
additive primary color, visible between blue and yellow From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Green is a color between the yellow and blue colors in the rainbow. Green is a primary color (a color that can be mixed with another color) of light. The others are red and blue.

Quick Facts Spectral coordinates, Wavelength ...
Clockwise, from top left: Spanish gold and emerald pendant; chestnut-fronted macaw; Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck; a billiards table; countryside in France; a graduating class of U.S. Marines; limes
Spectral coordinates
Wavelength495–570 nm
Frequency≈575–525 THz
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet#00FF00
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k)(100, 0, 100, 0)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

Green and blue are next to each other on the spectrum, and there are languages which do not distinguish between them. Examples are old Chinese, Thai, old Japanese, and Vietnamese.

Green paint can be made by mixing yellow paint and blue tempera paint together.

Green light, like all light, is quanta—composed of photons. The wavelength of green light is about 550 nanometers (one-billionth of a meter).

Most leaves of growing plants, such as trees and bushes, are green. This is because there is a chemical in leaves, called chlorophyll, which is colored green.

See color vision for more on the significance of green.

Meaning of green

  • Green is used as a color associated with jealousy. The phrase "green-eyed monster" means a jealous person.
  • The color green is the color of nature. Having a "green thumb" means that you're good at gardening.[1][2]
  • Green is a color of the Islamic religion. Search the shade "Islamic Green" below.
  • Green is also the color of sickness. The phrase "green around the gills" is an expression implying that the person is nauseated.

Comparison of greens

More information Name, Color ...
Name Color HEX Code Red Green Blue Hue Sat Lum
Green(Electric Green) Lime(Web)/Hourbour RGB 0,255,0 #00FF00 0 255 0 120° 100% 100%
Spring Green(Guppie Green) RGB 0,255,127 #00FF7F 0 255 128 150° 100% 100%
Office green(Ao English) Hulk RGB 0,128,0 #008000 0 128 0 120° 100% 50%
Sea Green/Lake Green RGB 46,139,87 #2B8E57 46 139 87 146° 67% 54%

Tones of green color comparison chart

Green is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by range with a wavelength of roughly 570-520 nm.

Mint Cream (web color) (Hex: #F5FFFA) (RGB: 245, 255, 250)
Honeydew (web color) (Hex: #F0FFF0) (RGB:240, 255, 240)
Off Green ( Color List) (Hex: #E6F8F3) (RGB: 230, 248, 243)
Frosted Mint ( Color List) (Hex: #DBFFF8) (RGB: 219, 255, 248)
Tipler (web color) (Hex:#7FFFD4) (RGB: 127, 255, 212)
Pale green (web color) (Hex: #98FB98) (RGB: 152, 251, 152)
Light Green (web color) (Hex: #90EE90) (RGB: 144, 238, 144)
Padua ( Color List) (Hex: #ADE6C4) (RGB: 173, 230, 196)
Pale Spring Bud (Crayola "Spring Green") (Hex: #ECEBBD) (RGB: 236, 235, 189)
Pale Green-Yellow (Crayola Green-Yellow) (Hex: #F1E788) (RGB: 242, 231, 136)
Starship ( Color List) (Hex: #E3DD39) (RGB: 227, 221, 57)
Chartreuse Yellow (traditional Chartreuse) (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #DFFF00) (RGB: 223, 255, 0)
Pear (Hex: #D1E231) (RGB: 209, 226, 49)
Bitter Lemon ( Color List) (Hex: #CAE00D) (RGB: 202, 224, 13)
Medium Spring Bud (Spring Bud (ISCC-NBS)) (Hex: #C9DC87) (RGB: 201, 220, 135)
Lime Pulp (Hex: #D1E189) (RGB: 200, 225, 137)
Electric Lime (Crayola) (Hex: #CCFF00) (RGB: 204, 255, 0)
Lime (Maerz & Paul) Bitter Lime (Hex: #BFFF00) (RGB: 191, 255, 0)
Green-Yellow (web color) (Hex: #ADFF2F) (RGB: 173, 255, 47)
Spring Bud (Spring Green (Maerz & Paul)) (Hex: #A7FC00) (RGB: 167, 252, 0)
June Bud (ISCC-NBS) (Growth Green (Plochere))(Hex: #BDDA57) (RGB: 189, 218, 87)
Pixie Green ( Color List)(Hex: #C0D8B6) (RGB: 192, 216, 182)
Tea Green (Hex: #D0F0C0) (RGB: 208, 240, 192)
Edgewater ( Color List) (Hex: #CBE3D7) (RGB: 200, 227, 215)
Jungle Mist ( Color List) (Hex: #B4CFD3) (RGB: 180, 207, 211)
Celadon (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #ACE1AF) (RGB:172, 225, 175)
Light Moss Green (Moss Green (Hex: #ADDFAD) (RGB:173, 223, 173)
Magic Mint (Crayola) (Hex: #AAF0D1) (RGB:170, 240, 209)
Mint Green (Hex: #98FF98) (RGB:152, 255, 152)
Ultra Green (Crayola: Screamin’ Green) (Hex: #66FF66) (RGB: 102, 255, 102)
Erin (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #00FF3F) (RGB: 0, 255, 63)
Spring green (web color) (Hex: #00FF7F) (RGB: 0, 255, 127)
Medium Spring Green (web color) (Hex: #00FA9A) (RGB: 0, 250, 154)
Lawn Green (web color) (Hex: #7CFC00) (RGB: 124, 252, 0)
Chartreuse Green (web color Chartreuse) (Matcha) (Hex: #7FFF00) (RGB: 127, 255, 0)
Bright Green (Hex: #66FF00) (RGB: 102, 255, 0)
Harlequin (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #3FFF00) (RGB: 63, 255, 0)
Green / Electric Green (web color "Lime") (Hex: #00FF00) (RGB: 0, 255, 0)
Neon Green ( (Hex: #39FF14) (RGB: 57, 255, 20)
Pastel Green (Hex: #77DD77) (RGB: 119, 221, 119)
Green-gray (Hex: #6CA66C) (RGB: 108, 166, 108)
Malachite (Maer & Paul) (Hex: #0BDA51) (RGB: 11, 218, 81)
Lime Green (web color) (Hex: #32CD32) (RGB: 50, 205, 50)
Dark Pastel Green (Hex: #03C03C) (RGB: 3, 192, 60)
Classic Green (Pantone TPX 16-6340) (Hex: #32B141) (RGB: 50, 177, 65)
Kelly Green (Hex: #4CBB17) (RGB: 76, 187, 23)
Green Flash (Pantone TPX 15-0146) (Hex: #71CC51) (RGB: 113, 204, 81)
Mantis (Praying Mantis) ( Color List) (Hex: #74C365) (RGB: 116, 195, 101)
Emerald Green (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #50C878) (RGB: 80, 200, 120)
Medium Aquamarine (web color) (Hex: #66DDAA) (RGB:102, 205, 170)
Caribbean Green (Crayola) (Hex: #00CC99) (RGB: 0, 204, 153)
Dull Green (Hex: #99CC66) (RGB: 153, 204, 102)
Light Sea Green (web color) (Hex: #20B2AA) (RGB: 32, 178, 170)
Medium Sea Green (web color) (Hex: #3CB371) (RGB: 60, 179, 113)
Pigment Green (CMYK) (Hex: #00A550) (RGB: 0, 165, 80)
GO Green (GO Transit (Toronto)) (Hex: #00AB66) (RGB: 0, 171, 102)
Jade Green (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #00A86B) (RGB: 0, 168, 107)
Green (NCS) (Hex: #009F6B) (RGB: 0, 159, 107)
Green (Crayola) (Hex: #1CAC78) (RGB: 28, 172, 120)
Green (Munsell) (Munsell 5G Green) (Hex: #00A877) (RGB: 0, 168, 119)
Mint (Mint Leaf (ISCC-NBS)) (Hex: #3EB489) (RGB: 62, 180, 137)
Jungle Green (Crayola) (Hex: #29AB87) (RGB: 41, 171, 135)
Green (Pantone) (Green Grey) (Hex: #00AD83) (RGB: 0, 173, 131)
Persian Green (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #00A693) (RGB: 0, 166, 147)
Mountain Meadow (Crayola) (Hex: #1AB385) (RGB: 26, 179, 133)
Spanish Viridian (Verde Verones Gallego & Sanz) (Hex: #009B7D) (RGB: 0, 155, 125)
Shamrock Green (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #009E60) (RGB: 0, 158, 96)
Christmas Green (Liquitex Soft Body Decorative colors) (Hex: #00993A) (RGB: 0, 153, 58)
Islamic Green (Islamic flag) (Hex: #009000) (RGB: 0, 144, 0)
India Green (Flag of India) (Hex: #138808) (RGB: 19, 136, 8)
Sea Green (web color) (Hex: #2E8B57) (RGB: 46, 139, 87)
Forest Green (web color) (Hex: #228B22) (RGB:34, 139, 34)
Asparagus (Crayola) (Hex: #7BA05B) (RGB: 123, 160, 91)
Bay Leaf ( Color List) (Hex: #7DA98D) (RGB: 125, 169, 141)
Leaf Green (Hex: #C0DB50) (RGB: 192, 219, 80)
Dark Sea Green (web color) (Hex: #8FBC8F) (RGB: 143, 188, 143)
Olivine (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #9AB973) (RGB: 154, 185, 115)
Pistachio (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #93C572) (RGB: 147, 197, 146)
Yellow-Green (web color) (Hex: #9ACD32) (RGB: 154, 205, 50)
Citrus ( Color List) (Hex: #A1C50A) (RGB: 161, 197, 10)
Apple Green (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #8DB600) (RGB: 141, 182, 0)
Moss Green (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #8A9A5B) (RGB:138, 154, 91)
Camouflage Green (Hex: #78866B) (RGB: 120, 134, 107)
Russian Green (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #679267) (RGB: 103, 146, 103)
Olive Drab (web color) (Hex: #6B8E23) (RGB: 107, 142, 35)
Olive (web color) (Hex: #808000) (RGB: 128, 128, 0)
Medium Harlequin (Harlequin (ISCC-NBS)) (Hex: #44944A) (RGB: 68, 148, 74)
Napier Green (Original British Racing Green) (Hex: #3B7E00) (RGB: 59, 126, 0)
Dark Olive Green (web color Dark Chartreuse Green) (Hex: #556B2F) (RGB: 85, 107, 47)
Sap Green (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #507D2A) (RGB: 80, 125, 42)
Fern Green (Crayola) (Hex: #4F7942) (RGB: 79, 121, 66)
Ao (English) (Office Green) (HTML/CSS “Green”) (Broccoli) (Hex: #008000) (RGB: 0, 128, 0)
Teal (web color) (Hex: #008080) (RGB: 0, 128, 128)
Blue-Green (Crayola) (Hex: #0095B6) (RGB: 0, 149, 182)
Viridian Green (Pantone TPX 17-5126) (Hex: #009698) (RGB: 0, 150,152)
Pine Green (Crayola) (Hex: #01796F) (RGB:1, 121, 111)
Skobeloff (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #007474) (RGB: 0, 122, 116)
Myrtle Green (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #317873) (RGB: 49, 120, 115)
Antique Green (Pantone TPX 18-5418) (Hex: #2B6963) (RGB: 43, 105, 99)
Viridian (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #40826D) (RGB:64, 130, 109)
Amazon ( Color List) (Hex: #3B7A57) (RGB: 59, 122, 87)
Tropical Rainforest (Crayola) (Hex: #00755E) (RGB: 0, 117, 94)
Dark Spring Green (web color) (Hex: #177245) (RGB: 23, 114, 69)
Bottle Green (Bangladesh Green) (Flag of Bangladesh) (Hex: #006A4E) (RGB: 0, 106, 78)
Pakistan Green (Flag of Pakistan) (Hex: #006600) (RGB: 0, 102, 0)
Medium Green (Hex: #037949) (RGB: 3, 121, 73)
Dark Green (web color) (Hex: #006400) (RGB: 0, 100, 0)
Deep Green (Crayola: Green) (Hex: #056608) (RGB: 5, 102, 8)
Mughal Green (Flag of Mughal Empire) (Hex: #306030) (RGB: 48, 96, 98)
Hunter Green (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #355E3B) (RGB: 53, 94, 59)
Feldgrau (Mindjunker) (Hex: #4D5D53) (RGB: 77, 93, 83)
Army Green (Hex: #4B5320) (RGB: 75, 83, 32)
Rifle Green (Pantone TPX 19-0419) (Hex: #444C38) (RGB: 68, 76, 56)
Gray-Asparagus (Hex: #465945) (RGB: 70, 89, 69)
British Racing Green (Modern) (representative sample) (Hex: #1B4D3E) (RGB: 27, 77, 62)
Midnight Green (Eagle Green) (Hex: #004953) (RGB: 0, 73, 83)
Deep Jungle Green (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #004B49) (RGB: 0, 75, 73)
Kombu Green (Pantone TPX 19-0417) (Hex: #354230) (RGB: 53, 66, 48)
Medium Jungle Green (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #1C352D) (RGB: 28, 53, 45)
Phthalo Green (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #123524) (RGB: 18, 53, 26)
Dark Jungle Green (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #1A2421) (RGB: 26, 36, 33)
Charleston Green (Hex: #1A2118) (RGB: 26, 33, 24)


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