Ephemeris primae navigationis Christophori Columbi per se non servatur, sed magna parte a Bartholomaeo Casao rescripta est in primo libro operis Historia de las Indias; quod opus non ante saeculum undevicesimum divulgatum est.

Christophorus Columbus: effigies paulo post Columbi mortem a Rudolpho Ghirlandaio confecta


Editiones et versiones
  • 1825 : Martin Fernandez de Navarrete, ed., Colección de los viages y descubrimientos vol. 1 (Matriti) pp. 1-166
  • 1827 : Samuel Kettell, interpr., Personal narrative of the first voyage of Columbus to America. Bostoniae
  • 1828 : Chalumeau de Verneuil, De La Roquette, interprr., Relations des quatre voyages entrepris par Christophe Colomb. Vol. 1. Lutetiae
  • 1892 : Cesare de Lollis, ed., Raccolta Columbiana. Romae
  • 1893 : Clements R. Markham, tr., The Journal of Christopher Columbus during his first voyage, 1492-1493. Londinii: Hakluyt Society; Textus
  • 1903 : John Boyd Thacher, Christopher Columbus: his life, his work, his remains. Vol. 1. Novi Eboraci
  • 1930 : Cecil Jane, interpr., The Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Londinii: Argonaut Press
  • 1963 : Samuel Eliot Morison, interpr., Journals and other documents on the life and voyages of Christopher Columbus. Novi Eboraci, 1963
  • 1982 : Consuelo Varela, ed., Cristóbal Colón: Textos y documentos completos. Matriti: Alianza Editorial, 1982
  • 1987 : Robert H. Fuson, interpr., The Log of Christopher Columbus: his own account of the voyage that changed the world. Summit PA: International Marine Publishing, 1987; Exemplar mutuabile
  • 1989 : Oliver Dunn, James E. Kelley, jr., interprr., The diario of Christopher Columbus's first voyage to America, 1492-1493. Norman Oclahomae, 1989
  • 1992 : Paolo Emilio Taviani, Consuelo Varela, edd.; Marc A. Beckwith, Luciano F. Farina, interprr., Christopher Columbus: The Journal Account of the First Voyage and Discovery of the Indies. Romae: Nuova Raccolta Colombiana
  • David Henige, In Search of Columbus: the sources for the first voyage. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1991
  • Samuel Eliot Morison, "Texts and Translations of the Journal of Columbus's First Voyage" in Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 19 (1939), pp. 235-261 [ JSTOR]
De singulis rebus
  • Maria Vittoria Calvi, "Communication between Spaniards and Indians in Columbus' Journal" in Annals of Scholarship vol. 8 (1991) pp. 181-199
  • Peter Hulme, "Columbus and the cannibals: a study of the reports of anthropophagy in the journal of Christopher Columbus" in Ibero-Amerikanische Archiv vol. 4 (1981) pp. 115-139
  • Julia McClure, "Poverty, power, and knowledge: an early entangled history of Hispaniola" in Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies vol. 38 (2013) pp. 197-219 JSTOR
  • Samuel Eliot Morison, "The route of Columbus along the north coast of Haiti, and the site of Navidad" in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society vol. 21 (1939/41) pp. 239-285
  • I. Rouse, The Taínos: Rise and Decline of the People Who Greeted Columbus. Novo Portu Connecticutae: Yale University Press, 1992

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