Ronaldus Laing (natus die 7 Octobris 1927; ictu cordis mortuus die 23 Augusti 1989) fuit psychiatricus sive psychologus Scoticus qui multum de morbo mentis, praecipue de psychosi usu cognota, scripsit.

-3 (maximum dubium) Latinitas huius rei maxime dubia est. Corrige si potes. Vide {{latinitas}}.
Quick Facts
Wikidata Ronaldus Laing
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Ronaldus Laing: imago
Nativitas: 7 Octobris 1927; Glasgovia
Obitus: 23 Augusti 1989; Torpetopolis
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum


Proles: Paul Laing

Laing fuit sub inspirationem? Caroli Marx et existentialistae Sartre, etiam motum contra psychiatriam de? morbus dissidentiae phreneticae? confirmavit. Suam theoria inspirationem? ad librum Anti-Oedipus dedit.


  • 1960 : The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • 1961 : The Self and Others. Londinii: Tavistock Publications. apud Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing
  • 1964 (cum Aaron Esterson) : Sanity, Madness and the Family. Londinii: Penguin Books.
  • 1964 (cum D. G. Cooper) : Reason and Violence: A Decade of Sartre's Philosophy. Ed. 2a. Londinii: Tavistock Publications Ltd.
  • 1966 (cum H. Phillipson et A. R. Lee) : Interpersonal Perception: A Theory and a Method of Research. Londinii: Tavistock.
  • 1967 : The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • 1970 : Knots. Londinii: Penguin. fragmentum
  • 1971 : The Politics of the Family and Other Essays. Londinii: Tavistock Publications.
  • 1976 : Do You Love Me? An Entertainment in Conversation and Verse Novi Eboraci: Pantheon Books.
  • 1976 : Sonnets. Londinii: Michael Joseph.
  • 1976 : The Facts of Life. Londinii: Penguin.
  • 1977 : Conversations with Adam and Natasha. Novi Eboraci: Pantheon.
  • 1982 : The Voice of Experience: Experience, Science and Psychiatry. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • 1985 : Wisdom, Madness and Folly: The Making of a Psychiatrist 1927-1957. Londinii: Macmillan.
  • 1995 (auctore B. Mullan) : Mad to be Normal: Conversations with R.D. Laing. Londiniin: Free Association Books.
  • 1992 (cum R. Russell) : R. D. Laing and Me: Lessons in Love. Novi Eboraci: Hillgarth Press.


  • Boyers, R., et R. Orrill, edd. 1971. Laing and Anti-Psychiatry. Novi Eboraci: Salamagundi Press.
  • Burston, Daniel. 1996. The Wing of Madness: The Life and Work of R. D. Laing. Cantabrigiae Massachusettensium: Harvard University Press.
  • Burston, Daniel. 2000. The Crucible of Experience: R. D. Laing and the Crisis of Psychotherapy. Cantabrigiae Massachusettensium: Harvard University Press.
  • Clay, John. 1996. R.D. Laing: A Divided Self. Londinii: Hodder & Stoughton.
  • Collier, A. 1977. R. D. Laing: The Philosophy and Politics of Psychotherapy. Novi Eboraci: Pantheon.
  • Evans, R. I. 1976. R. D. Laing, The Man and His Ideas. Novi Eboraci: E. P. Dutton.
  • Friedenberg, E. Z. 1973. R. D. Laing. Novi Eboraci: Viking Press.
  • Miller, G. 2004. R.D. Laing. Edinburgi: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Laing, Adrian. 1994. R. D. Laing: A Biography. Londinii: Peter Owen
  • Kotowicz, Z. 1997. R.D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry. Londinii: Taylor & Francis.
  • Mullan, B., Ed. 1997. R.D. Laing: Creative Destroyer. Londinii: Cassell & Co.
  • Mullan, B. 1999. R.D. Laing: A Personal View. Londinii: Duckworth.
  • Raschid, S., Ed. 2005. R.D. Laing: Contemporary Perspectives. Londinii: Free Association Books.

Pelliculae et ludi de R. D. Laing

  • Asylum 1972. Documentarium a Petro Robinson directum.
  • Did you used to be R.D. Laing? 1989. Documentarium a Kirk Tougas et Tom Shandel factum.
  • Did you use to be R.D. Laing? 2000. Ludus scaenicus.
  • Family Life 1971. Pellicula a Ken Loach facta.


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