Buenos Aires is a ceety locatit in the state o Pernambuco, Brazil. Locatit at 78 km frae Recife, caipital o Pernambuco. Haes a estimatit (Ibge 2009) population o 13,675 fowk.


  • State - Pernambuco
  • Region - Zona da mata Pernambucana
  • Boondars - Vicência (N); Carpina (S); Limoeiro (W); Nazaré da Mata (E)
  • Aurie - 96.69 sqkm
  • Elevation - 149 m
  • Hydrografie - Goiana River
  • Vegetation - Subcaducifólia forest
  • Climate - Het tropical an humid
  • Annual average temperatur - 23.1 c
  • Distance tae Recife - 78 km


The main economic activities in Buenos Aires are based in industry, commerce an agribusiness, especially succarcane, bananaes; an fermstockin sic as poutrie an cattle.

Economic indicators

More information Population, GDP x (1000 R$). ...
Population[1] GDP x (1000 R$).[2] GDP pc (R$) PE
13.675 40.186 3.100 0.07%

Economy bi Sector 2006

More information Primar sector, Seicontar sector ...
Primar sector Seicontar sector Service sector
25.24% 8.90% 65.86%

Halth indicators


More information HDI (2000), Hospitals (2007) ...
HDI (2000) Hospitals (2007) Hospitals beds (2007) Childer's Mortality ivery 1000 (2005)
0.621 1 14 17.4


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