Din engleza medie cat, catte, care provine din engleza veche catt („motan”) și catte („pisică”) < latină târzie cattus. Probabil de origine afro-asiatică, confer egipteana târzie čaute; forma feminină a lui čaus < forma mai veche tešau.
cat, pl. cats
- (zool.) pisică
- The cat climbed the tree.
- (p.ext., zool.) felină
- (iht.) silurid, silur; (spec.) somn
- (fig., peior.) femeie răutăcioasă, scorpie
- (spec.) entuziast al jazului
- (argou) tip, individ
- (nav.) palane de caponare
- (nav.) pisică-cu-nouă-cozi
- No room to swing a cat.
- (nav.) catamaran
- (tehn.) pisică
- 1: (zool.) housecat
- 2: (zool.) feline
- 3: (iht.) catfish
- 6: (în Anglia) bloke, chap, cove; dude, fellow, guy
Cuvinte compuse
cuvinte compuse
- alley cat
- African golden cat
- Andean cat
- Asiatic golden cat
- bay cat
- black-footed cat
- bobcat
- barn cat
- catbird
- cat-block
- cat-burglar
- catcall
- cat-eyed
- caterwaul
- catfish
- cat-footed
- catgut
- cat-harpin
- cathead, cat-head
- cat-house
- cat-ice
- catkin
- cat-lap
- cat-lick
- catlike
- catling
- catmint
- cat-nap
- catnip
- cattish
- cat-trap
- catty
- catwalk, cat-walk
- Chinese desert cat
- leopard cat
- tom cat, tomcat
- wildcat, wild cat
- a cat may look at a king
- all cats are grey in the dark, all cats are grey by night
- cat-and-mouse game
- cat got your tongue?
- cat o’ nine tails
- cat’s cradle
- cat’s eye
- cat’s meat
- the cat’s meow
- the cat’s pajamas, the cat’s pyjamas
- cat’s paw
- cat state
- cat’s-tail
- cat’s whisker
- curiosity killed the cat
- fat cat
- fight like cats and dogs
- fishing cat
- flat-headed cat
- Geoffroy's cat
- it's raining cats and dogs
- it would make a cat laugh
- jungle cat
- lead a cat-and-dog life
- let the cat out of the bag
- like a cat on hot bricks
- like herding cats
- like the cat that got the cream
- little spotted cat
- marbled cat
- native cat
- nine lives of a cat
- not enough room to swing a cat
- Pallas cat
- pampas cat
- rain cats and dogs
- rusty-spotted cat
- sand cat
- there is more than one way to skin a cat, there's more than one way to skin a cat
- wait for the cat to jump
- when the cat's away the mice will play
Conjugarea verbului to cat |
Infinitiv |
to cat |
Prezent simplu pers. 3 sg. |
cats |
Trecut simplu |
catted |
Participiu trecut |
catted |
Participiu prezent |
catting |
- (nav.) a capona o ancoră cu traversă
- (nav.) a bate cu pisica-cu-nouă-cozi
- (argou) a vomita
- (fam., în Irlanda) dezastruos, teribil
- The weather was cat, so they returned home early. = Vremea a fost oribilă, așa că s-au întors acasă mai devreme.