Carrie Vaughn
amerykańska pisarka Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii
Carrie Vaughn (ur. 28 stycznia 1973 w Mather Air Force Base koło Sacramento w stanie Kalifornia) – amerykańska pisarka, autorka literatury science fiction i fantasy oraz romansów paranormalnych[1].
![]() Carrie Vaughn w 2017 | |
Data i miejsce urodzenia |
28 stycznia 1973 |
Zawód, zajęcie |
pisarka |
Strona internetowa |
Ukończyła studia licencjackie na Occidental College w Los Angeles i magisterskie na University of Colorado Boulder[2]. Otrzymała nagrody literackie – Romantic Book Award (2005; za debiut powieściowy Kitty i nocna godzina), a także WSFA Small Press Award (2011; za opowiadanie Amaryllis) oraz Nagrodę im. Philipa K. Dicka (2017; za powieść Bannerless).
seria Kitty Norville
- Kitty and the Midnight Hour (2005; wydanie polskie 2010 Kitty i nocna godzina)
- Kitty Goes to Washington (2006; wydanie polskie 2010 Kitty i nocny Waszyngton)
- Kitty Takes a Holiday (2007; wydanie polskie 2011 Wakacyjne noce Kitty)
- Kitty and the Silver Bullet (2007; wydanie polskie 2012 Srebrna kula)
- Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand (2009)
- Kitty Raises Hell (2009)
- Kitty's House of Horrors (2009)
- Kitty Goes to War (2010)
- Kitty's Big Trouble (2011)
- Kitty Steals the Show (2012)
- Kitty Rocks the House (2013)
- Kitty in the Underworld (2013)
- Low Midnight (2014)
- Kitty Saves the World (2015)
seria Voices of Dragons
- Voices of Dragons (2010)
- Refuge of Dragons (2017)
seria Golden Age
- After the Golden Age (2011)
- Dreams of the Golden Age (2014)
- Discord's Apple (2010)
- Steel (2011)
- Martians Abroad (2017)
- Mississippi Roll (wraz z 6 innych autorów; 2017)
seria Bannerless Saga
- Bannerless (2017)
- The Wild Dead (2018)
Zbiory opowiadań
- Straying From the Path (2011)
- Songs of Love and Darkness (wraz z 3 innych autorów; 2012)
- Amaryllis (2016)
- Some of the Best from 2016 (wraz z 24 innych autorów; 2017)
- 2017 Hugo Finalist Bundle (wraz z 8 innych autorów; 2017)
Opowiadania i nowele
- The Girl with the Pre-Raphaelite Hair (1999)
- The Haunting of Princess Elizabeth (2000)
- A Riddle in Nine Syllables (2000)
- In Time (2001)
- Silence Before Starlight (2001)
z serii Kitty Norville
- Doctor Kitty Solves All Your Love Problems (2001)
- Kitty Loses Her Faith (2003)
- Kitty and the Mosh Pit of the Damned (2006)
- Kitty Meets the Band (2006)
- Winnowing the Herd (2006)
- A Princess of Spain (2007)
- Looking After Family (2007)
- Kitty's Zombie New Year (2007)
- Life Is the Teacher (2008)
- Il Est Né (2008)
- Conquistador de la Noche (2009)
- The Book of Daniel (2009)
- The Temptation of Robin Green (2009)
- Kitty Learns the Ropes (2010)
- Wild Ride (2010)
- God's Creatures (2010)
- Defining Shadows (2011)
- Kitty's Greatest Hits (2011)
- You're on the Air (2011)
- Long Time Waiting (2011)
- It's Still the Same Old Story (2011)
- The Arcane Art of Distribution (2012)
- Unternehmen Werwolf (2013)
- El Hidalgo de la Noche (2015)
- Bellum Romanum (2017)
- The Librarian's Daughter (2002)
- The Heroic Death of Lieutenant Michkov (2002)
- Strife Lingers in Memory (2002 – wydanie polskie w antologii Epopeja: Legendy fantasy 2002 Konflikt trwa w pamięci)
- A Hunter's Ode to His Bait (2003 – wydanie polskie w czasopiśmie Fantastyka / Nowa Fantastyka 2013 Oda myśliwego do przynęty)
- The Bravest of Us Touched the Sky (2004)
- This Is the Highest Step in the World (2004)
- Peace in Our Time (2004)
- Draw Thy Breath in Pain (2005)
- Danaë at Sea (2005)
- The Whimsical Lives of Bean Counters (2005)
- Crows (2006)
- Real City (2006)
- The Last Moments of a Doomed Race (2006)
- For Fear of Dragons (2006)
- Of Swords and Horses (2006)
- Marrying In (2007)
- Swing Time (2007)
- Free Space (2007)
- Just Cause: Part I (2008)
- Wild Cards: Just Cause (2008)
- Chosen Ones: Part One (2008)
- Chosen Ones: Part Two (2008)
- Just Cause: Part II (2008)
- Just Cause: Part III (2008)
- Just Cause: Part IV (2008)
- Little Black Dress (2008)
- The Nymph's Child (2008)
- A Letter to Nancy (2008)
- Gamma Ray versus Death (2008)
- The Happiest Place (2009)
- 1977 (2009)
- Watching (2009)
- Just Another Word (2010)
- Rooftops (2010)
- Ghost Girl Takes Manhattan (2010 – wydanie polskie w antologii Dzikie karty 2014 Zjawa nawiedza Manhattan)
- The Girls from Avenger (2010)
z serii Bannerless Saga
- Amaryllis (2010)
- Astrophilia (2012)
- Bannerless (2005 – wydanie polskie w czasopiśmie Fantastyka - Wydanie Specjalne 2017 Bez sztandaru)
- Where Would You Be Now? (2018)
z serii Thackery T. Lambshead
- Threads (2011)
seria Harry and Marlowe / The Aetherian Revolution
- Harry and Marlowe and the Talisman of the Cult of Egil (2012)
- Harry and Marlowe Escape the Mechanical Siege of Paris (2013)
- Harry and Marlowe Meet the Founder of the Aetherian Revolution (2013)
- Harry and Marlowe and the Intrigues at the Aetherian Exhibition (2014)
- Harry and Marlowe Versus the Haunted Locomotive of the Rockies (2014)
- Harry and Marlowe and the Secret of Ahomana (2018)
- It's Still the Same Old Story (2011 – wydanie polskie w antologii Chodząc nędznymi ulicami 2012 Wciąż ta sama historia)
- Now Purple with Love's Wound (2012)
- Don Quixote (2012)
- Game of Chance (2013 – wydanie polskie w czasopiśmie Fantastyka / Nowa Fantastyka 2017 W rękach losu)
- Fishwife (2013)
- The Art of Homecoming (2013)
- The Best We Can (2013 – wydanie polskie w czasopiśmie Fantastyka / Nowa Fantastyka 2015 Bo tyle możemy)
- Raisa Stepanova (2013 – wydanie polskie w antologii Niebezpieczne kobiety 2015 Raisa Stiepanowa)
- Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza (2014)
- Once More, for Old Times' Sake (2014)
- Salvage (2014)
- Roaring Twenties (2014 – wydanie polskie w antologii Łotrzyki 2015 Ryczące dwudziestki)
- Dancing with the Mouse King (2014)
- Sealskin (2015)
- Goodness and Kindness (2015)
- Sun, Stone, Spear (2015)
- Crazy Rhythm (2015)
- The Girl Who Loved Shonen Knife (2015)
- That Game We Played During the War (2016)
- Origin Story (2016)
- Takes All Kinds (wraz z Dianą Rowland; 2016)
- The Mind Is Its Own Place (2016)
- The Thing About Growing Up in Jokertown (2016)
- Redcap (2017)
- Alchemy (2017)
- I Have Been Drowned in Rain (2017)
- Dead Men in Central City (2017)
- The Evening of Their Span of Days (2017)
- The Huntsman and the Beast (2018)
- Closer to the Sky (2018)
- The Island of Beasts (2018)
- Caverns of Science (2012)
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