- A. 主要著書
- 武田勝男、菊地浩吉:癌の秘密. 金原出版、東京、1972
- 菊地浩吉ほか編著:じん肺図譜. 労働福祉事業団、岩見沢労災病院、1974
- Ishikura,H. and Kikuchi,K. Eds.: Intestinal Anisakiasis in Japan. Springer Verlag, N.Y./Berlin, 1990
- 菊地浩吉:続医者の学校はいま. 南山堂、東京、1992
- 菊地浩吉、菊地由里:最新免疫学図説. メディカルカルチユア、東京、1995
- 菊地浩吉、吉木敬編:新病理学総論、第16版、南山堂、1997
- 菊地浩吉ほか編:Annual Review免疫1997、中外医学社、1997
- 菊地浩吉ほか:周り道免疫学. メディカルレビユー社、1998
- Kikuchi,K. et al Eds.: Recent Advances of Human Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy. Gann Monogr.Cancer Res.48,Jpn.Sci.Soc.Press,Tokyo, 1999
- 菊地浩吉、吉木敬編:新病理学各論. 第13版、南山堂、2000
- 菊地浩吉監修、佐藤昇志ほか編:病態病理学. 第16版、南山堂、2004
- 菊地浩吉ほか編:医科免疫学、第6版、南江堂、2008
- 菊地浩吉:藻岩山麓記. 2009
- 北海道対がん協会:創立80周年記念誌. 財団法人北海道対がん協会、2011
- 菊地浩吉、菊地由生子:癌免疫物語、私家改訂版、2012
- 菊地浩吉:菊地浩吉、研究と業績1958-2012、札幌医科大学、2012
- 菊地浩吉:器官病理学序論. 笠原、石倉、佐藤編、器官病理学、p.3-11、南山堂、2013
- B. 主要論文
- 菊地浩吉:ラッテ腹水腫瘍の腫瘍特異抗原の細胞内所在に関する研究. 日病誌50:394-412,611-619, 1961
- Takeda,K., Kikuchi,K. et al: Immunological prophylaxis of chemical carcinogenesis in mice. Ⅰ. Effect of immunization with insoluble lipoprotein of tumor cells on Methylcholanthrene carcinogenesis. Gann 58:203-209, 1967
- Kikuchi,K., et al: Diffusible cytotoxic substance associated with cell- mediated resistance to syngeneic mouse tumors in tissue culture: in vitro demonstration. Science 165:203-209, 1969
- Kikuchi,K., et al: Tumor-specific cell-mediated resistance to autochtho- nous tumors. Cancer Res. 32:516-521, 1972
- 菊地浩吉:がんの免疫 − その思想と発展. 自然28(10):36-45, 1973
- Kikuchi,K., et al: Cell-mediated immunity involved in autochthonous tumor rejection in rats. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 276: 188-206, 1976
- 菊地浩吉:リンパ球表面抗原の解析とその応用. 日病誌72: 3-28, 1983
- 菊地浩吉:癌細胞に対する免疫応答、免疫細胞および組織. 飯島ほか編、現代病理学大系9B、腫瘍と宿主、原因発生論. Ⅰ. p.17-37, 中山書店、東京、1984
- 菊地浩吉:リンパ球分化抗原と悪性リンパ腫. 小島 瑞編、悪性リンパ腫、p.23-43、近代出版、東京、1984
- Ishii,Y., Kikuchi,K., et al: Lymphoid cell subpopulations infiltrating into autologous rat tumors undergoing rejection. Cancer Res. 44: 4053-4058, 1984
- Kikuchi,K., et al: Significance of local T cell response to human cancer. In: Torisu,M. and Yoshida,T., eds., Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Treatment of Tumor Metastasis. p.143-161, Acad, Press, New York, 1985
- Shijubo,N., Uede,T., and Kikuchi,K. : Functioal analysis of mono- nuclear cell infiltration to tumors. Ⅴ. A soluble factor involved in the regulation of cytotoxic/suppressor T cells infiltrating into tumors. J.Immunol.142: 2961-2967, 1989
- Kikuchi,K., et al : Cytotoxic T cell clones against human autologous cancers.: Analysis of target antigen and the mechanism of specific target cell destruction. In: Hamaoka,T. et al, eds. Immune System and Cancer, p.303- 313, Talor and Francis, London, 1989
- Takami,T., Kikuchi,K., et al: Reactivity and specificity of L26 (pan B cell mAb) on 322 cases of fresh and paraffin embedded lymphoproliferative diseases. In: Knapp,W. et al. eds., Leucocyte Typing , White cell Differen- tiation Antigens. Oxford, NY/Tokyo, 1989
- Sato,N., Kikuchi,K., et al: Natural antigenic peptides of gastric signet ring cell carcinomas. In: Kikuchi,K. et al., eds., Recent Adv. of Human Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy. Gann Monogr. Cancer Res. 48, p.31-41, Jpn. Sci. Soc. Press, Tokyo, 1998
- Kikuchi,K. and Sato,N: Cell-mediated immunity of autologous cancer – Rationale of immunology and immunotherapy. In: Kikuchi,K. et al., eds., Recent Adv. Human Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy. Gann Monogr. Cancer Res. 48, p.31-41, Jpn. Sci. Soc. Press, Tokyo, 1998
- Nabeta,Y., Kikuchi,K., et al: Induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes from peripheral blood of HLA-A31 gastric cancer patients by in vitro stimulation with antigenic peptide of signet ring cell carcinoma. Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 91: 616-621, 2000
- Sahara,H., Kikuchi,K., et al.: A gene encoding human gastric signet ring cell carcinoma antigen recognized by HLA-A31- restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes. J. Immunother. 25: 235-242, 2002
- 菊地浩吉:モノクローナル抗体:ノーベル賞の医療への貢献. 綜合臨床57: 95-100、2008