Conservative Mind, 7th Ed. (2001) ISBN 0-89526-171-5 Magnet, Myron, Modern Sex: Liberation and Its Discontents (2001) ISBN 1-56663-384-2 Medved, Diane and Dan Quayle
Kim 2021, p. 7. Choe, Kwang (2013). “In Celebration of the Day of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War”. Pictorial Korea 693 (9): 23–27. ISSN 1727-9208
Army、National Liberation Army) リビア反政府国民会議(リビア野党派国民会議、National Conference for the Libyan Opposition) リビア救済国民戦線(National Front for the Salvation of Libya) リビア人権連盟(Libyan