shelton, John Mellencamp, Willie Nelson, Kentucky Headhunters, Marty Stuart, Charlie Daniels Band, Martina McBride, Bruce Hornsby, Bryan Adams, Ringo Starr, Black 47, The Highwaymen, Dwight Yoakam, Mickey Newbury
Farm Aid VII 18. september 1994 New Orleans, Louisiana Louisiana Superdome Neville Brothers, Spin Doctors, Gin Blossoms, John Conlee, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson, Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Deana Carter, Shaver, Al Hirt, Pete Fountain, David Allan Coe, Titty Bingo
Farm Aid '95: 10th Anniversary
  1. október 1995
Louisville, Kentucky Cardinal Stadium Hootie and the Blowfish, Dave Matthews Band, BlackHawk, John Conlee, The Supersuckers, Steve Earle, Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young 10. výročie Farm Aid
Farm Aid '96 12. október 1996 Columbia, South Carolina Williams-Brice Stadium Hootie and the Blowfish, Marshall Chapman, Beach Boys, Son Volt, Robert Earl Keen, Martina McBride, John Conlee, Jewel, Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young
Farm Aid '97 4. október 1997 Tinley Park, Illinois Tweeter Center Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Fogerty, Beck, Dave Matthews Band, Steve Earle, The V-Roys, Mary Cutrufello, The Allman Brothers Band,Chris Knight.
Farm Aid '98 3. október 1998 Tinley Park, Illinois Tweeter Center Willie Nelson, Phish, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Steve Earle, Del McCoury Band, Wilco
Farm Aid '99 12. september 1999 Bristow, Virginia Nissan Pavilion Susan Tedeschi, Keb' Mo', Deana Carter, Barenaked Ladies, Dave Matthews Band, John Mellencamp, Willie Nelson, Neil Young
Farm Aid 2000 17. september 2000 Bristow, Virginia Nissan Pavilion Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Arlo Guthrie, Sawyer Brown, Alan Jackson, Travis Tritt, North Mississippi Allstars, Barenaked Ladies, Tipper Gore, Willie Nelson 15. výročie Farm Aid
Farm Aid 2001: A Concert for America 29. september 2001 Noblesville, Indiana Verizon Wireless Music Center Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews, Doobie Brothers, Martina McBride
Farm Aid '02 21. september 2002 Burgettstown, Pennsylvania Post-Gazette Pavilion Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews, Keith Urban, Lee Ann Womack, Kid Rock, Gillian Welch, Duane Cahill, Kenny Wayne Shepherd with Double Trouble, The Drive-By Truckers, Los Lonely Boys, Anthony Smith
Farm Aid '03 7. september 2003 Columbus, Ohio Germain Amphitheater Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews, Neil Young and Crazy Horse, Emmylou Harris, Hootie & the Blowfish, Los Lonely Boys, Sheryl Crow, Brooks & Dunn, Titty Bingo, Trick Pony, Billy Bob Thornton, Daniel Lanois
Farm Aid '04 18. september 2004 Auburn, Washington White River Amphitheatre Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews, Lucinda Williams, Steve Earle, Jerry Lee Lewis, Trick Pony, Tony Coleman, Blue Merle, Tegan and Sara, Kate Voegele, Kitty Jerry, Marc Broussard
Farm Aid 2005: 20th Anniversary 18. september 2005 Tinley Park, Illinois First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Dave Matthews, Arlo Guthrie, Buddy Guy, Congressman Collin Peterson and the Second Amendments, Drew Davis Band, Elizabeth Rainey, Emmylou Harris, James McMurtry, Jimmy Sturr & His Orchestra, John Mayer, Kate Voegele, Kathleen Edwards, Kenny Chesney, Los Lonely Boys, Shannon Brown, Supersuckers, Susan Tedeschi, Widespread Panic, Wilco, Barack Obama 20. výročie Farm Aid
Farm Aid 2006 30. september 2006 Camden, New Jersey Tweeter Center Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Dave Matthews, Jerry Lee Lewis with Roy Head, Los Lonely Boys, Arlo Guthrie, Gov't Mule, Steve Earle and Allison Moorer, Steel Pulse, Shelby Lynne, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Jimmy Sturr & his Orchestra, Pauline Reese, Danielle Evin
Farm Aid 2007: A Homegrown Festival 9. september 2007 New York City Randall's Island Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young and Dave Matthews with Merle Haggard, Ray Price, Billy Joe Shaver, Tim Reynolds, Gregg Allman, The Allman Brothers Band, Counting Crows, Matisyahu, Guster, The Derek Trucks Band, Warren Haynes, Supersuckers, The Ditty Bops, Montgomery Gentry, Jimmy Sturr, Danielle Evin, Jesse Lenat, Pauline Reese, Paula Nelson, Titty Bingo, 40 Points
Farm Aid 2008 20. september 2008 Mansfield, Massachusetts Comcast Center Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds with Jerry Lee Lewis, Kenny Chesney, The Pretenders, moe., Arlo Guthrie, Steve Earle, Nation Beat, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, Jakob Dylan and The Gold Mountain Rebels, Danielle Evin, Jamey Johnson, Jesse Lenat, Will Dailey, One Flew South, The Elms
Farm Aid 2009 4. október 2009 Maryland Heights, Missouri Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds with Jamey Johnson, Jason Mraz, Phosphorescent, Wilco, Will Dailey
Farm Aid 2010: 25th Anniversary 2. október 2010 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Miller Park Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Neil Young, Jeff Tweedy, Kenny Chesney, Jason Mraz, Norah Jones, Band of Horses, Amos Lee, Robert Francis, The BoDeans, Jamey Johnson 25. výročie Farm Aid
Farm Aid 2011 13. august 2011 Kansas City, Kansas Livestrong Sporting Park Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Dave Matthews, Jason Mraz, Jamey Johnson, Jakob Dylan, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Will Dailey & The Rivals, Billy Joe Shaver, Robert Francis, Ray Price, Rebecca Pidgeon, Hearts of Darkness, John Trudell, The Blackwood Quartet
Farm Aid 2012[12] 22. september 2012 Hershey, Pennsylvania Hersheypark Stadium Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Kenny Chesney, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Jack Johnson, ALO, Pegi Young & The Survivors, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Grace Potter & the Nocturnals, Dale Watson, Jamey Johnson[13]
Farm Aid 2013 21. september 2013 Saratoga Springs, New York Saratoga Performing Arts Center Willie Nelson, Pete Seeger, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Amos Lee, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Jack Johnson, Jamey Johnson, Kacey Musgraves, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Sasha Dobson, Carlene Carter, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Will Dailey, Bahamas, Pegi Young & The Survivors, Jesse Lenat, Insects vs Robots, The Blackwood Quartet[14]
Farm Aid 2014 13. september 2014 Raleigh, North Carolina Walnut Creek Amphitheatre Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Jack White, Gary Clarke Jr., Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Jamey Johnson, Delta Rae, Todd Snider, Raelyn Nelson Band, Carlene Carter, Pegi Young & The Survivors, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Insects vs Robots[15]
Farm Aid 2015 19. september 2015 Chicago FirstMerit Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Imagine Dragons, Jack Johnson, Kacey Musgraves, Old Crow Medicine Show, Jamey Johnson, Mavis Staples, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Holly Williams, Insects vs Robots, Blackwood Quartet[16] 30. výročie Farm Aid
Farm Aid 2016 17. september 2016 Bristow, Virginia Jiffy Lube Live Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Alabama Shakes, Sturgill Simpson, Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats, Jamey Johnson (with special guest Alison Krauss), Margo Price, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Insects vs Robots, Ian Mellencamp, The Wisdom Indian Dancers, Star Swain[17]
Farm Aid 2017 16. september 2017 Burgettstown, Pennsylvania KeyBank Pavilion Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Jack Johnson, The Avett Brothers, Sheryl Crow, Jamey Johnson, Blackberry Smoke, Valerie June, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Insects vs Robots[18]
Farm Aid 2018 22. september 2018 Hartford, Connecticut Xfinity Theatre Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Chris Stapleton, Kacey Musgraves, Sturgill Simpson, Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats, Margo Price, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Particle Kid
Farm Aid 2019 21. september 2019 East Troy, Wisconsin Alpine Valley Music Theatre Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Bonnie Raitt, Luke Combs, Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats, Jamey Johnson, Margo Price, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Yola, Tanya Tucker, Jamestown Revival, Particle Kid, Ian Mellencamp, Wisdom Indian Dancers, Ho-Chunk Thundercloud Singers [19]
At Home with Farm Aid 11. apríl 2020 Rôzne Koncert z domova účinkujúcich Black Pumas, Bonnie Raitt, Boz Scaggs, Brandi Carlile, Chris Stapleton, Dave Matthews, Edie Brickell, Jack Johnson, Jamey Johnson, Jon Batiste, John Mellencamp, Kelsey Waldon, Willie Nelson spolu s Lukas a Micah Nelson, Neil Young, The Record Company, Valerie June & The War and Treaty.[20] Kvôli reštrikciám súvisiacim s pandémiou Covid-19, bol formát tohto koncertu radikálne zmenený.

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