Frank Macfarlane Burnet

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Frank Macfarlane Burnet

Frank Macfarlane Burnet (n. , Traralgon⁠(d), Victoria, Australia – d. , Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) (cunoscut și sub presurtările Macfarlane sau Mac Burnet) a fost un virusolog australian, cunoscut pentru contribuțiile sale în domeniul imunologiei.

Mai multe informații Date personale, Născut ...
Frank Macfarlane Burnet
Date personale
Născut[1][2][3][4][5] Modificați la Wikidata
Traralgon⁠(d), Victoria, Australia Modificați la Wikidata
Decedat (85 de ani)[2][3][1][5][6] Modificați la Wikidata
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Modificați la Wikidata
Cauza decesuluicauze naturale (cancer) Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Australia[7] Modificați la Wikidata
cercetător Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba engleză[8] Modificați la Wikidata
RezidențăCanterbury[*][[Canterbury (suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)|]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Virusologie  Modificați la Wikidata
InstituțieUniversity of Melbourne  Modificați la Wikidata
Alma MaterUniversity of Melbourne
Universitatea din Londra  Modificați la Wikidata
OrganizațiiSocietatea Regală din Londra
Academia Regală Suedeză de Științe
Academia Australiană de Științe[*]
Academia Americană de Arte și Științe[*]
American Philosophical Society[*][[American Philosophical Society (American scholarly organization and learned society)|]][9]
Asociația Americană pentru Progresul Științei[*][9]
Academia Națională de Științe a Statelor Unite ale Americii[*]  Modificați la Wikidata
Conducător de doctoratJohn Ledingham[*][[John Ledingham (Ledingham, Sir John Charles Grant (1875–1944), bacteriologist)|]]  Modificați la Wikidata
PremiiAlbert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research[*][[Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research (American award for a fundamental discovery that opens up a new area of biomedical science)|]] ()[10]
Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire[*][[Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (award, rank of the Order of the British Empire)|]] ()
Medalia Copley ()[11]
Royal Medal ()
Premiul Nobel pentru Fiziologie sau Medicină ()[12][13]
Emil-von-Behring-Preis[*][[Emil-von-Behring-Preis (award)|]] ()
Australian of the Year[*][[Australian of the Year (Australian award presented on Australia Day each year)|]] ()
James Cook Medal[*][[James Cook Medal (medal awarded by Royal Society of New South Wales)|]] ()[14]
Mueller Medal[*][[Mueller Medal (award for important contributions to the natural sciences)|]] ()
Ordinul de Merit[*] ()
Ordinul Soarelui Răsare ()
Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal[*][[Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal (British and Commonwealth medal)|]] ()
Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal[*] ()
Knight Bachelor[*][[Knight Bachelor (title granted to a man who has been knighted by the British monarch but not as a member of one of the organised orders of chivalry)|]] ()
Croonian Medal and Lecture[*][[Croonian Medal and Lecture (prestigious lectureships given at the invitation of the Royal Society and the Royal College of Physicians)|]] ()
Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science[*][[Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (fellowship of the Australian Academy of Science)|]] ()[15]
honorary doctor of the University of Sydney[*][[honorary doctor of the University of Sydney |]]
Ordinul Australiei[*] ()
Knight of the Order of Australia[*][[Knight of the Order of Australia (award in the Order of Australia)|]] ()[16]
Matthew Flinders Medal and Lecture[*][[Matthew Flinders Medal and Lecture (Awarded by the Australian Academy of Science to recognise exceptional research by Australian scientists in the physical sciences)|]] ()[17]
honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons[*][[honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (fellowship)|]] ()[18]
Membru al Societății Regale[*] ()[19]
Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi[*][[Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi (honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, distinct from elected fellows)|]] (din )[20]
honorary doctor of the University of New Zealand[*][[honorary doctor of the University of New Zealand (award in New Zealand)|]] ()[21]  Modificați la Wikidata
Medalia Premiului Nobel
Medalia Premiului Nobel

A obșinut diploma în medicină la Universitatea din Melbourne.[22]

Pentru rezultatele sale, în 1960 i s-a decernat Premiul Nobel pentru Fiziologie sau Medicină.[23]


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