Clan MacLeod (Scots Gaelic: Clann Mhic Leòid; Scots Gaelic pronunciation: [ˈkʰl̪ˠan̪ˠ viʰkʲ ˈlɔːtʲ]) is a Hieland Scots clan associatit wi the Isle o Skye.

Quick Facts Motto, Profile ...
Clan MacLeod
Crest: A bull's heid cabossed sable, horned Or, atween twa banners gules, staved at the first
MottoHauld fast
DestrictInner Hebrides
Plant badgeJuniper
Hugh MacLeod o MacLeod (thare is a rival claimant tae chiefship)[1]
30t Hereditary Chief Clan MacLeod Chief o the Name an Airms o MacLeod
SeatDunvegan Castle[2]
Historic seatDunvegan Castle[2]


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