Roushie Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

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Roushie Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

The Roushie Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (Roushie: Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика[5]), commonly referred tae as Soviet Roushie, the Roushie Federation, or semply Roushie,[2][6] wis the lairgest, maist populous an economically developit republic in the umwhile Soviet Union.[7] The Republic comprised saxteen autonomous republics, five autonomous oblasts, ten autonomous okrugs, sax krais an fowerty oblasts.[7] Roushies formit the lairgest ethnic group.

Quick Facts Roushie Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика, Caipital ...
Roushie Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика
Anthem: Worker's Marseillaise (1917–1918)
The Internationale (1918–1944)
National Anthem of the Soviet Union (1944–1991)
Patrioticheskaya Pesnya (1990–1991)a
Extent o the Roushie SFSR athin the Soviet Union
follaein Warld War II (1954).
CaipitalPetrograd (1917–1918)
Moscow (Mairch 1918 – 1991)[1]
Common leidsRoushieb
GovrenmentFederal Soviet republic
Heid o state 
 1917 (first)
Lev Kamenevc
 1990-1991 (last)
Boris Yeltsind
Heid o govrenment 
 1917-1924 (first)
Vladimir Lenine
Ivan Silayevf
 1991 (last)
Boris Yeltsing
LegislaturVTsIK / Aw-Roushie Congress (1917–38)
Supreme Soviet (RSFSR) (1938–90)
Supreme Soviet (RSFSR) / Congress
o Fowk Deputies
Historical era20t century
 Bolshevik revolution
7 November 1917
9 November 1917
 Renamit[2] into Roushie Federation
25 Dizember 1991
ISO 3166 codeRU
Precedit bi
Succeedit bi
Roushie Republic
  1. Remeened the naitional anthem o Roushie till 2000.
  2. Offeecial leid in the courts frae 1937.[3]
  3. As Chairman o the VTsIK (Aw-Roushie Central Executive Committee).
  4. As Chairman o the Presidium o the Supreme Soviet o the RSFSR, frae 29 Mey 1990 tae 10 Julue 1991, then as Preses o Roushie.
  5. As Chairman o the Cooncil o Fowk's Commissars o the Roushie SFSR
  6. As Chairmen o the Cooncil o Meenisters — Govrenment o the Roushie SFSR
  7. Served as actin head of government while Preses o Roushie
Hero o the USSR Seiven Hero Ceety awairds
The Roushie Democratic Federative Republic exeestit breifly on January 19, 1918, but actual sovereignty wis still in the haunds o the Soviets even efter the Roushie Constituent Assembly opened its first an last session.[4]


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